Home Gaming Starcraft 2 showdown for Bitcoin prize

Starcraft 2 showdown for Bitcoin prize

1 min read

Scarlett naniwa

We’ve seen some impressive prize pools in eSports this year. All in all, it’s been a good year to be a pro-athlete in eSports. Usually, the biggest money can be found in the MOBA, but now it looks like better people are looking at Starcraft, and using their weird betting currency.

I will confess, I don’t understand the allure of Bitcoins. I know all currency is only as valuable as people believe it to be, and exchange rates will always fluctuate, and all that economic mumbo jumbo. However, the Bitcoin truly seems like vaporware to me – but maybe it’s just because it isn’t tied to any country’s (or company’s or organization’s) economy/value. In any event, Bitcoins are all the rage at the moment, currently valued at about $700 per Bitcoin although it has been as high as $1000 in the past couple weeks. Now its proponents are sponsoring a Starcraft tournament.

On 21 December, Canadian Zerg pro Scarlett will go up against Swedish Protoss pro NaNiwa. The prize: 12 Bitcoin. That’s right. At current exchange rate that’s about $8 400, but it could go up as high as $12-15k. Not too shabby.

The match will be played on 21 December at 12 EST (6pm local time) in a best of 7 match up. The map pool is to be decided, and TotalBiscuit is looking for some foreign language casters, for those of you who want to show off those skills. It looks to be an interesting match up as these rivals haven’t played each other in competition in Heart of the Swarm, yet constantly use each other as a benchmark during international competitions.

For those who want to watch, here is TotalBiscuit’s stream so you can tune in on the 21st:

Watch live video from Totalbiscuit on www.twitch.tv

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Last Updated: December 17, 2013


  1. TiMsTeR1033

    December 17, 2013 at 13:21

    Seems nobody cares about this…. Sorry ZOE!


    • 64bit

      December 18, 2013 at 08:28

      Seems someone cant wrap his head around people enjoying other games besides farmville


  2. RinceGivesRspectsToMadiba

    December 17, 2013 at 13:23

    Don’t get the allure of Bitcon(s?) either. Nice prize though! They can use their winnings to hire an assassin to take out their childhood enemies…


    • CodeName Tailgunner

      December 17, 2013 at 13:28

      I would spend my winnings to fly around the world and punch every highschool kid who ever called me a n00b right in the face



      • TiMsTeR1033

        December 17, 2013 at 13:37

        and what if they punch you back…. tisk tisk..


        • CodeName Tailgunner

          December 17, 2013 at 13:42

          OK correction.

          I will knock them the F*** out and proceed to make sweet love to their mothers


          • SaintsRowNigri

            December 17, 2013 at 13:55

            Is the Call of Duty servers down again?

          • CodeName Tailgunner

            December 17, 2013 at 14:52

            Lol no, just a reference to popular culture in the Jay and Silent Bob sense. Who used the royalties they received for the bluntman and chronic comics to fly around and beat up kids who dissed them on the interwebs

      • RinceGivesRspectsToMadiba

        December 17, 2013 at 14:45

        Hahahah NICE


  3. Ultimo_Cleric N7

    December 17, 2013 at 14:21

    NaNi has got this one in the bag imo.
    The Protoss micro and zealot drops are just too strong. Muta play is Scarlett’s only hope.


  4. Nathan Timothy Anderson

    December 17, 2013 at 23:08

    Looking forward to this 😀 Rooting for Naniwa although Scarlett’s muta play vs Protoss is very good!


  5. 64bit

    December 18, 2013 at 08:24

    Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett

    SCARLETT !!!!!


  6. 64bit

    December 18, 2013 at 08:24

    All hail the Zerg Queen


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