Home Gaming The THQ Humble Bundle is over and raised…

The THQ Humble Bundle is over and raised…

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So the THQ Humble Bundle is now over and over the last week it managed to rake in a total of $5 097 437.82 or roughly R44 million which isn’t bad for a week’s work.

What we don’t know however is how much of that went to charity and how much will be used to help THQ survive their January credit deadline but what it hopefully has done is remind everyone out there how amazing some of the THQ titles are and what a loss it would be to the industry if they were to disappear. 

If you missed it…then what the hell is wrong with you? We spoke about it tons! Otherwise enjoy your titles and we’ll keep you updated if any other great specials pop up.

Some interesting stats: the average price topped out at $5.76 (people are cheap) and the top purchase was from the THQ CEO who picked his own bundle up for $10 000 with the next highest being Greg at $1750.

882 285 people picked up this bundle and the bundle ended with 10 titles and 5 soundtracks in total. If you bought the bundle but didn’t get the added titles simply go back to your download page and get your other codes for free and for nothing.

Last Updated: December 13, 2012

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