Home Gaming FFD: Is sexuality in games ever okay?

FFD: Is sexuality in games ever okay?

2 min read


Sexuality in games is a weird topic right now – especially with the furore that happened with Overwatch recently; the complaints about Tracer’s butt, the remove of one apparently overtly sexualised pose its subsequent replacement by a pose that frankly just as sexualised.

I’ve seen complaints about Widwomaker’s sexuality, too – but in the context of the game, she’s supposed to be empowered, with her sexuality forming part of her character. Hmmm.

There are some that would have all overt sexuality removed from games, perceived, I suppose some sort of puritanical crusade to neuter the medium. It automatically brings up arguments of how violence seem to be okay, but prudes want sex removed from games, about how sex is a natural thing for humans to partake in, while homicide isn’t. (And while this isn’t about violence, I think we could do with more games that have us solving problems and conflicts without guns and knives.)

Here’s my stance on it all, and I invite you to say how I’m wrong in the comments.

I think sex is awesome. It’s something I enjoy and I have no problems with sex or sexuality in my games – where it’s appropriate and makes sense. And I don’t mean appropriate in that puritanical sense; I’m not looking for all women in games to have dresses cut to just below their knees, I just mean that there has to be context and reason to it.

In games like The Witcher 3 and Mass Effect, perhaps even Dragon Age which all feature sex, some of them relatively explicitly, it all (usually) makes sense.

Where it doesn’t, and where I start having problems with it, is the sort of overt sexuality that’s done purely to appeal to male gaze. Where you have women warriors who wear little to no clothing, armour that barely covers anything and would be wholly useless if worn by a real person, and the sort of teenage boy fantasy twaddle that the Dead or Alive games are known for. Where women (and men!) are reduced to little more than their sexuality, when it’s the only thing that defines them.

There’s no need for that sort of thing in the medium anymore, in a hobby that’s isn’t nearly as male dominated as it once was.

Games can and should be for everyone – and it possible to have games that feature sexuality in a way that isn’t offensive or off-putting.

Last Updated: April 8, 2016


  1. miaau

    April 8, 2016 at 10:35

    Well, thanks Geoff. (and well done)

    You said it. “Where it doesn’t, and where I start having problems with it, is the sort of overt sexuality that’s done purely to appeal to male gaze.”

    So, I think my participation in this Friday debate is done.


  2. Valshen

    April 8, 2016 at 10:35

    Added with no comment 😛


    • Geoffrey Tim

      April 8, 2016 at 10:39

      They sure grow Eggplants funny in Overwatch land.


      • Valshen

        April 8, 2016 at 10:41

        If you hug them they will grow.


    • Greylingad[CNFRMD]

      April 8, 2016 at 10:48



  3. Admiral Chief in New York

    April 8, 2016 at 10:39

    As with everything in life, moderation is the key.


    • Admiral Chief in New York

      April 8, 2016 at 10:39

      That being said, I wouldn’t mind seeing Geoff naked again


      • miaau

        April 8, 2016 at 10:50

        while there is quite a bit wrong in the sentence you wrote, the sheer wrongness of the word “again” dwarfs everything else. totally.



        • Admiral Chief in New York

          April 8, 2016 at 10:56

          My work here is done


    • miaau

      April 8, 2016 at 10:40

      Game of Thrones books had some sex scenes, always to drive plot. Very well placed.

      Series? Wow. Have not watched past season 2. Wife also just refused to. I may watch later, as I ignore it (FF button) and move on.


      • Aries

        April 8, 2016 at 10:51

        It dries up, lol


        • miaau

          April 8, 2016 at 10:53

          We heard that, yes. By Season 3.

          Great comment!


      • Tbone187

        April 8, 2016 at 14:27

        Guessing you didn’t enjoy the Spartacus series then?


  4. Admiral Chief in New York

    April 8, 2016 at 10:42

    Well for one thing, gaming is my hobby and past time, and when it comes to sexuality and sex etc, I prefer to partake physically with my significant other instead of to bare witness to it


    • HairyEwok

      April 8, 2016 at 11:04

      But with VR that’s all changing now XD


      • Admiral Chief in New York

        April 8, 2016 at 11:04



  5. Captain JJ the Isolatid

    April 8, 2016 at 10:42

    I think it’s all about context and placement. If it serves as an integral part and is key to some part of the plot, then to an extent it’s fine


  6. Hammersteyn_hates_Raid0

    April 8, 2016 at 10:43

    I find this movie poster offensive! What’s that you say, Hollywood either doesn’t care what some SJW twat had to say or said SJW didn’t object to it because they only find pleasure in trolling gaming… okay then


    • Captain JJ the Isolatid

      April 8, 2016 at 10:44

      That entire movie was offensive.
      Daredevil too


      • Hammersteyn_hates_Raid0

        April 8, 2016 at 10:48

        There’s even a site the ranks movie butts. But lets make a fuss over a video game. A fictional character.
        Developers aren’t allowed the privilege to express themselves anymore, yet Hollywood and any other form of media remains exempt. All this is, is trolling. SJW trolls!


        • Greylingad[CNFRMD]

          April 8, 2016 at 10:49

          A slight correction though, they actually make money by trolling…


          • Hammersteyn_hates_Raid0

            April 8, 2016 at 10:51


      • miaau

        April 8, 2016 at 10:54

        The Daredevil movie was so bad, it is the reason I have not even started or tried to start Daredevil, the critically and fan acclaimed series.


