Call of Duty Advanced Warfare_Review_Crash

It’s been a hell of a long time since I thoroughly enjoyed a Call of Duty title. After the first Black Ops, I completely lost interest in the series and put it behind me. The futuristic setting of Advanced Warfare tickled my interest though, so I was quite keen to see how it turned out. As a bit of disclosure, let me say that I was flown to a top secret location with a few other European journalists to have a few days of hands-on time with the game. Sadly, there was no free yacht or giant pay cheque under my pillow. Instead, I got a ton of time to explore the future, and I think it’s looking rather bright for the series.


The year is 2054. As you’d expect from the typical Call of Duty game, there is some or other crisis taking place. You fill the role of Jack Mitchell, a US Marine who lands in Seoul to help fight the invading North Koreans… some things just never change I guess. You’re accompanied by your best friend, William Irons. The mission ends horrendously with Mitchell losing not only his buddy, but also his left arm.

Fast forward to the funeral and Jonathan Irons, William’s father, steps in. This is the character played by Kevin Spacey, one of the game’s biggest marketing bulletpoints. It’s an important character too, as he is the CEO and founder of Atlas Corporation, a huge company that is home to the world’s most powerful private military. Needless to say, his organisation has some of the most advanced technology of the time, and he offers Mitchell a second chance.

Jonothan Irons

As a new member of the Atlas Private Military Corporation, you partake in several missions all over the globe, stepping in where others can’t due to all the political red tape. There is a terrorist organisation known as the KVA who are out to cause all sorts of havoc, and it’s your job to hunt down their leader, Hades.You have access to all sorts of new tech toys during these missions thanks to the futuristic setting. The most notable piece of gear you have is of course, the Exoskeleton. You won’t believe just how much that artificial spine has changed up the gameplay. Simply put, it’s a lot of fun.

Each mission has a different type of Exosuit with different capabilities depending on the situation at hand. I was a bit disappointed to find that I couldn’t boost jump in each stage, but that’s understandable as it wasn’t really needed for most. Thankfully, you can still use the left or right boost to dodge regardless of what Exosuit is equipped.

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare_Review_Utopia

There are also some neat accessories. My favourite by far was the grapple hook. There is a stealth mission which has you swinging up and over ledges and into bushes for cover, while another is more intense, requiring the player to move up and down areas quickly to gain vantage points or fulfil objectives.

I was honestly surprised at the detail Sledgehammer put into one level that made use of it. I was chatting to the one developers after finishing the campaign, and he mentioned some of the things the grapple hook was capable of. I had missed some of these subtle nuances. I went back and replayed that particular level, only to find that grappling to a ledge with an enemy has several different takedown animations. In fact, ledge death is just the start. There are other, much cooler uses which I won’t spoil for you.

The Exosuit also has room for permanent upgrades which adds a very light RPG element to the game. These are acquired by simply killing enemies, performing headshots, or finding pieces of intel. Upgrade points allow you to improve the likes of reload speed, sprint speed, and various other aspects of the suit. I thought it was a nice touch, allowing players to feel like they are getting just that little bit stronger or better as the game progresses

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare_Review_Kyle Cormack

Overall, I liked the campaign. There are the usual explosive and unusual set pieces typical to a game of this nature. Not all of them blew me away, but I never once felt disappointed either. The only real dislike I had was the ending… it felt a little flat, setting up an obvious sequel. That’s just my opinion though.

I know many will pick up Advanced Warfare just for campaign, so is it worth it? To ensure I finished my review, I played on regular difficulty, and trust me, I still had my fair share of deaths. With that in mind, my total playtime clocked in at just under 7 hours. Comparatively, another journalist said his playthrough on regular took 8. Higher difficulties will obviously take a lot longer. In terms of replayability, I think the campaign is good enough to have people playing it a second or third time. I know I certainly will.

