Home Gaming Dragon’s Dogma’s first event has the world slaying a mighty…dragon

Dragon’s Dogma’s first event has the world slaying a mighty…dragon

1 min read


Yesterday, Capcom opened the lid on Dragon’s Dogma’s Event Mode – which will allow players and their AI pawns all over the world to tackle a single, great beast in an odd sort of collective, asynchronous multiplayer. The first of which, available on the day of the game’s impending launch will see players all over the world come together to chip away at the monumental health bar of the great, big, bastardly Ur-Dragon.

According to Capcom, the attacks of all online players will be combined to take Ur-Dragon down – but it’s so powerful that it will take multiple encounters to fell the beast. Why take part? Capcom’s dangling the loot carrot. If you happen to be the to deal the fatal blow, you’ll receive the maximum reward, while everyone else who participates will still obtain both common and rare items dropped as the creature takes damage.

Those without online connections can still take Ur-Dragon on alone (good luck!) – and will receive a different set of rewards. all those who help slay the dragon will have their names recorded on the game’s leaderboards. Expect more events of this type in the future.

though it’s got problems, I’m pretty taken with Dragon’s Dogma; it’s filled with great ideas and has an incredibly vast scope – and I think this could be the proverbial “Diamond in the rough.” For a game that I wrote off when I first saw it, it’s managed to way in to my heart – and I can;t wait for the game’s release later this month.

Last Updated: May 10, 2012

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