        • Captain JJ the Isolatid

          April 8, 2016 at 10:55

          I’ve always loved Daredevil as a character, so the movie was just a bad spot that I’m trying to forget. The series is excellent though.


          • Matthew Holliday

            April 8, 2016 at 13:54

            never really cared for him much befor the series came out.
            even with the series being awesome and stuff, i still dont care much for the comic book daredevil.

        • Hammersteyn_hates_Raid0

          April 8, 2016 at 10:57

          Do it! It will wash all the bad memories away


          • Captain JJ the Isolatid

            April 8, 2016 at 10:57

            With bloooood.
            Lots of it. 😀

        • Matthew Holliday

          April 8, 2016 at 13:53

          Series is quality mang.
          such dark, so violence, wow.


  7. Hammersteyn_hates_Raid0

    April 8, 2016 at 10:44

    • Captain JJ the Isolatid

      April 8, 2016 at 10:45

      Considering in how many of the movies they have the guy without his shirt on, I’d say it’s pretty much a draw.


      • Hammersteyn_hates_Raid0

        April 8, 2016 at 10:56

        Exactly, look at the new Ghostbusters movie. They have Chris Hemsworth play a receptionist. The man looks like he was chiseled on Mount Olympus, so the only reason he got the roll is because it’s an all female cast in the lead, so they have to hit a homerun with at least one male cast member and everyone is fine with this because SJW is bullshit. Their whole stance is completely one sided


        • Admiral Chief in New York

          April 8, 2016 at 11:00

          “The man looks like he was chiseled on Mount Olympus”
          Oh my, Hammer, that might be strike 3…


          • Captain JJ the Isolatid

            April 8, 2016 at 11:10

            What are you on about? There’s no denying it dude. He looks like he’s related to Zeus.

          • Admiral Chief in New York

            April 8, 2016 at 11:11

            ODIN you twat!

          • Captain JJ the Isolatid

            April 8, 2016 at 11:14

            Please call an ambulance, Admiral has lost his mind.
            Zeus is the King of Mount Olympus.
            I’ll send you reading material if you’re struggling a bit with the mythology.

          • Admiral Chief in New York

            April 8, 2016 at 11:15

            THOR is related to ODIN.

            Olympus can GITFS

          • Captain JJ the Isolatid

            April 8, 2016 at 11:16

            The ENTIRE comment was about Mount Olympus, we didn’t even mention Thor.
            Ambulance is on the way.

          • Admiral Chief in New York

            April 8, 2016 at 11:17

            He is THOR you silly sausage

          • Admiral Chief in New York

            April 8, 2016 at 11:17

            I said sausage…..need to delete this comment before Hammer sees it

          • Hammersteyn_hates_Raid0

            April 8, 2016 at 11:21

            Bagels, sausage, getting hungry

          • Captain JJ the Isolatid

            April 8, 2016 at 11:22

            Jis man. Me too.

          • Captain JJ the Isolatid

            April 8, 2016 at 11:19

            He’s also Australian, but I didn’t send him a basket of Eucalyptus.

          • Admiral Chief in New York

            April 8, 2016 at 11:20


            My wife joked about how hunky he is in the Thor movies, until I started perving over Felicity Smoak…suddenly the jokes stopped

          • Hammersteyn_hates_Raid0

            April 8, 2016 at 11:22

            Well Thor is twice(as big) the man you are 😛

          • Captain JJ the Isolatid

            April 8, 2016 at 11:23

            I don’t know man, I’d personally rather choose Captain America.

          • Hammersteyn_hates_Raid0

            April 8, 2016 at 11:24

            Batman 4 lyf!

          • Pariah

            April 8, 2016 at 11:23

            This. This is fucking rad. And fair. 😀

          • Pariah

            April 8, 2016 at 11:24

            Although – your tastes could use some work.

          • Captain JJ the Isolatid

            April 8, 2016 at 11:24


          • Hammersteyn_hates_Raid0

            April 8, 2016 at 11:24

            Oh snap!

          • Admiral Chief in New York

            April 8, 2016 at 11:35

            Y U NO LIKE FELICITY?

          • Pariah

            April 8, 2016 at 11:38

            Because I have both taste and standards.

          • Admiral Chief in New York

            April 8, 2016 at 12:43

            Obviously bad tastes and standards

          • Admiral Chief in New York

            April 8, 2016 at 11:17

            That being said, a movie where Olympians fight Asgardians….

          • Pariah

            April 8, 2016 at 11:16

            The most mythical thing in existence today is Admiral’s knowledge on mythology.

          • Captain JJ the Isolatid

            April 8, 2016 at 11:17


          • Hammersteyn_hates_Raid0

            April 8, 2016 at 11:14

            Check the comments in ION yesterday XD

    • Matthew Holliday

      April 8, 2016 at 13:55

      thor would have more of an effect if he did that with his pecs.


  8. Umar

    April 8, 2016 at 10:44

    I have no problem with sex in video games. It really is something natural and quite normal to be perfectly honest. Though I may not have a problem with it, I don’t always like sex in video games only because in most cases it’s really cringe worthy and looks really awkward and stiff(HA!). I sometimes have nightmares dreaming of Fahrenheit’s sex scene lol

    It’s a difficult one as sex and sexuality means different things to different people. To me Bayonetta’s sexy movements and poses are part of her empowerment but to others it might across as over serialization. I just wish people actually had conversations about it instead of just screaming their extreme right/left views and fighting with one another.