As for Jonathan Irons, Spacey does a sterling job. The facial capture really is amazing and looks ridiculously lifelike. That being said, he is not the only memorable character. Mitchell does also come across as somewhat developed as the story progresses, a lot more relatable than previous protagonists. Those around him were far more interesting to me though.


This for many is the real Call of Duty. The big question is, how does the Exosuit affect the traditional multiplayer experience? It’s a tough question to answer. Personally, I think it’s a welcome change to the series, something that was desperately needed. That being said, I don’t know if it is something everybody will enjoy. It’s an odd feeling. You will sprint around the map, dodging left and right, jumping up to reach new heights, and it all feels a little alien at first. Yet, it still somehow manages to feel exactly like Call of Duty should. The Exosuit really opens up the maps when it comes to mobility, and they have been designed to utilise this new movement to full effect.

When it comes to encountering other players, I was strongly reminded of Unreal Tournament when it came to double jumping or boosting left and right. A skilled opponent will still more than likely shoot you in the face regardless of which direction you choose to dodge, but I really felt like it was giving me a fighting chance in encounters.

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare_Review_Solar

There is just something addictive about facing an enemy, dodging their fire, and pulling off a headshot. I was genuinely surprised at how boosting became second nature, whether it was to get around corners quickly for cover, or simply in a head-on encounter to improve survivability. I don’t think it feels cheap either. Killing a fast moving enemy is just that more rewarding – at least in my eyes.

There are also a bunch of new abilities thanks to the Exosuit. For example, you can choose to equip a movement upgrade which when activated, makes you run at a much faster speed. Another will give you access to a riot shield of sorts, allowing you to back out of any unfavourable situation. One that has many people riled up is the cloak upgrade. No, it really isn’t broken. An invisible player may be harder to see, but they are still very much spottable if you’re paying attention. Also, none of these abilities last forever. They have a limited use per life.

Customisation is better than ever. Remember Pick Ten from Black Ops II? Advanced Warfare ramps that up to Pick Thirteen. As the name implies, there are thirteen points to spend on customisation, really allowing the player to tailor exactly how they wish to play. I seldom used grenades, or my Exosuit ability for that matter (depending on how I felt). Pick Thirteen allowed me to drop those in favour of something else, say, three attachments on my primary, or extra kill streaks. You can utilise it however you want. Feel like you don’t have enough perks? Just drop a secondary weapon and grab another awesome passive!

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare_Review_Ascend

Beyond that there is also cosmetic customisations. Sledgehammer want players to really stand out and feel unique. What’s awesome is that rewards aren’t based purely on your abilities in combat. Supply drops are awarded depending on time spent playing, and they contain anything from new pants or helmets to new weapon variants. If there is unwanted gear, those can be cashed in towards your level XP. The gear itself is rad, with options to equip new items in categories from your shoes right through to the exosuit itself.

Overall, It’s the multiplayer experience you’d expect from a Call of Duty title. There are numerous game modes to suck up all your time, including some old favourites like Hardpoint, and the new Uplink – a sort of futuristic, combatitive basketball –  which is a lot of fun. The Exosuit notches up the game to a speedy 11. I really can’t comprehend the thought of going back to a Call of Duty title that doesn’t have this awesome piece of tech. Again, I’m not sure if this change is something that will appeal to everybody, though I rather enjoyed it.


A growing trend these days is the inclusion of a mode which has players surviving against endless waves of enemies. Call of Duty has done this since the good old zombies back in Black Ops. Advanced Warfare has its own too, called Exo-Survival. There are no undead or aliens. Instead, players have to fend off perfectly ordinary enemies, for the first few levels anyways. Journalists were split off into different groups. My team consisted of people from Poland, Hungary, and the UK. We were ambitious, we had dreams… we were going to destroy wave after wave.

