Home Gaming 10 most beautiful games… I don’t think so

10 most beautiful games… I don’t think so

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A Finnish (I think) website has posted up a list of the 10 most beautiful video games according to them.

I have to say that I can’t agree with them on a lot of their choices… Here is there top 10

1. Okami
2. LittleBigPlanet
3. Shadow of the Colossus
4. Mirror’s Edge
5. Halo 3
6. Metroid Prime
7. ICO
8. Fallout 3
9. Team Fortress 2
10. Mega Man 9

5 of their top 10 have not yet been released and some of them haven’t had beta’s so how are we supposed to accurately compare them with anything. Of the ones that have been released I wouldn’t have Halo 3 in my list either.

It’s an interesting thought though, I guess we will never reach any consensus on this but are there certain games that you feel should be on the list?

I will add Braid now before you all do and maybe Assassin’s Creed?

Source: pelaajaehti.com

Last Updated: September 30, 2008


  1. Milesh Bhana

    September 30, 2008 at 07:08

    how the heck did Mega Man 9 end up on that list ???!?


  2. Macethy

    September 30, 2008 at 07:25

    Maybe it’s suppose to be 10 most “artsy” games?


  3. baba

    September 30, 2008 at 07:34

    I’m a big Halo fan, but a beautifull game – NOT!!!!


  4. Bboy

    September 30, 2008 at 08:33

    haha, woohoo! Go Mega Man!


  5. xyber

    September 30, 2008 at 10:21

    TF2 lol.. its an awesome game but there are prettier things 😉
    as Macethy said, prolly artsy or stylised games and not most beautiful games


  6. Scotty777

    September 30, 2008 at 15:31

    and where is crysis? that game is THE most beautiful thing that’s ever been released


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