  9. Captain JJ the Isolatid

    April 8, 2016 at 10:47

    I don’t always think it’s necessary, if ever, to bother showing the sex scene. I’m sure the person on the other side of the screen knows what follows the dimming lights.
    CGI sex is just plain embarassing to witness.


    • Hammersteyn_hates_Raid0

      April 8, 2016 at 10:49

      They dim the lights in Witcher?


      • Captain JJ the Isolatid

        April 8, 2016 at 10:52

        The screen fades out, I think.


        • Hammersteyn_hates_Raid0

          April 8, 2016 at 10:57

          After a minute or so


          • Admiral Chief in New York

            April 8, 2016 at 10:58

            I can do without Geralt’s UUUUGGGGGHHHHHH face

  10. Ryanza

    April 8, 2016 at 10:49

    Video games are not real. Video game characters are not real. Draw what ever the fuck you want.

    If we are to look at sexuality in video games then you have to look at the people who create video games the industry that controls video games.

    Triss’s boobs were not real.


  11. Jan Prins

    April 8, 2016 at 10:50

    “There’s no need for that sort of thing in the medium anymore, in a hobby that’s isn’t nearly as male dominated as it once was.

    Games can and should be for everyone…”

    Just not for the teenage boy fantasy twaddle group, right?


  12. Umar

    April 8, 2016 at 10:52

    More than anything, I’m just tired of hearing the “SJWs are ruining the world”…A few panty shots being covered ain’t gonna kill ya, mate. Don’t also give the bull crap that you care about the artist’s vision…You don’t. All these arguments are just bandwagons for people to jump on.


    • Captain JJ the Isolatid

      April 8, 2016 at 10:53

      When it has artistic value, then of course. But the only thing is, if it’s the artist’s will to put a penis in there, then it’s suddenly a different story.
      The problem isn’t always the product, it’s the customer.


      • Umar

        April 8, 2016 at 10:55

        Yeah, no doubt, but I see people defending the artist’s vision to include panty shots and underboobs like it’s destroying their lives.


        • Captain JJ the Isolatid

          April 8, 2016 at 10:57

          Yea, that’s entirely different too.
          In the end there’s always going to be people trying to justify both sides of it, believing with the hearts that they’re right. It’s pretty much like the religion of nudity.


        • BakedBagel

          April 8, 2016 at 11:04

          Games are ART.

          Underboobs are ART
          Games = Underboobs?


          • Captain JJ the Isolatid

            April 8, 2016 at 11:07

            Few games are art these days. Just like movies.

          • BakedBagel

            April 8, 2016 at 11:11

            God damn JJ that hit me right in the feel spot.

            You are so damn right.

            “Few games are art these days” – Captain JJ

          • Captain JJ the Isolatid

            April 8, 2016 at 11:11


          • Admiral Chief in New York

            April 8, 2016 at 11:12

            Don’t stroke his ego, will take us weeks to snap him out of it!

          • Captain JJ the Isolatid

            April 8, 2016 at 11:15

            We’ve been trying for years to get you to snap out of it, so it’s not so bad.

          • Admiral Chief in New York

            April 8, 2016 at 11:16

            How can you snap out of the truth?

          • Captain JJ the Isolatid

            April 8, 2016 at 11:20

            The truth about your ego?
            I don’t know man.

          • Admiral Chief in New York

            April 8, 2016 at 11:20

            But do we all really, like, know maaaan

          • Captain JJ the Isolatid

            April 8, 2016 at 11:21

            Woawwwww. You’re like blowing my miiind.

          • Admiral Chief in New York

            April 8, 2016 at 11:34

            Far out dude!

          • Greylingad[CNFRMD]

            April 8, 2016 at 11:21

            Some reckon that Nymphomaniac was art…

          • Hammersteyn_hates_Raid0

            April 8, 2016 at 11:23

            call me Van Gogh then

          • Greylingad[CNFRMD]

            April 8, 2016 at 11:24

            I….I…I don’t want to cut anything off though…

          • Captain JJ the Isolatid

            April 8, 2016 at 11:24


  13. Greylingad[CNFRMD]

    April 8, 2016 at 10:54

    I don’t want to watch nymphomaniac anymore mommy…


  14. Her Highness the Hipster

    April 8, 2016 at 10:54

    I pretty much agree with Geoff here, although I would add that I don’t mind random sexuality if it’s applied equally to all characters. So, fighting games with ridiculous outfits and unrealistic character models aren’t a problem for me as both the women AND MEN are hypersexualized. my issue comes in that women are usually the ones objectified, which leads to that male gaze crap. But in games where sex is portrayed in an interesting/realistic way, it can add to the experience – for example, my romance of Iron Bull in Dragon Age Inquisition was one of my best and longest-lasting (heh) memories from the game.


    • konfab

      April 8, 2016 at 10:55


      So Ganryu from Tekken isn’t an object of beauty to you?


