Home Features Destiny 2 Guide – How to get the Lumina Exotic hand cannon

Destiny 2 Guide – How to get the Lumina Exotic hand cannon

3 min read
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There’s a new gun in Destiny, and hot damn do I want it because I have a crippling fear of not owning digital death-dealers when they’re released inside of video games. Lumina is the name of this particular hand cannon, and it is a pure work of art. The perfect counterpart to the legendary Thorn, Lumina has the ability to heal with its bullets instead of corrupt souls like Dredgen Yor’s infamous weapon did, but to unlock it you’ll need to purify Thorn of all of its dark evil.

How do you get it? Here’s how.

Step 1: Return to the EDZ

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Land in Trostland, and hike your way into the Salt Mines. Kill any Fallen who get in your way, until you reach the busted elevator within the mine, where the transmat device can be found. Use it, and teleport outside where you’ll face a few Fallen on a path that leads up to a wall. Get rid of them, and you’ll spot a small ledge that you can shimmy on up to, hop up and you’ll find a hidden path towards an abandoned camp site.

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Once there, open the chest to start the Lumina quest properly. This is pretty much where you find the original Thorn, from not too long ago.

Step 2: Find Rose

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Next step, Shin Malphur wants you to use the new calibration device that you just picked up locate Rose, which requires you to visit a random Lost Sector and open an ornate safe that has various roses etched into it. The catch here, is that the location changes every hour on the hour, so watch your time and head to the zone listed. To help you out, here’s a bunch of videos of the locations where you can complete this step:

Step 3: Generate some light

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Time for a grind. With a cursed item in your possession now, you’re going to have to generate a whopping 250 Orbs of Light to complete this next step. Find your killzone of choice, equip a weapon which can moke Orbs vomit out of enemy heads and start grinding until you earn the Rose.

Step 4: A Rose by any other name

You’ve got three quests to tackle next if you want Lumina, but you can do them in any order you want so don’t feel too pressured:

  • Band Together – Earn 50 000 points in a Nightfall strike
  • Face the Hordes – Complete 35 points worth of activity in the Black Armory Forges, Blind Well or Escalation Protocol
  • Defend the Light – Kill 100 enemies without reloading. I’d personally recommend Prometheus Lens for this job, or maybe the ludicrous magazine of Sweet Business to get the job done

Step 5: Better with friends

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For the next task, you’ll need to join a fireteam to finish the penultimate step. If anyone else on your fireteam also has a Rose in their possession, you’ll all earn bonus points:

  • Kill Guardians – Head into PvP and sharpen your skills against fellow Guardians. You’ll need around 100 kills to beat this task, but the points will rack up quicker if your fireteam pal has a Rose hand cannon.
  • Generate 50 Orbs – Back to PvP, where you’ll need to crack out a masterwork weapon so that you can make it rain Orbs of Light.
  • Deny an Invader – Invade this! In Gambit, you’ll want to take down an Invader before they kill any of your teammates so prepare yourself for an arduous task. You’ll need to land the final blow, so hustle whenever an invader appears in your Gambit match

Step 6: Time for crystals

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It’s time to fill Rose with your Light. Head down to Mars and take part in the Will of the Thousands strike. Equip Rose, destroy the 11 Hive crystals found in this strike (Which can be found right here) and then take down Xol. With the Hive god dead, you’ll now unlock the mighty Lumina and add it to your collection of gorgeous Exotics.

Last Updated: July 3, 2019


  1. Should have mine tonight. Very interesting weapon, especially for anyone wanting to play support.


  2. CrAiGiSh

    July 4, 2019 at 09:03

    Prudy …


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