Home Gaming Star Wars Battlefront to include dedicated servers, hulking Darth Vader

Star Wars Battlefront to include dedicated servers, hulking Darth Vader

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Star Wars Vader

Star Wars Battlefront doesn’t include a full-fledged single-player campaign, but tons of people are still going to buy it. Who needs single player when you can enter the Star Wars universe and kill all the things? Of course, without the ability to play alone, there will have to be nice ways to play well with others, and DICE is taking a somewhat unique approach to that.

First they made an announcement that instead of a server-browser, the shooter will use skill-based matchmaking. But don’t fear for the state of servers, they went on to confirm to PlayStation LifeStyle:

We’ll still have dedicated servers. Absolutely. It’s one of the hallmarks of making sure we deliver an unparalled online servers for the game.

So, there will be dedicated servers, but you just won’t be able to browse them. Clear?

Meanwhile, over on GamesRadar, Darth Vader has been described like a typical horror movie boss. He might only walk slowly towards you, but you’d still better keep running because if catches you, you’re pretty much dead:

When he’s close up, Darth Vader can use a heavy lightsaber swing to cut down swathes of Rebels in a single stroke. Once the main force is down he can throw his saber to clean up stragglers, or force choke them for extra style points. You can toss enemies around while you’re telekinetically strangling the life out of them, naturally.

Darth Vader can deflect blaster bolts and absorb many more, so your best shot at taking him down is from behind. Recruit a couple of like-minded Rebels, hold your fire as you sneak through Vader’s wake of destruction, and light him up to snag that lucrative Villain takedown point bonus.

I doubt I will be any good at Star Wars Battlefront, although it does sound like it will be a whole lot of fun to play with your friends, assuming you can get everyone in the group to stop all trying to pick Boba Fett.

Last Updated: September 22, 2015


  1. Grand Admiral Chief

    September 22, 2015 at 07:37

    Nope, still not sold on this


    • Kromas untamed

      September 22, 2015 at 07:44

      Star Wars Game. Sold. 🙂


      • Grand Admiral Chief

        September 22, 2015 at 08:01

        The ONLY reason why I’m not totally opposed to it, is because it is a SW game


        • Kromas untamed

          September 22, 2015 at 08:06

          Well the pre-order beta weekend is coming up fast. I will then finally have a taste of wielding awesome force powers!

          Well with the exception of Dark Forces series. And KotoR series. And Force unleashed. Okay so I already had a taste but I am hungry for more!


          • Grand Admiral Chief

            September 22, 2015 at 08:23

            Nothing, as in NOTHING beats throwing things around with the Force

          • Kromas untamed

            September 22, 2015 at 08:49

            Force Choking!

            Dark side forever!

          • Grand Admiral Chief

            September 22, 2015 at 08:51

            Man, throwing around rebels and stormtroopers in TFU was oh so fun!

          • Kromas untamed

            September 22, 2015 at 08:54

            Man I am getting more and more excited for this damn beta weekend.

          • Grand Admiral Chief

            September 22, 2015 at 08:59

            I’ll let you beta test

          • Matthew Holliday

            September 22, 2015 at 15:03

            forgot about the beta, now with our small player pool, we have a chance to ruin the matchmaking system befor its even released.

          • Kromas untamed

            September 22, 2015 at 15:38

            Uhm. The pre-load for the beta starts Thursday before it starts so you can bet that maybe 3 South Africans get it downloaded in time to actually play 😛

            Just happy my work has some decent fiber lines installed. 🙂

      • Marc O Polo

        September 22, 2015 at 08:25

        Star Wars. SOLD!

        there I fixed it


  2. Alien Emperor Trevor

    September 22, 2015 at 07:43

    So… dedicated server to host the online match making service confirmed? I am confuzzed.


    • Kromas untamed

      September 22, 2015 at 07:45

      Seems that way. Maybe they meant dedicated server for competitions and such or playing with friends.


    • Brady miaau

      September 22, 2015 at 08:29

      To play star wars. Only.


    • VampyreSquirrel

      September 22, 2015 at 09:35

      It’s so they can run the game for 2 years and then shut the servers down before they release the sequel.


      • Grand Admiral Chief

        September 22, 2015 at 09:42

        YAY EA!


  3. Ryanza

    September 22, 2015 at 10:46

    The DRM is strong in this one.

    Don’t Support DRM.


  4. Matthew Holliday

    September 22, 2015 at 15:00

    Might as well ignore it locally then.
    was considering getting it, but after hearing that, no thanks.

    if you look away from it for like 10 seconds, the MMR pool will have progressed too far for you to be matched with them anymore.
    10 seconds after that, finding a game at all will be impossible.

    FPS games use a basic sliding scale MMR system. meaning it only increases, and never decreases.
    combine that with our small local player pool, if you take a week off to play something else, you wont be able to find a game.


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