    • Umar

      April 8, 2016 at 10:58

      As much as people want to admit it, it’s most of the time women that are hypersexualized. No amount of posting pics from Metal Gear Solid 2’s naked Raiden can dispute this fact. It’s frustrating to see people acting like the industry has been treating men and women the same when it comes to sexuality.


      • konfab

        April 8, 2016 at 11:21

        The only things that are truely hypersexualised in Metal Gear Solid are the guns.


        That Deagle has better animations than Meryl’s face for example.

        And then there is Snake’s little incident with a 1911


      • Alien Emperor Trevor

        April 8, 2016 at 11:47

        But Umar, there’s 1 hypersexualised man for every 100 hypersexualised woman – so both sides do it & it’s all even! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


        • Pariah

          April 8, 2016 at 11:48

          MAKES SENSE!


    • Pariah

      April 8, 2016 at 11:04

      As I said below – Blade & Soul does exactly this. Both men & women are fairly sexualised, and to me that’s 100% ok.


  15. BakedBagel

    April 8, 2016 at 10:56

    And if we flip the switch Geoff?

    Is sexuality that’s done purely to appeal to the female gaze okay?

    Ive seen plenty of this.

    I dont actually care i just want to flame.

    fite me irl


    • Admiral Chief in New York

      April 8, 2016 at 10:57

      [throws a stale bagel on the floor]


      • BakedBagel

        April 8, 2016 at 10:57

        Burn the heratic


        • Admiral Chief in New York

          April 8, 2016 at 10:58


          [proceeds to stamp on the bagel]


          • BakedBagel

            April 8, 2016 at 10:59


          • Admiral Chief in New York

            April 8, 2016 at 11:00

            [produces a box of SIX freshly baked bagels]

          • BakedBagel

            April 8, 2016 at 11:02

            My kin. How dare you.

          • Admiral Chief in New York

            April 8, 2016 at 11:03

            [munches on the first one]

          • BakedBagel

            April 8, 2016 at 11:05

            Please ban this bladdy Agent

          • Admiral Chief in New York

            April 8, 2016 at 11:12

            [proceeds to massacre all 6]

          • Hammersteyn_hates_Raid0

            April 8, 2016 at 11:13

            Save me a bite!

          • Admiral Chief in New York

            April 8, 2016 at 11:15

            I HAVE ANOTHER BOX!

          • Pariah

            April 8, 2016 at 11:15

            I don’t like Bagels. You can have mine.

          • Admiral Chief in New York

            April 8, 2016 at 11:15

            I just like to chew on them and spit them out

    • Geoffrey Tim

      April 8, 2016 at 10:58

      As i said in the article, I have a problem “Where women (and men!) are reduced to little more than their sexuality, when it’s the only thing that defines them.”

      That should answer yer question. And flaming is what this is here for. 😛


      • BakedBagel

        April 8, 2016 at 11:02

        I guess that’s fair as fuck.

        I honestly dont care if sexuality is the only thing that defines the character.

        Aslong as its written well and has a captivating backstory i really dont care.



  16. Original Heretic

    April 8, 2016 at 10:56

    In a world where everything is trying to be way too PC (politically correct, not personal computer), any little thing gets blown completely out of proportion. You’d think that if people could just take a load off and lather themselves in the milk of tolerance, they’ll be able to take it up with people who actually are to blame.


  17. Captain JJ the Isolatid

    April 8, 2016 at 10:59

    This is why Skyrim armour was the best.
    The female armour wasn’t just a bikini with metal shoulders for protection.


    • Pariah

      April 8, 2016 at 11:00

      That’s why mods exist. To rid games of that evil, and put skimpy, almost non-existent armour back in, with better body proportions and jiggle physics.


      • Captain JJ the Isolatid

        April 8, 2016 at 11:02

        Yea. Mods are a grey area. They have the coolest and weirdest stuff out there.


        • Pariah

          April 8, 2016 at 11:02

          And that’s why we love them.


      • BakedBagel

        April 8, 2016 at 11:09

        jiggle physics. i kekd.


      • Alien Emperor Trevor

        April 8, 2016 at 11:58

        Most of my replays of Oblivion I went with a female char because of the body, armour & clothing mods. There was some awesome stuff for female chars. That said, I never bothered with the really over-the-top stuff because it just looked silly in-game.


    • Admiral Chief in New York

      April 8, 2016 at 11:00

      I can understand that, you get some weirdo’s at the beach


    • HairyEwok

      April 8, 2016 at 11:54

      True, but then the modders jumped in and made it so. The developers see what modders do and use it as a cash grab since the modders represent the community, and the community buys their games.


  18. Pariah

    April 8, 2016 at 11:00

    In all honesty – much like porn has a place – I think the DoA type games have a place. I think they should be marketed clearly as basically “for teenage boys” or whatever, and not try to be something they aren’t.

    And that’s where my problem comes in – don’t be something you’re not. Or don’t say you are. I don’t play RPGs to have sex. I play them for the adventure and extensive world/characters. But if there is romance, as you say, it needs to make sense. So Witcher et al. However, I don’t want to be promised an extensive RPG that’s just thinly veiled soft porn. Call it what it is, adult entertainment. To be frank, I don’t even care if the armour on women is skimpy. As long as they’re not afraid to do the same to men, who cares? Blade & Soul for instance, characters are fairly sexualised. But both men & women are, so who cares? Let it be. There’s no logical reason for it other than eye candy either. Again, it’s not hiding it in any way. So who cares? The gameplay is still very Eastern MMO. And again, their demographic likes skimpy. So it’s not pretending to be something its not. Like imagine an anime game without over-sized breasts and unrealistic clothing that you’d never see a real person wear (except cosplay). That would be ridiculous to me.

