Home Gaming Cliff Bleszinski wants to embrace and convert pirates

Cliff Bleszinski wants to embrace and convert pirates

2 min read

Good guy Cliffy - Shaved his head for cancer

Piracy is one of the things that gets my blood boiling, there is a large group of people with this weird attitude that they don’t believe a game is worth the price tag so they’ll just steal it instead? Or you have the people who claim they don’t have any money and it’s a victimless crime so why not.

I’m not going on that rant again but needless to say I disagree. However what I disagree with more is the way the American government and publishing houses are going about trying to apprehend the pirates. Mainly because they are all pretty useless at what they do and end up attempting to sue elderly people for their 12 year old grandkid downloading movies he owns already, or suing a 20 something year old for R6 123 667 for sharing 31 songs.. 31.

Cliff is very much in the same mind with him recently stating in his EGGC keynote speech

I, for one, would rather convert these gamers into paying customers as opposed to spending federal money to track these gamers down, arrest them, intimidate them, or pass laws that could potentially limit internet freedom, thank you very much.

He then goes on to tackle an issue that is even closer to my heart, the fact that a lot of gamers at the moment see it as a competition to see who is the bigger gamer and love sending out comments like fake nerd, fake gamer girl and the like simply because these people prefer a different style of game.

Someone who plays Call of Duty isn’t less (or more) of a gamer than the guy who thoroughly enjoyed that awesome indie title that no one cared about.

More and more it really feels like there’s this us-versus-them attitude that’s happening in gaming, almost like a mini-gaming civil war. There are actual witchhunts for ‘fake nerds.’ Gamers one-up each other for nerd cred now. ‘Oh, you like your Wii U? Well I played Zelda when it was 8-bit.’

We’re not supposed to be divided like that, it’s not a competition. So this is my message to all the gamers out there: Cool it. You know we’re all gamers. If you just started playing angry birds or have that multi-sided die, we’re all gamers. Besides, I think we have enough outsiders that are railing against our industry and attacking our hobby and we should really band together, I think.

You can view his entire speech here with thanks to gamersnexus who uploaded and picked out the best parts

Last Updated: April 26, 2013


  1. umar bastra

    April 26, 2013 at 11:26

    Why is there a constant need to defend COD players? COD alone bred some of the most unruly and disgusting online behaviour to date. COD gamers are gamers, but they too look down on other gamers. I find the behaviour of gamers worse than anything, and I feel that is a much more pressing issue, But I do agree, I find it disgusting too. Many people have looked at me wierd because I like visual novels, as if hentai novels…I mean visual novels is less of a game than others … I fully agree with Cliffy … we just all need to unite, seriously, WE REALLY REALLY need to unite


    • AndriyP

      April 26, 2013 at 11:29

      OMG didnt you get the MEMO that we cant talk bad about COD anymore??? :O


      • Rincethis: Beeralicious

        April 26, 2013 at 11:31



      • umar bastra

        April 26, 2013 at 11:33

        Oh no …. I’m going to be kicked out of the internet 🙁


    • Rincethis: Beeralicious

      April 26, 2013 at 11:30

      Dude, we are not allowed to mention COD!


      • umar bastra

        April 26, 2013 at 11:32

        Shoo, changed … thanx for saving me


        • Rincethis: Beeralicious

          April 26, 2013 at 11:33

          HAHAHAHAHAHAH! Like a BOSS!


          • umar bastra

            April 26, 2013 at 11:34

            😛 let’s hope chess players don’t actually read this … lol

          • Rincethis: Beeralicious

            April 26, 2013 at 11:37

            can you imagine 0_O

          • umar bastra

            April 26, 2013 at 11:42

            Indeed! I’m afraid of chess players than can easily check mate you in a corner

          • OldVideoGamer

            April 26, 2013 at 11:42


          • umar bastra

            April 26, 2013 at 11:47

            Pic of the week! lol …

          • HvR

            April 26, 2013 at 12:02

            we are safe as long as nobody puts CHESS in the article headline

        • AndriyP

          April 26, 2013 at 11:38

          Hahaha epic


          • umar bastra

            April 26, 2013 at 11:45

            Btw Lurrv your avater pic!!

    • Anon A Mouse

      April 26, 2013 at 11:45

      But I also see that Chess players between themselves are also out to one-up each other. I really have no problem with Chess players, heck I even dabble in a bit of Chess now and again. A few weeks ago I saw that Chess: White Knights was on sale for a few Randelas so I thought why not.

      Sure it did not kept me entertained for long or clued to my seat but I got to meet a few presidents and took out a few pawns, got to storm a castle or two, conspired with the bishops and check mated the king. So for mindless Chess action it was good, but I will not rush out to get the next Chess game that comes along.


      • Rincethis: Beeralicious

        April 26, 2013 at 11:46

        You, this!


      • umar bastra

        April 26, 2013 at 12:03

        This … is AWESOME! lol


    • Captain_Guz

      April 26, 2013 at 12:24

      ‘Nerd cred’ 0.o, never though i’d see the day that i got to prove my ‘nerd cred”


  2. OldVideoGamer

    April 26, 2013 at 11:41

    Looks like Gavin and CLIFFY BBBB B still dont get on ha ha ha.


  3. Rincethis: Beeralicious

    April 26, 2013 at 11:44

    Gavin, you have got to win header of the week with this little gem!


