Home Gaming Is Kojima's Next Title Called 'LORD OF SHADOW'?

Is Kojima's Next Title Called 'LORD OF SHADOW'?

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Hideo Kojima, the creator of the Metal Gear Solid series is one of the most infamous names in gaming.

As you may already know by now, Kojima Productions has been teasing and taunting with a countdown-based page. The count-down suggests the release date for Kojima’s next title however the there’s word that Raiden from MGS2 made an appearence for a lmtd time or some fanboy has been busy with Photoshop.


For now there’s another question regarding Hideo and the possibility that his next title may be Lord of Shadows. The latest issue of PSW has a teaser for its next issue that features a title, ‘Hideo’s Next Game’ written over the silhouette of a large individual. the silhouette howver has a close resemblence to the lead character in what is already known as Konami’s PS3 and Xbox 360’s action-adventure title, Lord of Shadow.

Originally the game was announced as a Spain-based Clive Barker’s Jericho dev, Mercury Steam project. Said to be a kind of dark fairy tale with lots of combat and puzzle solving. Konami says that,

“this is a title we hope will set a new standard for action-adventure titles”.

Take into account that we already know that Kojima has been expressing his interest in working with a western developer, the connection doesn’t seem far-fetched. Thus since Lord of Shadow is clearly not only a Konami project but others are involved too, the chances are high that this is not the title to be revealed on when Kojima’s count-down timer hits zero.

You may be thinking that it should’ve hit zero already. Well it did. Then it got replaced with an even longer one that should hit zero next week sometime. The site does have a few extra characters which seems to spell 5@E3 (need I explain?) and the weather is now storming over the grass field…. check it out for yourself here.

I gotta say I’m beginning to find this whole viral marketing trend thingy rather annoying and totally cliched. A righteous waste of time for those who are determined to spend countless hours trying to search and find out what the hell it all means… its called a PRESS RELEASE and they work dammit! I guess Ican’t take the torture anymore.

Source: CVG & Cinemablend

Last Updated: May 24, 2009

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