    In addition, making someone be of a certain orientation for no reason also makes no sense to me. Same thing – if your character in your game is gay, if it makes sense and its a proper, well-developed character, then go for it. Who cares if some homophobe is offended, that’s their problem.

    tl;dr – sexualisation is ok, as long as it either makes sense or is in an adult-themed game. Same goes for sexual orientation. Kids games are a no.


    • Geoffrey Tim

      April 8, 2016 at 11:01

      That i can agree with – don’t try sell it as something that it’s not. DOAX3 is not A casino and resort volleyball game. It’s a game about seeing women in close to no clothing.


      • BakedBagel

        April 8, 2016 at 11:09

        You know there are 2 others before DOAX3

        One could claim that its for the gameplay 😛

        Are there any decent beach volley ball games out?


        • Geoffrey Tim

          April 8, 2016 at 11:40

          Yeah, the first DOAX was actually nearly a decent game. The second one was what started its current spiral in to garbage, and I think now this third one is just the cherry on top – even DOA creator, Itagakai (who’s a veritable perv) thinks DOAX3 is over sexual garbage without any gameplay chops.


    • Admiral Chief in New York

      April 8, 2016 at 11:02

      Thanks for the tl;dr disclaimer, skipped right to that to see what you are on about



    • Umar

      April 8, 2016 at 11:06

      To be honest….I don’t actually mind if they add a more diverse cast of characters that aren’t developed. Hell, most characters aren’t developed at all in video games. Just add them. Why should it make ‘sense’? HOW should it make sense? We should be at a point where a black gay character should be AS under developed as the dull white protagonist.


      • Pariah

        April 8, 2016 at 11:07

        You’ve played way too many JRPGs in your life man…



        • Umar

          April 8, 2016 at 11:09

          lol All I’m saying is, who cares. It’s doesn’t NEED to be complex. Add more female characters. Add more people of different races etc They don’t need to make sense because race and gender shouldn’t matter.


          • Pariah

            April 8, 2016 at 11:14

            Well it does matter. I’m not gay or bi, so I won’t relate to a game where there are only gay or bi men in it. What if they did that all of a sudden to a franchise you loved? For no reason. Wouldn’t you be mad? Yeah, you would.

            What I’m saying is simply – make sure it makes sense. Think about their place in the world or story, and you don’t even have to develop them much, as long as they feel like they belong in the story or in the world, then have at it. But think about it, develop your story – and any orientation – with purpose.

          • Umar

            April 8, 2016 at 11:18

            No I wouldn’t to be honest, and even if I was mad, there are people that would relate, and they deserve that chance to have relatable characters. I never make female characters when I’m given the chance because I can’t relate to that personally, yet I love playing as Lightning and even Ashe in my ALL TIME FAVORITE franchise, Final Fantasy.

          • Admiral Chief in New York

            April 8, 2016 at 11:19

            Stay strong

          • Pariah

            April 8, 2016 at 11:19

            Well. Sigh.

          • Geoffrey Tim

            April 8, 2016 at 11:38

            “Well it does matter. I’m not gay or bi, so I won’t relate to a game where there are only gay or bi men in it.”

            consider again, how many games are made that feature straight white dudes as protagonists.

          • Pariah

            April 8, 2016 at 11:39

            Which I also don’t relate to.

          • Pariah

            April 8, 2016 at 11:44

            And to add on to this – I actually don’t give a rat’s ass personally about relatability – if it makes sense then it makes sense. I’ll play it. Black, white, indian, male, female, gay, straight. I actually don’t care. As long as it makes sense. Which was my actual point. I may have phrased it badly while making it though, thereby losing some of the impact I wanted. Totally my bad. :/

          • Captain JJ the Isolatid

            April 8, 2016 at 11:46

            I mean, we all played FarCry 3 and I’m sure none of us are THAT irritating. 😛

  19. HairyEwok

    April 8, 2016 at 11:03

    You don’t see us men complaining whenever a guy poses with a goldy chiseled body in an intimidating badass pose.


    • Pariah

      April 8, 2016 at 11:16

      Mostly because in our heads we’re that guy. We’re not. But egos man.


      • HairyEwok

        April 8, 2016 at 11:21

        Then why can’t the ladies just see themselves as those characters as well… They love imagining themselves in certain shoes and dresses, why not in somebody elses skin as well XD


        • Hammersteyn_hates_Raid0

          April 8, 2016 at 11:26

          Because they see that and it turns to hate. We see the same and we admire it…. I think. i might be stepping over some lines now


  20. konfab

    April 8, 2016 at 11:03

    This is why we need AI, then we can ask our virtual characters what they want to wear and end this once and for all.

    That will last all of 10 minutes: after that we will all be nothing but meatbag batteries for our overlords.


