Home Entertainment Rotten Tomatoes changes its “Audience Score” to combat review-bombing trolls

Rotten Tomatoes changes its “Audience Score” to combat review-bombing trolls

3 min read

Another day, another big Hollywood blockbuster that happens to either wear its politics on its sleeve or have outspoken creators getting its Rotten Tomatoes rating trashed by trolls. As we mentioned last week, Captain Marvel is the latest film to find itself in the crosshairs of a group of, frankly, pathetic individuals whose existence has peaked because they got to say mean things about a movie online. In this case, it was star Brie Larson’s public comments on how she wanted more diversity in her press tour instead of only being interviewed by white guys that set the rabble off as most of them somehow misconstrued the Oscar-winning actresses’ words as “I don’t want white guys to watch or review my movie”. That is exactly what a large number of laughably angry comments are claiming over on Rotten Tomatoes, along with spittle-flecked declarations that the film is garbage despite none of these people actually having seen it for themselves yet.

Most recently, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Black Panther, and Paul Feig’s Ghostbusters reboot infamously also saw themselves under attack on RottenTomatoes. The difference though was that most of those attacks happened after the films were released and it could still be argued that among all the ridiculous vitriol, most of it from racists/sexists who don’t want diversity in “their” movies, there were genuine criticisms from people who constructively didn’t enjoy aspects of the movie (It wasn’t helped that, as a study conducted last year, negative online sentiment to The Last Jedi was artificially fanned by a coordinated attack of Russian bots).

Whether via bots or not, at the time of writing, Captain Marvel’s “Want To See” score has been tanked to the lowest point for any Marvel film ever on the review aggregator due to these trolls. And Rotten Tomatoes now wants to do something about things like this occurring again. Announced last night, the review aggregator “will refresh and modernize our Audience Rating System” in order to “more accurately and authentically represent the voice of fans”.

To do this, with immediate effect, the “Want To See” score for a movie (which is supposed to be an indicator of pre-release buzz) will be removed from any movie that has not hit cinemas yet. As Rotten Tomatoes continues in its editorial, “the ‘Want to See’ percentage score is often times confused with the ‘Audience Score’ percentage number”. The latter (which is the percentage of all users who have rated the movie or TV show positively) is only shown once the movie or TV show is released. Now that will be the only thing visible on a movie’s scorecard, which is also getting streamlined to show less clutter.

Of course, that doesn’t stop the Audience Score itself from being tanked but at least it should be balanced out somewhat by legitimate reviews from people who have actually seen the movie. Rotten Tomatoes aren’t stopping there though, as they are also disabling all comments on movies prior to their release. According to the announcement, the site has seen “an uptick in non-constructive input, sometimes bordering on trolling, which we believe is a disservice to our general readership.” Once a movie releases, all comments will be available again.

According to the LA Times, online movie ticket seller Fandango is also investigating ways to verify the veracity of user comments based on whether or not the commenter has bought tickets to the movie they’re commenting on. On top of this, they’re also looking at ways to offer users more personalized scores, however they have pointed out that “It’s not our business to control opinion. People are going to love and hate different products for different reasons. Security and relevancy are major threads to create usefulness.”

Unfortunately, the internet being what it is, none of the aforementioned changes will every fully eradicate these hate-filled trolls. As long as they have a level of anonymity, they will continue to spew out their brand of anger online, derailing and obfuscating legitimate critical debates. However, any steps taken to try and minimise the dick-ish impact of these idiots, the better.

Last Updated: February 27, 2019


  1. This headline is “miss represented the facts” it is not a review bomb, because people are unable to review the movie yet. It is simply an indication of people not wanting to see the movie. Labeling all those people trolls as you and the other people covering this is disingenuous. I am sure there are some who are trolls, but people not wanting to see a movie because of whatever they perceive as a problem with it does not automatically make them trolls. Criticism is not trolling. Please i know it is hard in this day an age to get it right, but do think things like this can be reported on more correctly which would stop a lot of this silly us v them narrative. But then maybe you dont want to stop?


  2. Quentin Huggett

    February 27, 2019 at 11:17

    This headline is “miss represented the facts” it is not a review bomb, because people are unable to review the movie yet. It is simply an indication of people not wanting to see the movie. Labeling all those people trolls as you and the other people covering this is disingenuous. I am sure there are some who are trolls, but people not wanting to see a movie because of whatever they perceive as a problem with it does not automatically make them trolls. Criticism is not trolling. Please i know it is hard in this day an age to get it right, but do think things like this can be reported on more correctly which would stop a lot of this silly us v them narrative. But then maybe you dont want to stop?