Except, we didn’t. Exo-Survival is damned tough, at least it was for us. Enemies get stronger, to the point where it’s just insane. Players are expected to go up against soldiers who are ill-equipped, to soldiers with grenades, to soldiers and dogs, to invisible soldiers, to grenade throwing soldiers with dogs, to invisible grenade throwing soldiers with dogs, to insanely armoured enemies akin to the Juggernaut from previous Call of Duty titles, except that they are in freaking mech… You get the picture? Oh, and there are drones in the air, shooting you in the face now and then too.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, camping is not an option. A wave will almost always have a secondary objective, and if unfulfilled, results in hardcore punishments on the team such as gear or primary weapons being disabled for example. These objectives can include the likes of defusing three bombs within two minutes, defending a hardpoint, collecting 20 dog tags all over the map, and so on. It really does keep players on their toes. Thankfully, to even the odds, each wave rewards the player with Exo Currency. These can be used to upgrade weapons, kill streaks or the Exosuit itself.

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare_Review_Instinct

There are three classes to choose from; Light, Heavy, and Specialist. Each have their own unique equipment. Finding a good balance in a party can really make a difference. Personally, I enjoyed the Light class. They only have access to submachine guns and assault rifles, as well as a UAV kill streak, but they are also the fastest and most mobile which compensates for their low armor.

Each map has its own unique feel, and finding the perfect spot is a real challenge. That in itself is difficult, because no map seems to have a corner to hide in. In the end, it doesn’t matter as there are those pesky secondary objectives to fulfil. My ragtag team managed to reach level 11. Another team (with an Advanced Warfare developer) reached level 98. I really don’t know what sort of  sorcery was used to achieve such a feat. Oddly enough, I tried the game solo at a later stage, and made it further than I did with my team. I reached level 12, only stopping because it was time to leave the hotel.

Games of this nature can grow stale really quickly. I only got about 4 hours or so of playtime, yet I could easily play dozens more. Exo-Survival is a great addition to Advanced Warfare, and something I am confident many will enjoy. I just have no clue whether level 98 is something achievable by the average group of people. Knowing the Internet though, I’m sure the 100th wave will be passed soon enough.


You’d expect the new movement options to come at the expense of great, comfortable controls, but this isn’t the case at all. Dodging is achieved simply by pushing the analogue stick in while facing the direction you want to boost in. Double jumping is just a matter of tapping jump twice, and that movement can be further improved by boosting in the desired direction midair. It works, it’s not complicated at all. As I’ve said already, the new movement felt like second nature to me in next to no time.

Most of my time with the game was spent on the Xbox One. I did get a handful of hours on the PlayStation 4 too, and to me there is no real noticeable difference. In the end, it all comes down to console preference. While I love the design of the new Xbox One controller (really, it’s the sexiest controller EVER), I transitioned to the Dual Shock without any issue whatsoever.

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare_Review_Exo Cloak

Is the game too futuristic? Not at all. Sledgehammer have gone out of their way to research all the gear they have included. If such a thing doesn’t exist already (as in, beyond a prototype stage), it definitely will in the near future. Holy crap, I need an Exosuit with a grapple gun so I can go Spider-Man around Joburg CBD! I spent around 15-16 hours with the title. That is just a scratch on the surface of the longevity thanks to the multiplayer and Exo-Survival modes.

Disclosure: The review was conducted over a three-day period at a review event in the UK. The single player review was conducted on an Xbox One at my own pace in my hotel room with no intervention from PR or the game’s developers. The game was played to completion on regular, and took in the region of 7 hours. The multiplayer component was played in a specified room with other media representatives. As multiplayer information is verified online, the multiplayer sessions were conducted over Xbox Live.

Last Updated: November 3, 2014

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Sledgehammer Games have taken a huge risk by sending the series so far into the future. Some fans may feel left behind, but the simple truth is should they choose to ignore the title, they will be missing out. This is one of the better Call of Duties in recent years. It's fresh enough to the point that it's alien, yet it's still Call of Duty underneath that futuristic surface.
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare was reviewed on Xbox One
81 / 100


  1. OVG

    November 3, 2014 at 10:04

    SOLD at 60fps.


