No Xbox 360 Spring Update: Confirmed
Some bad news has arrived for Xbox Live users in the form of an interview with Marc Whitten on Next Generation . It seems that Microsoft has opted to skip the Spring Update for this year, stating that they want to spend more of their time on building a "proper infrastructure and scale for the service". They will however be making a few changes. Microsoft will be making changes to their DRM policy, which will allow users to access downloaded content without having to be connected to Xbox Live, anyone who has had to replace their console will know what I am talking about. Another change is that MS are going to be streamlining Xbox Live Arcade by removing games that have underperformed (Ouch!), with reporting that "Games that have been on the market for over six months, have a Metacritic average lower than 65% and a conversion rate below 6% will be targeted for de-listing." (Ouch again!) This of course means that all Spring Update leaks that we heard about are all fake, it's a shame really.
Nick De Bruyne