    • RinceThis

      February 27, 2019 at 11:48

      Nope. There was an audience score too. That is what people were trolling in. That is what is considered review bombing.


      • Quentin Huggett

        February 27, 2019 at 12:07

        I think you need to check again. There was no audience score yet. Want to see was the only metric available. A simple google search on the history will show you that.


        • RinceThis

          February 27, 2019 at 12:07

          Oh. I thought there was. Either way deliberately making people think a movie is shit when you haven’t seen it is the same. Pretty sure your criticism of Kervyn, a man who knows his stuff, is unfounded.


          • Quentin Huggett

            February 27, 2019 at 12:46

            I am sure Kervyn can handle the criticism, and in this case as i have pointed out to you and him it is well founded.

          • RinceThis

            February 27, 2019 at 12:46

            If you say so boet.

    • Gavin Mannion

      February 27, 2019 at 13:03

      I’d like to believe this. I really would but I would bet my house on 90% of the negative votes are because of some idiotic view on the world from the assholes on the internet.

      As for the us vs them mentality, the world is in a very weird place right now and as much as I enjoy solid discussions around points it just isn’t feasible when one side completely ignores facts and just rages and posts racist bullshit all the time.


      • Magoo

        February 27, 2019 at 13:03

        “Bet on my house”
        Solid troll, ye nomad.


      • RinceThis

        February 27, 2019 at 13:03



        • Alien Emperor Trevor

          February 27, 2019 at 13:22

          He’s talking about you.


          • RinceThis

            February 27, 2019 at 13:22

            Which is why I said this ?

      • Quentin Huggett

        February 27, 2019 at 14:14

        Sure and you may be right. In fact i would probably agree that i is a high percentage that are negative trolls. it still does not to my mind justify using this language in the headline because it is not a fact. Further more i find it ironic you mentioning one side ignoring facts when that is exactly what i am point out here is the facts. Not only that but the assumption that people must be objecting to this movie because they are sexist is even more pernicious. It is the whole BF5 thing again. Lastly after arguably the two biggest stories this year(Covington and Jussie Smollet) having been reported factually incorrect and thus caused a social up roar only to find out later that they are in fact wrong or hoax’s i would again expect more care to be take by people in the media to get the factual part right, thus my criticism, thus my objection the the headline. Perhaps i am wrong or foolish to expect that


        • Gavin Mannion

          February 27, 2019 at 20:09

          Covington was not entirely factually incorrect though, that’s just a smoke screen. Either way, a headline is there to give you an insight into an article and to try get you to read it. While I don’t personally agree entirely with the article I think it came across with enough info to be viewed fairly, so I have no complaints


          • Quentin Huggett

            February 27, 2019 at 20:27

            Covington was not reported fairly or factually correct at all, but i am not here to rehash that point. As for the rest most people only read headlines, so it is important to get them right i am fairly sure that you know this.

        • Gavin Mannion

          February 27, 2019 at 20:09

          Covington was not entirely factually incorrect though, that’s just a smoke screen. Either way, a headline is there to give you an insight into an article and to try get you to read it. While I don’t personally agree entirely with the article I think it came across with enough info to be viewed fairly, so I have no complaints


    • Rince

      February 27, 2019 at 11:47

      Nope. You are confused. There were 3 scores on RT. The audience, critics and want to see. The audience score is what is considered review bombing as people were reviewing it based on not actually seeing it.


    • Pariah

      February 27, 2019 at 12:07

      Someone needs a hug.


      • RinceThis

        February 27, 2019 at 14:32

        Yup. Indeed


      • Quentin Huggett

        February 27, 2019 at 12:46

        Aaaawh if free hugs are being offered i will never say no. Who doesn’t want a hug?


        • Pariah

          February 27, 2019 at 13:03



        • Admiral Chief

          February 27, 2019 at 13:20

          I’d love a hug from an octopus


    • Kervyn Cloete

      February 27, 2019 at 12:24

      “Review bombing” is the term that is used for this tactic of intentionally sinking a film’s perception in the public. In this case, it was the Want to See portion of the audience score, which has now been nixed.

      As for the trolls, there were a number of these people on social media egging others on to go post negative comments about the film, purely for the purpose of getting its Want to See score down. That’s trolling to me.


      • RinceThis

        February 27, 2019 at 12:24

        That logical explanation is just PROOF you don’t want to stop Kerv! Stop making sense!