    • Hammersteyn

      November 3, 2014 at 10:14

      Totally not scripted.


      • OVG

        November 3, 2014 at 10:21

        Also, why go to all the trouble making a Kevin Spacey character model? Why dont they do what Wing Commander did and just film these AAA actors as FMVs.


        • Hammersteyn

          November 3, 2014 at 10:23

          WC4 FTW


          • OVG

            November 3, 2014 at 10:31

            So ahead of its time. I hope the FMV style makes a comeback. Mass Effect would have been perfect with real actors.

    • Hammersteyn

      November 3, 2014 at 10:15

      Where’s the guys beanie? I thought they all wore beanies?


      • OVG

        November 3, 2014 at 10:17

        They can afford a few extra polygons now thanks to the success of Destiny.


      • Admiral Chief 0

        November 3, 2014 at 10:39

        He is not immune to headshots now


      • Captain JJ the pout

        November 3, 2014 at 10:40

        It’s probably summer there.


  2. Matthew Holliday

    November 3, 2014 at 10:10

    that this got a good review REALLY makes me angry.
    I was determined to hate this game after the failure that was MW3 & ghosts, but i still find my hand drifting towards my wallet and wondering how much the game costs…


    • OVG

      November 3, 2014 at 10:15

      Activision know when to dig into those deeeeeeeeeep pockets.
      Besides I was always a fan but hated how multiplayer took main priority.
      MW2 was a perfect sit down play in one sitting. Feeling so pumped up after the 4-5hour AUDIOGASM from Hans Zimmer.

      MW3 had some lovely set peices but the AUDIO sucked goat.



      • Hammersteyn

        November 3, 2014 at 10:24

        Rofl, we all raged a bit too much last time that happened


      • Matthew Holliday

        November 3, 2014 at 10:29

        i was a diehard defender of CoD untill ghosts.

        i played MW1 into the ground, playing for borgs second team in the AGASA league, killed MW2 aswell, was a great casual shoot fest, but then it all went downhill.
        MW3 was pretty much exactly the same as MW2 from a gameplay perspective, but it was just hack central and the ping even to local hosters was inconsistant at best, but i still enjoyed playing it when it wasnt terrible.
        then ghosts came out with the worst optimisation ever, changed the feel of all the guns and released a patch that literally broke matchmaking, cannot find a game, uninstalling, reinstalling from disk, fresh download, nothing works.

        so i really wanted this one to fail and scratch CoD of my buy list forever, but now that this one is apparently better, im hating that i have to rethink my position.


  3. Guild

    November 3, 2014 at 10:13

    Nice to know my pre-order hasn’t gone to waste or maybe that’s to be determined…. As long as it’s better than Ghosts I am happy. Looking forward to some more league


  4. RinceThis

    November 3, 2014 at 10:14

    FLip, it was like reading Lord of the Rings… “a US Marine who is lands in Seoul”, is this cabbage speak?


    • Alien Emperor Trevor

      November 3, 2014 at 10:35

      It makes more sense if you know the sentence was originally “a US Marine who is in love with YOUR MOM lands in Seoul”.


      • Captain JJ the pout

        November 3, 2014 at 10:38

        Under his arm he carried an Xbox, with the one Red Ring of Death.
        The one Ring to ruin them all.


      • RinceThis

        November 3, 2014 at 10:47

        Ah, thanks 🙂


        • Alien Emperor Trevor

          November 3, 2014 at 10:53

          I thought that would get… panned. tee hee.


          • RinceThis

            November 3, 2014 at 11:04

            Too soon!

  5. rudyb

    November 3, 2014 at 10:21

    I bought the game on my xbone console, downloaded the 45gig over 4 days, took leave for today, got up at midnight to play the game and the game decided that it has to restart the download from scratch. Microsoft has a notice on their xbox website that they know about the problem and all i have to do is download it again! FFS now i loose out on early access, double xp and a days leave to just download it again!


