Home Gaming This might be the end for Marcus, but not for Gears of War

This might be the end for Marcus, but not for Gears of War

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Marcus Fenix’ story may be coming to a close soon, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t more stories within the game’s universe to tell. According to Epic Games’ Rod Fergusson Gears of War 3 closes the chapter on the franchise as we know it, but there’s more in store for Gears of War fans.

That doesn’t mean that Gears of War 3 is going to leaving you hanging though; It’s the last in the trilogy and, if the hyperbole is to be believed “the culmination of a franchise.”

“We’re not blowing up the world so Sera and the Gears universe will live on but for us we didn’t want to betray our customers and community by having a cliff-hanger ending where you’re like ‘argh I just got duped, now I’ve gotta wait until the next game’,” Fergusson said in an interview with CVG. “We wanted to have closure, we wanted people to have some satisfaction that they were along for this ride and they lived through a story.”

“We’re not going to reveal everything because we want some mystique left in our universe, but this is the Marcus Fenix story and people should feel satisfied after playing through that.”  “We’re bringing the biggest campaign with ever made, we’re bring Horde, we’re bringing Beast, we’re bringing a really deep multiplayer with rewards and unlocks and thousands of hours of gameplay,” he said.

“To me this is the best Gears that Epic has ever made. It’s a no-brainer – it’s the game you have to get.” Thanks, Rod. I think I just might.

I wonder if the next Gears  is a Kinect-enabled game like everybody keeps whispering? Personally, I like Miklós’ idea of turning the franchise in to a Halo Wars style real-time strategy game, based on the over-arching wars from the Gears universe..but that’d probably just end up pissing fans off.

Source : CVG

Last Updated: April 5, 2011

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