      • Quentin Huggett

        February 27, 2019 at 12:46

        As i said i do not doubt that there are some trolls involve in this. But your reason for using the term you used is not a justification for it. As a journalist I would expect that you would be concerned with accuracy rather than using the correct colloquial term, if that is what “review bombing” even is. For accuracy sake these are not reviews. Further more you can not possibly know that ALL the negative “want to see “scores are trolls. This is an assumption, and in today’s environment of fake news a very dangerous and miss leading one. I appreciate you taking the time to reply though and i understand your reason, i simply do not agree with you that using that in your headline was the right and accurate and correct journalist thing to do.


        • Kervyn Cloete

          February 27, 2019 at 14:34

          That’s a completely fair observation. We may disagree here about the semantics, but I can definitely see your side of the argument, and will keep it in mind. And you’re completely correct in that not ALL the negative want to see scores are trolls. This is why I mentioned above about how there were genuine constructive criticisms in previous review bombing cases that just got lost among the noise. Maybe I should have mentioned the same in the case of Captain Marvel.

          I have gone through about 10 pages or so of those Want to See comments and scores before RT took them down though, as I was keeping an eye on this since last week, and I can tell you from my direct personal experience that those legitimate comments for things like “I’ve grown tired of superhero movies” or “Not a fan of Brie Larson” or even “The trailers did nothing for me” were a minority compared to the amount of negative comments saying things along the lines of “Brie Larson says I’m not allowed to watch this movie, so I won’t and I’ll make sure none of my friends do either”, or just good old “Suck it SJWs”.


          • Quentin Huggett

            February 27, 2019 at 18:44

            Cool man thanks for the further explanation and considering my point. In the end that’s about the best way a discourse like this can go. Good on you.

  3. Kromas

    February 27, 2019 at 12:25

    What about reviewbombing from reviewers? Cause they hated Alita and the only reason I can think of is that they must have been paid.


  4. Caveshen Rajman

    February 27, 2019 at 13:04

    I mean, it’s not as if Steam hasn’t already solved this problem without requiring a complete removal of an entire system because of a 0.1% anomaly.


  5. Pieter Kruger

    February 27, 2019 at 13:04

    Reviews mean nothing, if you haven’t figured that out yet you’re probably missing out on a lot of good games/movies…..


    • Captain JJ

      February 27, 2019 at 13:04

      Can’t say I’ve ever taken any review score seriously. It’s informative to read and see the points of a movie/game that you might want to know something about. But that little number at the bottom means nothing to me.


    • Guz

      February 27, 2019 at 13:21

      Agree and disagree, While I wont not watch/ play something based on a bad review, I will be more hesitant and maybe wait for more info before i watch a movie /play a game


      • Captain JJ

        February 27, 2019 at 13:21

        For sure. That’s why reading the review is the important part. Not just looking at the number. It’s quick to spot a bullshitter that way too.
        Like on Steam, for example, sure there are a lot of trolling reviews, but there are also those that explain so well what the game delivers that it gives you a better idea of what you’re in for than any of the trailers will ever be able to.


      • Pieter Kruger

        February 27, 2019 at 13:21

        100% I will watch gameplay/movie trailers, research/read up more etc. but I’ll never take one persons’ skewed “it’s not on my platform/women don’t belong on covers/negativity sells/I need upvotes/I’m in a bad mood cause I spilled coffee on myself ” opinions seriously.


    • RinceThis

      February 27, 2019 at 13:21

      Sooo. . You’re going to buy Anthem because you haven’t been influenced by reviews?


      • Pieter Kruger

        February 27, 2019 at 13:22

        I will get Anthem because I loved the demo, yes. I’ve also seen plenty of ordinary gamers, not Reviewers/Content creaters, just gamers, that also liked the game!


        • RinceThis

          February 27, 2019 at 13:38

          I am glad you enjoyed it dude. I played it and didn’t. I didn’t play the main champaign, but from what I have heard from reviewers I trust I won’t like it. This is why reviews are important to me. I can’t afford to buy games I’ll not like.


          • Captain JJ

            February 27, 2019 at 13:39

            Reviewers you trust? What site was that from? Heyo!

          • RinceThis

            February 27, 2019 at 13:39

            Darryn wrote a damn good review!

  6. Llama In The Rift

    February 27, 2019 at 12:45

    Sooooooo…what about that petition to get Namibia to buy the Northern Cape…crazy stuff am i right huh huh?!?!?!


    • Guz

      February 27, 2019 at 12:45

      lol they wanna buy it?for what ?


      • Llama In The Rift

        February 27, 2019 at 12:45

        450 Billion to pay pack Eskom XD


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