Home Gaming Ubisoft says Assassin’s Creed Origins DRM has “no perceptible effect on game performance”

Ubisoft says Assassin’s Creed Origins DRM has “no perceptible effect on game performance”

2 min read


From reports, it seems some Pc gamers are having a tough time getting Assassin’s creed Origins to run at acceptable frame rates on their beefy machines. Anti-DRM advocates have been quick to lay the blame on the double-whammy of DRM that’s protecting the game from pirates right now.

Assassin’s Creed Origins not only utilises the beleaguered, uncrackable Denuvo (that’s been cracked to smithereens), but also VMProtect, which runs executable code within a virtual machine. According to crackers, it’s this second layer of DRM that’s causing the CPU performance when running the game to spike.

“Basically, Ubisoft have implemented VMProtect on top of Denuvo, tanking the game’s performance by 30-40 per cent, demanding that people have a more expensive CPU to play the game properly, only because of the DRM. It’s anti-consumer and a disgusting move,” said noted game cracker Volski to Torrenfreak.

Ubisoft, however, disagrees – saying that the CP hit caused by the DRM in imperceptible. Instead, the game is designed to use all of the available CPU cycles, to enable its living, breathing ancient world. Says Ubisoft in a statement to Gearnuke.

“We’re confirming that the anti-tamper solutions implemented in the Windows PC version of Assassin’s Creed Origins have no perceptible effect on game performance.

In order to recreate a living, systemic and majestic open world of Ancient Egypt, where players can witness all of its stunning details, its beautiful landscapes & incredible cities, in a completely seamless way with no loading screens, Assassin’s Creed Origins uses the full extent of the minimum and recommended PC system requirements here: http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.php/1759689 while ensuring a steady 30 FPS performance.

We’re committed to ensuring the most optimum experience possible for everyone, and we advise any players who may encounter performance issues on PC to check out support.ubi.com as there might be already a workaround or to contact us further explaining their issues so that we can solve them.”

As I said earlier this week, whatever the cause, the effects is that many people are unable to play the game properly, and that’s a shame.

Last Updated: November 2, 2017


  1. Admiral Chief

    November 2, 2017 at 14:09

  2. Admiral Chief

    November 2, 2017 at 14:10

  3. Raptor Rants

    November 2, 2017 at 14:11

    I’d like to point out where PR heavily worded this to not land them in trouble if it turns out to be true:

    “We’re confirming that the anti-tamper solutions implemented in the Windows PC version of Assassin’s Creed Origins have no perceptible effect on game performance.”

    They admit it does affect in some form, but just use perception as the buffer. Because perception is based on a point of view. It probably isn’t perceptible on their own hardware and test benches which are THE BEST AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET AT THE TIME.

    So it’s not a lie, it’s just not true for consumers who cannot afford such high spec.

    Also, any VM reduces your CPU performance. Full Virtualisation of CPU hardware is NOT A THING on user end machines. Even Intel i-series CPUs with built in virtualisation still cannot provide full CPU power to ANY virtualised system. Because that’s not how VM works. You don’t get full hardware access on a VM. I mean, you ever tried to run a GPU intensive anything from a VM? Go see how badly it utilises CPU and GPU power. Especially GPU since VM’s don’t really support hardware acceleration on GPU’s.

    But hey. Sure. Virtualisation as an overhead has no performance knock.
    Sure. Whatever.


    • Admiral Chief

      November 2, 2017 at 14:11



      • Magoo

        November 2, 2017 at 14:41

        tl;dr they are wrong and I hate them


  4. Original Heretic

    November 2, 2017 at 14:15

    Aaaaaaaand this is why we play on console.


    • Kromas Ryder

      November 2, 2017 at 14:49

      Ubisoft is notorious for screwing the games on everything. Then you get companies like Activision and Blizzard that polish their games to a tee and that is where PC shines.


      • Original Heretic

        November 2, 2017 at 14:55

        PC always has the potential to shine more than console. Any console gamer who disputes that is a fucking moron.
        But I recall from my PC gaming days (granted, it was WAAAAAY back, at least a decade ago) that I always ended up being the poor git who experienced issues with my games.
        Console is just so much easier.


        • Kromas Ryder

          November 3, 2017 at 12:09

          I would agree but I have a box with 3 broken Xboxes (RRoD) in a box somewhere telling me crap can happen with any system.


  5. Alien Emperor Trevor

    November 2, 2017 at 14:27

    It makes the game more cinematic.


  6. Magoo

    November 2, 2017 at 14:37

    Show me one PC gamer in the whole world, ever, who was happy with 30fps


    • Raptor Rants

      November 2, 2017 at 14:39

      It really depends on the game actually. A city builder game I barely notice when it dips below 30 for a bit. But racing games or action games… nope nope nope. 30FPS just looks… wrong


    • Alien Emperor Trevor

      November 2, 2017 at 14:44

      Me, I think. I have no idea what fps my games are running at most of the time. All I go with is “does it stutter badly?” if no, everything’s great.


      • Magoo

        November 2, 2017 at 14:46

        If no, it’s not 30fps


    • Kromas Ryder

      November 2, 2017 at 14:47

      Me ….. in 1990.


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