  21. Greylingad[CNFRMD]

    April 8, 2016 at 11:20

    The biggest issue is context, if a game is designed specifically for the erotic nature of it, which is tasteless and disgusting, but it is sold as such, then great, you wanted interactive realtime generated pornography which has been created to unrealistic standards, great for you! Buy it, play it, and…well I don’t know do whatever you’d like to…

    Then we move on to the “adult contemporary” games, If a women is portrayed as sexy, now I’m not referring to the half naked standards as per above, I’m talking about the strong independent woman, the one that glances back over her shoulder with confidence and sex appeal… Fully clothed of course, but in attire that you’d see on the front page of a fashion design magazine, portrayed as someone that doesn’t take crap or has the time to, that is a woman designed with a specific function. To show off exactly how powerful a woman can be.

    Let’s move to the next one, the one that’s quite recently sparked this controversy, I personally believe that the character was built to be the average 20 something year old girl with a determination to get where she wants to, no matter how she does it, not to make it sound as if she’d overuse her sexuality, rather she’d use it to her advantage and then move on.

    TL;DR: The biggest issue is someone seeing a pose, A SINGLE SCREENSHOT, and thinking that this is the way sexuality is portrayed as a whole in the game, where it isn’t.


    • Deceased

      April 8, 2016 at 11:25

      Specifically to the first point on your rant:


    • Alien Emperor Trevor

      April 8, 2016 at 11:41

      Exactly – all about the context in which it appears. I don’t expect to see Quiet in a Scribblenauts game, and I’d be very surprised to see nuns in a W3 brothel unless they’re the ones from Hitman.


  22. Gavin Mannion

    April 8, 2016 at 11:23

    Can someone explain to me what’s wrong with a character being added to a game for pure sexual objectification purposes?

    Having a sexy character in the game doesn’t instantly make all people of that gender nothing more than sexual objects. Sex is something that happens and doesn’t always happen between people who love each other.

    Some people just want to have sex with a stranger they find hot.. or just watch a stranger take off their clothes.

    Why remove this from the world of gaming?


    • konfab

      April 8, 2016 at 11:24

      “Why remove this from the world of gaming?”

      Because they can, it is a display of power.


    • Hammersteyn_hates_Raid0

      April 8, 2016 at 11:27

      There’s NOTHING wrong with it. There never was.


    • Jan Prins

      April 8, 2016 at 11:28

      Because gamers are all a bunch of old farts (what is the female form of fart, as I want to include everyone)


      • Gavin Mannion

        April 8, 2016 at 11:30

        Females don’t fart…


        • Greylingad[CNFRMD]

          April 8, 2016 at 11:31

          They leave pot pourri wafts…..


          • Captain JJ the Isolatid

            April 8, 2016 at 11:34

            You guys seriously have to feed your wifes/girlfriends other things than flower petals.

          • Greylingad[CNFRMD]

            April 8, 2016 at 11:35

            She was the one who landed face first in the rose bush, I played no hand in that!

          • Captain JJ the Isolatid

            April 8, 2016 at 11:36


          • Darren Peach

            April 8, 2016 at 12:49


      • Victor Moolman

        April 8, 2016 at 11:36



    • Greylingad[CNFRMD]

      April 8, 2016 at 11:30

      Exactly!! You wanna buy a Powchicka Pow game and live with a sticky keyboard, that’s fine, but leaving your webcam on while doing the deed is not recommended… There is no problem with sexy characters in games, I for the life of me do not understand why people pull continent out from under the ducks arse…


  23. Alien Emperor Trevor

    April 8, 2016 at 11:25

    Yes. Perfectly happy with sexuality being in a game – it always boils down to how it’s implemented though. I’m just too old for “hur hur look – boobs!” any more, that’s just silly.


    • Pariah

      April 8, 2016 at 11:26

      Besides, at your age I’m sure all you need is a mirror to gawk at boobs. 😀


      • Captain JJ the Isolatid

        April 8, 2016 at 11:27

        shots fired


      • Alien Emperor Trevor

        April 8, 2016 at 11:27



        • Hammersteyn_hates_Raid0

          April 8, 2016 at 11:28

          Pecs can flex, I bet yours wobble 😛


          • Alien Emperor Trevor

            April 8, 2016 at 11:28

            Why are you getting technical? 🙁

          • Captain JJ the Isolatid

            April 8, 2016 at 11:32

            It’s just because you’re too tired to flex them, tell him Trevor!

          • Alien Emperor Trevor

            April 8, 2016 at 11:36

            That sounds like a trap. :/

          • Captain JJ the Isolatid

            April 8, 2016 at 11:40

            I don’t entrap. That’s your job.

    • Gavin Mannion

      April 8, 2016 at 11:26

      Tell that to the thousands/millions of people who watch porn daily


      • Alien Emperor Trevor

        April 8, 2016 at 11:27

        What does the one have to do with the other?


        • Gavin Mannion

          April 8, 2016 at 11:27

          It’s entirely natural and since it exists in 90% of human interaction.. it should surely exist in 90% of the games


          • Captain JJ the Isolatid

            April 8, 2016 at 11:31

            This morning when I made coffee at work, I had to be careful not to have sex with the first person to enter the kitchen.

          • Pariah

            April 8, 2016 at 11:36

            Oh I prefer the 3rd, but… I mean um… Yeah me too. It’s so hard bro… WAIT! I didn’t mean hard. Difficult. Um…

          • Captain JJ the Isolatid

            April 8, 2016 at 11:38

            You’d be dead even before you stepped into a minefield 😀

          • Alien Emperor Trevor

            April 8, 2016 at 11:31

            I still don’t understand your point. I said it’s fine, I just like there to be some point to it in the game. I was perfectly happy with all the adult stuff in W3, it’s when it doesn’t seem like there’s any kind of point to it then it stands out glaringly.

