Home Gaming Sims have four times more sex than humans

Sims have four times more sex than humans

1 min read

Ah, the Sims. That glorious game that’s all about replicating what life could be if only we had the perfect career, family and home. Or were left to drown in swimming pools. EA has released an infographic showing what everyone has been up to and it’s great to see that we aspire to having such active sex lives.

Here is the full infographic for your viewing pleasure.

EA TheSims4 Infographic Finaljpg

I find the love lives particularly interesting here. 40% of Sims are married as compared to 51% of US adults. Meanwhile, only 2% of Sims get divorced as compared to 40% of US adults. I’m totally going to attribute that to the next stat; Sims had 105 million “woohoos” since launch. That means that the average Sim has four times more woohoo per month than the average US married couple. I wonder how these compare to South African couples.

The deaths section is a bit surprising to me. 32% of Sims die of old age, with 18% going from hunger and 14% by fire. I suppose considering that pools weren’t available at launch we don’t really know the accurate stats about drowning. Still, I’m always amazed at the ways Sims can die, especially as 3 000 deaths were by laughter. Who knew that humor was so dangerous?

It’s cool to see these numbers and they certainly are impressive considering that the game has only been out for six months. If people have been this getting their Sims together and making all kinds of exciting things happen, just imagine what the numbers will be after the next few expansions.

Last Updated: March 11, 2015


  1. Blood Emperor Trevor

    March 11, 2015 at 10:08

    What’s a “woohoo”? A “yoohoo” with benefits?


    • Dutch Matrix

      March 11, 2015 at 10:14

      It’s a kiddy friendly version of “Let’s Fuck…”


    • Loftus

      March 11, 2015 at 10:18

      No it’s taboo to yoohoo while woohoo!


    • Hammersteyn

      March 11, 2015 at 10:19

      Here it would be “Blaas dood die kers en gee daar ‘n stukkie.”


      • Blood Emperor Trevor

        March 11, 2015 at 10:21

        That sounds like a line from Sakkie Sakkie Boeredans.


        • Pariah

          March 11, 2015 at 10:21

          Are you surprised?


          • Blood Emperor Trevor

            March 11, 2015 at 10:32

            I’m too tired to be surprised by much.

          • Pariah

            March 11, 2015 at 10:39

            That’s what she said?

        • Dutch Matrix

          March 11, 2015 at 10:22

          Sakkie Sakkie Boeredans… Oh Gods I need to get my mind out of the gutter. Now.


      • Dutch Matrix

        March 11, 2015 at 10:21

        Kers? Who knew Piet Retief invented the Dildo?


  2. ReaperOfSquirrels

    March 11, 2015 at 10:13

    Yeah, but how many of those woohoo’s were with the Sim’s actual partner? huh? XD

    I’m still pretty tempted to get this game… no idea why though… will wait till is dirt cheap… as in when the 1th expansion or The Sims 5 comes out.


  3. Hammersteyn

    March 11, 2015 at 10:18

    3000 deaths by laughter? Didn’t realize the DLC structure for this game was that ridiculous 😛


    • Dutch Matrix

      March 11, 2015 at 10:28

      You sir, are an uneducated Heathen! The amount of money I have spent on Sims Expansion packs since the Sims 2 is no laughing matter!


  4. Matt Milne

    March 11, 2015 at 11:23

    maybe we should woohoo more in life, than in games.


  5. DrKiller

    March 11, 2015 at 12:10

    How do you die by laughter??

    Shit, do I have a chance to die in real life? From now on I will only watch dramas, never play games again, maybe Tetris and solitaire and stay home every day!


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