    • Sir Rants-a-Lot Llew

      April 26, 2013 at 12:29

      No doubt he will 🙂


      • Rincethis: Beeralicious

        April 26, 2013 at 12:40

        Agreed. But I am sure the voting process is as clear and transparent as Zim’s 😉


        • Sir Rants-a-Lot Llew

          April 26, 2013 at 12:44

          I bet it’s simply up to whoever is writing best and worst of for that day 😛


  4. Sir Rants-a-Lot Llew

    April 26, 2013 at 12:15

    Agreed 100% and I am glad that he takes such a possitive approach about piracy. To convert them to paying customers will be tough yes. But with good quality games and less attitudes of “suck it” maybe the majority of pirates will pay because they no longer feel cheated. A lot of pirates pirate because they feel like the publishers and devs are trying to do them in. They want to OWN the game they buy. Not have it leased to them.

    Yeah you will still get pirates who will take regardless. It’s unfortunate but it happens and can’t be changed anymore than violence can be stopped. It’ not happening. Not saying piracy is ok here. Just pointing out a cold, hard truth.

    In regards to the players against players attitude. I wonder though if he has also thought about the fact that perhaps the industry itself is cultivating this attitude?

    EA has shown time and time again that they don’t care about what their consumers want. They show it’s ok to turn around and say “well tough luck bud”. This attitude will then be picked up by the real fans of whatever game they enjoy and will then be mirrored towards anyone who doesn’t play the game.

    I often take jabs at CoD players, just like some of them take jabs at me for enjoying my overly complicated RPG’s which are “such a waste of time and soooo booooooooring dude” and it’s mostly done in good fun. There honestly isn’t any hate there. Yeah, sometimes you get the real fanboy who will spew hate. But they have been cultivated to act as such by the actions of their favorite developer. Whoever that may be. And this is across the board. As humans we take on the personality of our “role models” whether it be a developer of games or a musician.

    Perhaps if the industry started showing some love towards their customers things would change at least a bit? I mean I have never ever heard Ubisoft fans hate on anyone else for not enjoying Ubisoft games. They stand up for them sure. Ubisoft has (had?) draconian DRM. But they still tried to listen to their community. They showed some love towards their fan base and as such most of their fanbase is pretty decent within the greater internet community.

    Or am I just spewing nonsense here and there is just no hope ever?


    • HvR

      April 26, 2013 at 12:18



      • Sir Rants-a-Lot Llew

        April 26, 2013 at 12:21

        Oh and one last thing. Perhaps the view is wrong? Perhaps it’s not us-vs-them (aka: community vs community) Perhaps the fundamental, binding, common denominator is actually community vs developers and publishers but the communities have no idea how else to vent their frustrations other than attacking specific games and fans of the games because complaining to the devs/publishers usually do diddly squat.

        And thus it ends up player vs player because no one knows how else to deal with it?


      • Rincethis: Beeralicious

        April 26, 2013 at 12:40



    • FoxOneZA - The Chosen One

      April 26, 2013 at 12:41

      Have to agree with you on the COD part. Those same COD gamers tend to go on like COD is the only game out there. I’ve had more fun playing Warfighter and Bad Company 2 than any COD game since this gen.


      • Sir Rants-a-Lot Llew

        April 26, 2013 at 12:54

        It wasn’t an attack on CoD players. It was an example to say that you get your extreme fans who will spew hate. The same can be said about any other game fans.

        You yourself have now tried to say that Warfighter and Bad Company 2 are better games simply because you yourself enjoyed them. But that’s not the point nor is it really completely true. Everyone has different tastes and there will be those who disagree with you and their disagreement will be genuine because they genuinely enjoyed a different game more. It’s all about perspective of the individual.

        What I am saying is that when the flame hate starts between players it’s simply because that is how they’ve been shown how to act by their developers who turn to their communities and say #DealWithIt. So instead of me now turning to you and kindly saying:
        “yeah, Warfighter was good I guess. So was Bad Company, but you know what, I honestly enjoyed Sm City more because of it’s gameplay and and and bla etc;”
        I instead turn around now and say :
        “You suck you are simply trying to go with the flow of the masses and you have no opinion of your own and you are simply trying to fit in! Your game sucks and you should feel ashamed for thinking other wise!” Because the publisher has a history of telling people to suck it. So I emulate that same attitude. Hence the flame hate starts.

        That’s the attitude they throw and that’s the attitude their hardcore fans will throw.
        To fix the hate and get gamers to work together again it will need to start at the top. The developers and publishers


  5. Ryan

    April 26, 2013 at 12:33

    the piracy scene you need to view as a big virtual library. I have bought lots of books because of a library.

    How can i say, you not stealing an actually dvd from piracy, but instead you planting the idea of owning the dvd, if what you pirated is good. People who add to the “virtual library’ i believe paid for that dvd and then goes and spreads the message that if you like the product, go buy the product.

    The problem with poor sales today is that the music scene is recycled shit, the movie and tv scene is recycled shit, the gaming scene is recycled shit. If the product is good people will buy it. If the product is bad, people would at least try it.

    Recently i read about an indie developer releasing their game on thepiratebay, they got more coverage, website hits, and sales, compared the months before.


    • Sir Rants-a-Lot Llew

      April 26, 2013 at 12:36

      Unfortunately you still get the pirates who will pirate simply because they refuse to pay for anything. No matter how good. In fact, the better it is the more they feel they should have it free.

      But yes, there are pirates who actually would pay good money for something that is good. I am sure if they had more faith in the industry to consistently deliver good games without the need to jump through hoops to play that sales would go up as those “semi-pirates” start paying as well


  6. Aussious

    April 27, 2013 at 11:28

    Amen brother Bleszinski preach! Pirates or not we can all be saved.


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