Home Gaming Rexxar enters the Nexxus, and he sucks

Rexxar enters the Nexxus, and he sucks

3 min read

At GamesCom this year Blizzard announced the release of three new heroes to their new MOBA Heroes of The Storm. Kharazim, Rexxar and Artanis. It has been almost a month since the release of Kharazim, the healer monk from Diablo III, and yesterday we got our first taste of Rexxar. As with all newly released heroes they immediately become popular picks in public games. While this is no real measure of their success, compared to other newly released heroes, Rexxar just isn’t that good. What’s the issue here? We must go deeper.


Warrior or Specialist?

Rexxar, from Warcraft lore, is half-orc half-ogre character who uses his Hunter abilities to tame pets, in this case his trusty bear Misha, and use the wild to his advantage. If you’ve ever played any Warcraft, namely World of Warcraft, you’d understand that Hunters use their pets for survivability and damage. This confused me the most with the release of Rexxar. He enters the game as a warrior which does come with certain expectations. Warriors in Heroes of The Storm are usually your tank heroes whose job it is to protect your fragile allies. While Rexxar may not be tank himself, his bear Misha negates most damage dealt. This does not give him the right set of skills to be deemed a tank, but rather a specialist?

Perhaps he may fit into the current meta once he has been experimented with in the professional scene. At the moment many professional teams are experimenting with dual warrior setups, as some warriors do have damage capabilities. For example Leoric, who tanks hard and hits harder, combo’d up with Johanna, who is extremely tank. Perhaps he will fit into a similar lineup, but that remains to be seen.

What’s even worse is that Rexxar has only a 40% win rate after his day of release, with roughly 3000 games played. Compared to the release of Leoric, also a Warrior, this is shocking. This isn’t enough though, we still need to go deeper.

Rexxar vs. Lone Druid

While Rexxar does feature in Dota 2 and the original Dota as the Beastmaster, his closest relative is the Lone Druid, who also uses a bear companion. Similarly the bear acts as the tank, while the hero controls the abilities. The biggest difference here is that Lone Druid’s bear companion can be micro’d (controlled by the player) at the same time as controlling the hero. In Heroes of The Storm Misha is controlled by AI, with two basic functions- Attack or Follow. If you’ve played WoW you’d know that Hunter’s pet AI is atrocious at times, and this makes Rexxar extremely awkward in team fights. On a related topic, an example would be Nazeebo’s Gargantuan who often prefers to attack structures outside of team fights. While Gary the Gargantuan (not his real name) only exists for a short period of time upon cool down, Misha is constantly up, and you can’t control her.

LD vs. rex

This further elaborates my suggestion of Rexxar being a specialist, perhaps focusing more on soaking experience and pushing, instead of trying to be a tank with a clunky bear. As I mentioned, perhaps there is a situation where Rexxar may feature alongside a second Warrior, but to be honest I don’t see that happening just yet. Looking at Nazeebo once again, he is often picked as a solo specialist with a skillset which insures slight survivability and the ability to deal hero and structural damage. Basically, if left alone Nazeebo becomes a nightmare to deal with. I honestly felt Rexxar would fit a similar role, but I was wrong. I highly doubt Blizzard would consider a remake, but the general consensus is he sucks.

Last Updated: September 10, 2015


  1. Lardus-For the Emperor!

    September 10, 2015 at 22:55

    They might tweak him in future. Just got into this game recently, and must say I like it. Just playing against the AI thus far learning the maps and some character. Diablo, Valla and Malfurion are thus far quite to my liking. Thinking of testing Regar as well…


  2. Hargrim

    September 11, 2015 at 08:11

    Sadly he does kinda suck. But this is not just down to his label.
    His top picked L1 talent (Hunter-Gatherer) is bugged at the moment
    Then there’s also the fact that he’s labeled as Ranged, but his range is so short that he’s basically in the enemy’s face anyway (insert SMOrc joke here)

    To be viable his L7 talent (Throwing Axes) needs to become baseline, Misha needs a bit better controlability, something like the Water Elemental/Ultralisk, and then he needs a bug fix


    • SargonTheRebornBatpanda

      September 11, 2015 at 09:36

      Fix Garg first pls Blizzard. KKThnx.


      • Hargrim

        September 11, 2015 at 11:00

        Gary is a Zombie Hulk, he’s supposed to be a bit . . . special


  3. SargonTheRebornBatpanda

    September 11, 2015 at 09:36

    I feel like any hero that has a slightly more advanced control system (be that microing or just a few extra keys to control beastie) should logically have a win rate that’s lower than your casual SWING-MACE-TO-FACE Leoric-type hero.

    I dunno if win rate really reflects hero potential. If anything, it merely shows you that the large majority of HotS users probably also don’t know what the heck to do with him. 😛


    • Hargrim

      September 11, 2015 at 11:04

      And yet TLV topped the charts for months even though they are an intense micro hero.

      Win rate doesn’t always reflect potential, but Rexxar is at just above 40% at the moment. A good hero in a bad spot should be in the 45-50 area


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