Home Tabletop Tabletop Tunes is creating a soundtrack for the ultimate tabletop experience

Tabletop Tunes is creating a soundtrack for the ultimate tabletop experience

2 min read

If there is one consistent thread that unites people of all different entertainment tastes, be it gamer, book lover, TV, or sports enthusiast, it’s the love of music. We might all have different tastes in music, but the love of listening to songs we love is one of life’s greatest pleasures and makes any moment more significant.

And it’s this love for music that is the foundation of a new Tabletop experience titled Tabletop Tunes, which is looking to bring this shared passion to tabletop gamers everywhere. Tabletop Tunes an app from well-known film and game composer Anthony Sabatino, designed to help immerse gamers deeper into the world of whatever game they are playing. Something which could be especially important to bring that D&D campaign to life and make that next climatic battle sound as epic as it supposed to.  

Whereas video games and movies have the benefit of soundtrack that can draw people into those different mediums, it’s something that has been missing from the tabletop experience, resulting in a void that Sabatino is looking to fill through this new app:

With so many people still spending most of their time at home, I wanted to give both new and long-time tabletop gamers a much-deserved, long overdue soundtrack of their own. Much like accompanying music enhances the power of a great TV show or movie, Tabletop Tunes can turn any Saturday night board game into an exciting and more meaningful adventure.

The app, which is available on both iOS and Android devices, allows players to personalise their gaming experience by choosing a category like Explore, Town, Battle, or Miscellaneous before choosing from a subcategory like Explore, Fantasy Forest, Cavernous Cave, or Dark Dungeon with a selection of tracks to choose from after that, along with an intensity slider based on the mood that you want to create for your particular game. And if you really want to up the ante, the app even includes a Boss Battle track to make the players feel even tenser as they roll those dice and hope for the best.

The app is launching on March 9 and will be made free to download. Different music packs will be made available at $3.99 per pack, or $9.99 for all three products.

Last Updated: March 4, 2021


  1. Original Heretic

    March 4, 2021 at 12:42

    Heh, I remember using the Witcher (first game) soundtrack for my D&D sessions. It really does add an awesome level of immersion.


    • Lu

      March 5, 2021 at 01:17

      That’s a pretty great idea! I used the HBS Battletech soundtrack for my classic Battletech games, but could be pretty good for DnD too.


  2. Lu

    March 5, 2021 at 01:15

    This is great. I use the 3 built in soundtracks for Roll20, but having summing I can use in my IRL sessions is well worth $10.


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