Home Gaming Survey Says Gamers are Losers Without Girlfriends

Survey Says Gamers are Losers Without Girlfriends

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Over the past few years, we’ve moved away from the stereotype of the gamer as a pasty, socially awkward, sun-fearing basement dweller – bereft of charm, hairbrushes and deodorant. Not the sort of bait conducive to snagging a member of the opposite – or same, if that’s your thing – sex.

Gamers these days are mostly seen as regular people, capable of forging relationships – who just happen to like playing games. Is that really the case though? A recent anonymous 80-000 strong survey by GameFAQS revealed that nearly 68% of those polled are not in a relationship – and that 42% of those surveyed have never been in a relationship at all.

The results of the relationship status poll of 79268 GameFAQs members attested to 42.35% of users have never having had a significant other, while 25.28% are currently single, but have had at least one partner in the past. 14.55% are in a non-serious relationship, 9.15% are engaged, and a mere 8.67% are married.

I’m pretty surprised by the results. The majority of gamers I know are indeed just regular people, most of whom are actually married. The rest of them? They are in committed, serious relationships with their right hands.

Is this a testament to the veracity of a hackneyed stereotype of gamers as a whole, or just indicative of the gaming microcosm that is the GameFAQS community?

Source : Hot Blooded Gaming

Last Updated: August 4, 2010


  1. Fred

    August 4, 2010 at 15:12

    Procreation procrastination.


  2. Uncle

    August 4, 2010 at 15:53

    Well out of my mates, 50% have gf’s and 50% are socially challenged…


  3. Werner

    August 4, 2010 at 16:13

    Did they also ask the people’s ages? Won’t really help if most of those people polled are still teenagers?


  4. Geoffrey Tim

    August 4, 2010 at 16:17

    It’s gameFAQS. Having read the forums there, based on the way that bunch acts, I’d be surprised if anybody is over 12.


  5. I love my right hand

    October 8, 2010 at 11:38

    I asked my right hand to marry me but I cant figure out what finger to put the ring on


  6. Michael

    November 11, 2010 at 12:54

    Having or not having a girlfriend is not the sole defining factor of a fulfilled life. What’s really detrimental about video games are that they give people an excuse to stay inside, in front of the tv or pc, when they could be out socialising, going to bars, clubs, the theatre, art galleries, travelling etc etc.

    If you’re a “hardcore” gamer, ask yourself this question : is my life fulfilling? Am I happy to while away my years trying to get 100% of the achievement for Halo Reach?


    • Mister Selmo

      April 19, 2014 at 08:41

      Having someone to bump uglies with is by far the most fulfilling thing in life. Not having anybody sucks. Just admit it, already.


  7. Manner

    December 25, 2010 at 02:54

    Don’t be surprised, most of them aren’t. Playing video games is a profession for kids and a loosely executed hobby for mature adults.


  8. Manner

    December 25, 2010 at 02:55

    “68% of those polled are not in a relationship – and that 42% of those surveyed have never been in a relationship at all.”

    Yeah the grand majority of gamers are STILL basement dwelling losers with 0 social skills and little to none relationship experience with the opposite sex. Unfortunately they’re not smart either, sometimes smart people have 0 social skills but this is factually not the case for gamers.


    • introsp

      September 10, 2014 at 19:04

      How about they associate those numbers with age. Lots of young gamers out there, but none of your arguments hold any weight anyways. Perhaps you are the ignorant basement dwelling troll that you appear to be.


  9. Manner

    December 25, 2010 at 02:56

    Spoken like a true professional gamer.


  10. Mister Selmo

    April 19, 2014 at 08:38

    You make having to talk to people sound like the worst thing imaginable. Combative tone, overbearing communication style rife with condescension, ignorance and arrogance.

    Let’s all listen to you.


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