Home Gaming Far Cry 3 in Development

Far Cry 3 in Development

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Fans of the second Far Cry, the African-set sandbox shooter that estranged itself from the Crytek developed original will be happy to know that a sequel is in development. When questioned about his involvement in a sequel at an event for James Cameron’s Avatar : The Game, Ubisoft writer Kevin Shortt, instead of replying with a typical “No comment” instead indirectly confirmed its existence.

"No I’m not," he replied. "But I know the team are and what I’ve seen looks pretty exciting."

There’s been no official announcement about the game from Ubisoft, but that serves as confirmation enough, if you ask me. Needless to say there’s no other information available, such as whether or not the game will retain its African setting, or shift to a different locale.

Any of you excited by this news? I know Far Cry 2 had quite a dedicated fanbase – and others, like myself who found the game to be deceptively shallow, and the trudgery, long drives and malaria – instead of being engaging just detracted from my enjoyment of the game.

Source : 1up

Last Updated: November 25, 2009


  1. bboy

    November 25, 2009 at 15:56

    Onoz, “deceptively shallow, and the trudgery, long drives” I second that! The game looked and played amazingly – it’s just a pitty it took an hour to get anywhere and there were about 5 missions just replayed over and over in different spots on the map. If I were part of the art / sound or game engine team I would be hella pissed off with the guys in charge of the missions and story.


  2. Darkling

    November 25, 2009 at 16:03

    Pretty excited.
    Look at Assassin’s creed 2,If they take away what made FC2 so tedious then maybe we can expect a epic win from Far Cry 3. :face:


  3. Potty391

    November 25, 2009 at 16:14

    Nobody I know has even finished Far Cry 2 due to becoming damn bored about half way through… I had to force myself to finish it, it was then that I realised the game had a really bad story and the game would probably have taken me about 4 hours if it wasn’t for all those looooooonnnnggggg :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: trips between the mission areas and the gun shop. That malaria thing was also pretty retarded…. Heres to hoping they learn from their past mistakes and that they make the sequel a great game


  4. krYtHan

    November 25, 2009 at 16:32

    The multiplayer was hella fun though.


  5. Maxiviper

    November 25, 2009 at 19:01

    Also the other characters always spoke as if they were in a rush, Long drives just killed the whole experience like everyone else said.

    Mission were Repetitive: go in and kill some dudes maybe steal something then haul ass to next mission. and repeat, be beter if you could hire a full time teammate.

    The game had pretty innovative aspects live fire propagation and plantation regrowth, fantastic

    The AI was smart but they just didn’t know how to use that intelligence.


  6. WitWolfyZA

    November 26, 2009 at 09:43

    I for one is still addicted to this game its like my COD, the only thing i hated was if they spotted you 2 km’s away then all of a sudden the whole map knew where you were. that kinda sucked for me actaully


  7. Hamsterjie za

    November 26, 2009 at 09:48

    thanks guys, i just started this game about 2 weeks ago and found it to be like GTA – IN THE BUSH, now you making me not wana play it anymore. But before reading this i already felt the game was being repetitive and i dont see any noticeable difference with the weapon upgrades. Ps i skip the long drives by taking a bus.


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