            And no, the point isn’t the nipple. 😛

          • Captain JJ the Isolatid

            April 8, 2016 at 11:33

            In Batman and Robin it was pretty much a part of the plot.
            Nipples, that is.

          • Hammersteyn_hates_Raid0

            April 8, 2016 at 11:33

            Exactly, it’s everywhere. Movies, advertising, sports, magazines, etc. why isn’t anyone making a fuss about mobile gaming adverts? What does Kate Upton have to do with the game?

          • Greylingad[CNFRMD]

            April 8, 2016 at 11:35

            “More to come” Maybe? I dunno…

          • Hammersteyn_hates_Raid0

            April 8, 2016 at 11:37

            There was but she slipped and drowned

          • Greylingad[CNFRMD]

            April 8, 2016 at 11:38

            Oh G*d, I have a vivid picture of that happening stuck in my mind now…

    • Captain JJ the Isolatid

      April 8, 2016 at 11:27

      The human body can be a beautiful thing man. Nothing wrong with appreciating it.
      It’s just that some people appreciate it quite differently.


  24. Victor Moolman

    April 8, 2016 at 11:33

    Well said Geoffrey…


    • Umar

      April 8, 2016 at 11:37

      The intern makes a return 😀


      • Victor Moolman

        April 8, 2016 at 11:39

        The intern is avoiding his actual work and partaking in frivolous comment section wars that are being recorded by his employer…


        • Umar

          April 8, 2016 at 11:41

          Oh sweet, then I should bring up that time you…….


          • Pariah

            April 8, 2016 at 11:45

            Oh do tell! I love fables!

          • Alien Emperor Trevor

            April 8, 2016 at 11:54

            But do you love ALL the fables?

          • Pariah

            April 8, 2016 at 11:56

            No, only 3 of them.

          • Jan Prins

            April 8, 2016 at 11:57

            All those games sucked!

          • Victor Moolman

            April 8, 2016 at 12:01

            No one needs your approval!

            *goes to delete older articles*

  25. HvR

    April 8, 2016 at 11:45

    Let the consumer decide what he/she likes and will spend their money on.


    • Jan Prins

      April 8, 2016 at 11:48



      • Pariah

        April 8, 2016 at 11:49

        Actually, he IS mad. At that rate we’ll all end up playing Barbie does Dallas. And Roger. And Steve. And its sequel – Ken Comes in the Back.


        • Jan Prins

          April 8, 2016 at 11:51

          Somehow I do not think that will happen.


  26. Jan Prins

    April 8, 2016 at 11:48

    Now I know why Anya (his girlfriend) calls him William in Wolfenstein: The New Order:
    “YES PLEASE!!!”


  27. Greylingad[CNFRMD]

    April 8, 2016 at 11:51

    I HAVE THE ANSWER!!! Behold my Genius:


    It is like it has a presence, like it is tangible…From now on all characters need to be created equally, so do it as such…


  28. Victor Moolman

    April 8, 2016 at 12:04

    Imagine a world where there is SJW filter.
    Every game is super politically correct, there are no in game genders and Microsoft sam does all the voicing…
    But if you have the right code and use it on games, BAM!
    Sex, Nudity, Blood, Gore, Violence, Gavin Screaming…

    Can someone work on this?


    • Captain JJ the Isolatid

      April 8, 2016 at 12:04

      Gavin Screaming, you’re not holding back at all today 😀


      • Victor Moolman

        April 8, 2016 at 12:14

        Let us not mention the ones we all fear,
        For their names invoke anger and tears.

        Speak not the name Gavin,
        He will take your soul.

        Utter not the phrase Zoe Hawkins,
        She will take your might.

        Whisper Darryn in the brightest day,
        For the night brings death and despair.

        Look not even at the name of the fourth,
        Geoffrey Tim is a curse word with might.

        Though Allessandro might make tea if you threaten him enough


  29. DragonSpirit009

    April 8, 2016 at 12:11

    Sexuality in games is a bit of a topic I don’t talk much about. Not because I have issues with it or anything. Only because I’ve never really thought much about it. To me it’s just a game. The character looks like that for a reason, the game’s story leads in that direction or the character has that type of personality… but I’m not going to go all nuts because a woman. in a game, is showing more skin or have a seductive look.
    Sure I sometimes feel awkward when playing such games but it’s mostly because people enter in the most awkward time and because those people don’t know the story of the game (or gaming itself) and then that judgemental looks fall on their faces. But it’s not gonna bother me that much to cause me to go and complain at a gaming company.
    There is a lot more issues in the world than this kind of stuff.


    • Greylingad[CNFRMD]

      April 8, 2016 at 12:32


      That’s exactly it man, someone walking into a room while there is a sex scene in a game, sees it out of context, which leads to an assumption, whereas following the game through and actually paying attention to each characters growth, that warrants reward in that scene, but yes, these are games, issues like rape and murder are much more prevalent, especially in our country and should be addressed more often.


