Home Gaming Hands on with the women of FIFA 16

Hands on with the women of FIFA 16

2 min read

So this last weekend I downloaded FIFA 16 and gave it a quick spin. But one of the most obvious new additions that I had to try was playing some games with the new women teams in the game.

My first thought when the women’s teams were announced was how they were going to rate female players in the game. Would they go with ranking them equally against their male counterparts or would they get their own ranking system entirely? When my first match started I noticed some of my players in the high 80’s and early 90’s which would put them on par with players like Messi and Suarez. So this either meant they were using the same system and being ranked incorrectly against the male players or they had an entirely new ranking system.

But it became quite clear when I started playing with the players, who were fantastically rendered, sometimes having some issues controlling the ball and the odd shot or pass going a little more wayward than you’d expect.

It really is hard to tell but I’d guess the women’s 80 rank is around the 50 male rank mark with the top women players being around the 65 mark on the male team.

Is this fair or accurate? Honestly I have no idea, I’ve not had the pleasure of watching a professional women’s FIFA game.

I thoroughly enjoyed the game and it’s great to see that EA is bringing more diversity into their games but if I had to be entirely honest I don’t see myself choosing to play in the women’s division again. I like to imagine I’m as great as Messi, Ronaldo and Suarez at football and that is why I always go for the very best team in the world, Liverpool. Shut up.

I like playing as the underdog and building them up to take over the world but since the women’s teams can’t play the men’s teams then again there isn’t any reason for me personally to play this.

Thankfully games aren’t made just for me though so I hope to see the inclusion of women and other underrepresented people in FIFA last forever, and help bring more people in to the world of video games.

Last Updated: September 21, 2015


  1. Alien Emperor Trevor

    September 21, 2015 at 13:37

    Liverpool are the best team in the world AND the underdog? I sense a contradiction in the soccer force.


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  2. VampyreSquirrel

    September 21, 2015 at 13:59

    I was hoping Zoe wrote this article because of the heading… but I was wrong… oh so wrong.


  3. Raptor Rants

    September 21, 2015 at 14:19

    Hands… On?????


  4. Brady miaau

    September 21, 2015 at 14:49

    The USA Womans team look top notch, when I watched them play last year a few times on TV. They looked damn good, so I am not sure if it is fair to have “the women’s 80 rank is around the 50 male rank mark”.

    Hard to say, really. But actually, I want to take an all woman team to the top of the Premier league. Can I do that in the game? I doubt it.


  5. Jonah Cash

    September 21, 2015 at 16:34

    Mmmmm… this doesn’t sway me either way as I have said many times.
    How is the new Fifa Gavin? Their videos don’t really say what has changed…


  6. konfab

    September 21, 2015 at 19:28

    FIFA 2020: Features players who identify as a rocket powered car.


  7. Brandon van Reenen

    September 21, 2015 at 19:45

    You can’t control the women in FIFA 16, because they’re independent and don’t need a man telling them what to do.


  8. Brandon van Reenen

    September 21, 2015 at 19:46

    Also, FIFA is now no-longer-worth-buying. It’s just flatlining and honestly very little change over the last 5 years or so.


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