For someone that hates horror movies in general and zombies in particular, I kind of enjoy the Resident Evil series. They’re by no means good, but they’ve usually been fun. Everyone agrees that they’re flashy and trashy, and you’re not meant to take them seriously. That being said, Resident Evil: The Final Chapter was one of the worst movies I have ever seen, hands down.


The Final Chapter picks up right after the events of Retribution, which I didn’t know about because I haven’t watched a Resident Evil movie since Extinction. That’s okay though, because they spend a good deal in the beginning going over the events of the previous five movies in a massive exposition dump. This is in between the choppy editing, cheap jump scares you can see from a mile away and… dragons? When did the Resident Evil movies get dragons?! And that’s all in the first few minutes! Hoo boy.

Having survived the events of the previous film (obviously), our no-longer-super-powered protagonist Alice is contacted by her nemesis, The Red Queen. The mission? I really don’t care at this point but apparently it’s to save the world. Again. But totally for real this time, guys. So back to Raccoon City for Alice, in an attempt to book-end the series by repeating the first movie, only this time it’s not as cool. Yes, that means that mutant dogs and the laser corridor make a return, but in a completely watered down form.


I can’t really go into the plot, as there’s not enough to warrant speaking about save for the enormous holes. Besides, every set-up, twist and reveal is so eye-rollingly obvious it’s insulting. The editing is atrocious, every fight scene has about 80 cuts to different angles and you can’t tell what’s going on. Even in the “calmer” scenes with characters conversing, the camera bobs and weaves. At least they tone it down for those scenes, with only about 30 cuts each.

Speaking of the characters, there’s also not much to talk about there. When it comes to the acting, it seemed like everyone was woodenly reading from cue cards just off camera. Milla Jovovich does her best and kicks some serious butt, but mostly, everyone else is just phoning it in. The supporting cast either look way too uninterested, or say their lines in a vaguely befuddled way, like they’re not sure why they’re in the movie. The terribly stiff acting got to the point where I was having a hard time trying to tell if Wesker was real, or another Tarkin-esque CGI non-person.


I would try to talk more about the special effects and the CGI, but honestly, the editing was so haphazard I couldn’t really tell if it was good or not. I swear this film was edited by a squirrel on a caffeine bender. The pace is unbelievably frantic, as the film never really slows down at all. You might think the high-octane momentum is a good thing, but the pace is unsustainable. When a film moves that quickly to throw as much as it can in your face, you lose track of what’s going on.

“But Tracy”, you cry, “This is Resident Evil we’re talking about! You said it yourself, they’re flashy and trashy, why would you expect anything else?” Well, when it comes to “bad” movies, there are two kinds of bad: good-bad, and bad-bad. Good-bad movies revel in their badness and take you along for the ride. Good-bad is still cheesy and fun, not to be taken seriously.

Ugh, is it over yet?

Bad-bad movies are just that, they’re bad. And Resident Evil: The Final Chapter is definitely a bad-bad movie. Badly directed, badly acted, really badly edited and just not worth your time. I could only recommend it for one of two reasons. One, if you’re a massive Resident Evil fan, then fair enough – you might eke out some enjoyment from the last installment. Two: if you’re a completionist that just has to watch it because you can’t rest until you’ve seen them all. If that’s the case then that’s kind of weird, but hey, you do you.

Last Updated: February 3, 2017

Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
For everyone else, I would only say go along to make sure you witness the last nail in the coffin of this franchise. Hopefully it doesn’t rise from the grave again, because this zombie of a movie is falling apart.
49/ 100


  1. Kromas Ryder

    February 3, 2017 at 11:13

    Ouch. Bad score but I suppose I still need to see this to finish of the series.


  2. Guild

    February 3, 2017 at 11:25

    Looking forward to watching this.


    • RinceThis

      February 3, 2017 at 11:49

      Dude, even your poor taste won’t enjoy this movie *runs


      • Guild

        February 3, 2017 at 11:59

        Next time you visit, we will be watching “Driving Miss Daisy”. Uncultured youth


  3. Magoo

    February 3, 2017 at 11:31

  4. RinceThis

    February 3, 2017 at 11:48

    Tracy. Well done. I hid like a coward form doing this review because, after leaving the cinema. I had to go home and rest my head under iced-water for a whole evening. It was bloody atrocious. I suspect that in the future people will use this in Film Studies 101 to show how to not make a movie. To say they usde shakey came is to insult the Bourne movies. My gods, what a stupid film. Even the ending was terrible in that it literally forgot the whole point of the movie! Man, to those who think ‘I”’ just catch it on DVD (Trevor) don’t do it.


    • Guild

      February 3, 2017 at 11:58

      Shut up. I’m waiting patiently for the Bluray


      • Marie Lawson

        February 3, 2017 at 12:10

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  5. Craig "CrAiGiSh" Dodd

    February 3, 2017 at 12:05

    Don’t care how bad it is or the reviews – I’m going to watch this movie and I know what I’m in for 😀


  6. VampyreSquirrel

    February 3, 2017 at 12:06

    Don’t care… will still watch it.


  7. Original Heretic

    February 3, 2017 at 12:11

    Bleh. Skip.


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