  30. Darren Peach

    April 8, 2016 at 12:41

    My view is that freedom of expression through art should never be questioned. But the very nature of sex and sexuality in any medium will always leave someone questioning the pros and cons or merrit thereof. But given the nature of this debate, is it not a cultural thing ? Are we not being forced to conform ? Freedom of individuality is a by far more important. Choice then comes into it, doesn’t it ? Then we go back to parenting don’t we ? If a kid is exposed to over sexed game characters, the parent and society have failed to do their job. Censorship is by far the greater evil. This very debate is flawed as it begins to compel those who are of lesser will to endorse the imprisonment of free thinking. Those are the cracks where religion have festered all these years. And in the broader sense, the line between free thinking and dogma are completely blurred. I believe in a world where choice is left in my hands and I hope that I am wise enough to steer through the bad moments and be a better man for it.


    • HvR

      April 8, 2016 at 12:54


      If I may add, if you feel yourself under catered for by the industry get a bunch like minded people together (it has never been easier in history of mankind) approach the main industry partners as a group and communicate with them about your concerns preferably first via private channels AS THE ADULT YOU ARE……
      Or encourage independent development in the under catered areas.
      If you are sizeable group with viable buying power you will be catered for, the industry loves money and do not give jack $H*^ about people and feelings.


      • Darren Peach

        April 8, 2016 at 12:57

        True words have been utterly spoken.


      • Alien Emperor Trevor

        April 8, 2016 at 13:00

        You know what the money-loving industry loves more than selling 1 million copies? Selling 2 million copies. They do care to some degree. Trying to keep your market small when there’s room to grow is rarely their strategy. Niche businesses are a different story.


    • Alien Emperor Trevor

      April 8, 2016 at 12:57

      I don’t agree with that first sentence at all – no art is immune to critique. To say you can’t question it is to remove any meaning from it.


      • Darren Peach

        April 8, 2016 at 12:59

        Questioned with a political agenda…..I thought in this context, It would be a given.


        • Alien Emperor Trevor

          April 8, 2016 at 13:01

          I have no idea what the difference is. What is a “political agenda”. Saying “no political agenda!” in an art form IS a form of political agenda.


          • Darren Peach

            April 8, 2016 at 13:05

            Watch FOX news and their blind endorsement of anything republican.

          • Alien Emperor Trevor

            April 8, 2016 at 13:06

            lol – I’d rather kill my brain cells with alcohol alone.

      • HvR

        April 8, 2016 at 13:01

        He says nothing about critique.

        Freedom of Expression is both the right say/do (within the bounds of other laws) what you want and for me to reserve the agree/critique/think less of you/do not give a rats ass about your “I’m special snowflake” feelings.


        • Alien Emperor Trevor

          April 8, 2016 at 13:02

          He said it should never be questioned. Critique questions.


          • Darren Peach

            April 8, 2016 at 13:03

            Cool. I stand by what I said. I accept your view.

          • HvR

            April 8, 2016 at 13:03

            yes the freedom to express should never questioned not the art

          • Alien Emperor Trevor

            April 8, 2016 at 13:05

            Of course it can be questioned. That’s how those laws you mentioned determining what falls in & out the bounds of freedom of expression came about, and change over time.

          • Darren Peach

            April 8, 2016 at 13:10

            But I say that with the assumption that we are dealing with legal things. There is a line.

          • Alien Emperor Trevor

            April 8, 2016 at 13:13

            Yeah I know, but that line also moves over time. I’m not disagreeing completely, I just don’t think it’s helpful to say “never” when it comes to this kind of thing.

            Everything can be questioned as far as I’m concerned, doesn’t mean something will change.

          • Darren Peach

            April 8, 2016 at 13:15

            I agree with that. But I guess debating this is a never ending rabbit hole.

          • HvR

            April 8, 2016 at 13:22

            This is bit different argument you started of with,

            Yes , very narrow set of laws that should almost never change and as judge by the highest court with the most experienced judges. So call it an exception to the general rule.

            Never by government or vocal people who think they have some sort of right no to be offended.

  31. Strawman Jim

    April 8, 2016 at 12:43

    Sexuality in games isn’t or shouldn’t be a problem, but clearly SJW offendatrons exist to be offended. They are the new puritans.


    • Alien Emperor Trevor

      April 8, 2016 at 12:45

      Silence, hay-oppressor!


    • Hammersteyn_hates_Raid0

      April 8, 2016 at 13:36



  32. Ghost In The Rift

    April 8, 2016 at 13:14

    I sense a Anita somewhere *runs*


    • Darren Peach

      April 8, 2016 at 13:17

      If you look very carefully, you will find her hidden in all our insecure thoughts 😉


      • Ghost In The Rift

        April 8, 2016 at 14:26

        Gotta keep my thoughts clear otherwise she’ll crowdfund them, thanks for the heads up haha


  33. Matthew Holliday

    April 8, 2016 at 13:50

    Well yes, its okay, if it suits the target audience and the game.
    romance in some games is key to building a relationship with some game characters and sexuality is involved in that.

    but dont just plug in sexuality and romance just because.


  34. Dane

    April 8, 2016 at 14:26

    Two Words: Neko Para.


  35. mark

    July 30, 2017 at 12:00

    I live in Irving. She is a Class A scumbag.

    This is it. After what she pulled and he appoints some racist jerk from an obscure little town in the middle of DFW like IRVING?!?! Whose claim to fame was arresting a kid with a fucking clock


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