    • OVG

      November 3, 2014 at 10:23

      I feel for you. I think Darryn should be on 55gigs for that game his downloading after a week.
      Modern gaming is for the first world.


    • Hammersteyn

      November 3, 2014 at 10:23

      I bet Pieter doesn’t have this problem [insert smiley wink face]


    • Admiral Chief 0

      November 3, 2014 at 10:38

      Dude, dem feels!


    • Skyblue

      November 4, 2014 at 10:22

      Yeah bud, welcome to first world gaming in the third world.


      • rudyb

        November 4, 2014 at 10:25

        Hehehe, too true. I should have just bought the disk


  6. Hammersteyn

    November 3, 2014 at 10:22

    So a SP campaign that’s short and sets up a sequel, zombie co-op pulled out of the main game and that leaves you with a PVP game with enhancements like exo suits and new guns. Preorder now, Season pass,DLC,don’t worry next year will be different. Rince reapeat, rince reapeat,rince reapeat


    • OVG

      November 3, 2014 at 10:26

      I was more than happy with what we got in 2007 with MW. As long as the off-line gamers are not being charged for all that on-line bollocks thanks to season passes I will be happy blasting through the single player in 7-8hours for R800.


    • Rock789

      November 3, 2014 at 11:29

      So Rince is involved in this?! Newstory of the year, right there!! **shocked**

      😉 😛 🙂


  7. fred

    November 3, 2014 at 10:24

    Think i’ll keep on playing Destiny for MP kicks.


  8. CypherGate

    November 3, 2014 at 10:34

    They should create a Call Of Duty: Pure Future Warfare where you one of many Cyborg soldiers fighting for the fate for restoring human civilisations humanity since all humans are slowly being converted into cyborgs which results in the big dogs (companies) controlling them. So it would be a fight for freedom and a fight for humanity to be able keep our humane side for all living life! PS: Im not a big fan of Call Of Duty…. this idea just popped up after scanning a few Call of Duty images.


    • OVG

      November 3, 2014 at 10:49

      You got me dreaming.
      Battlestar Galactica with story branches like MASS EFFECT that have real FMV actors standing around talking before exploring new planets like in DESTINY with some shit hot space battles that gain you EXP to upgrade the fighter jet and even the Mother ship for the ultimate showdown.

      … dreams. We all know Multi-player takes first priority in this day and age.


      • CypherGate

        November 3, 2014 at 10:54

        Ahhhhh we can always dream, but the sad truth is what you said… multiplayer takes first priority and its sad really. If they want to make a multiplayer game they should tie in the full singleplayer experience with say…. a mini type multiplayer experience similar to borderlands etc etc where you can link up another console or pc and game with a partner with a max of 4 playing together instead of the whole world playing together. That way you get to at least experience the full single player experience with a buddy or two and share those experiences. Hell they can take it a step further and let you branch out where you and your partner goes separate ways like in Resident Evil 2 where they made separate discs for each character playing the game from different views. With multiple scenarios for each person. The game will always play differently like Mass Effect kinda style to it. Id pay money for that combined with your idea!


  9. Alien Emperor Trevor

    November 3, 2014 at 10:36

    SP campaign sounds worth it. Glad it’s looking like a better installment than the last one.


    • Captain JJ the pout

      November 3, 2014 at 10:37

      Me too.
      Can you imagine!? I’m intrigued by a COD game!


  10. Admiral Chief 0

    November 3, 2014 at 10:37

    • yukiro566

      November 4, 2014 at 13:30

      GTA V FPS


  11. Johan Fourie

    November 3, 2014 at 10:41



  12. moi fid

    November 3, 2014 at 10:47

    heey guys u can get your copy for free here only fast and reliable links enjooooy


  13. Sageville

    November 3, 2014 at 10:50

    Well, this is sitting in my bag, waiting for home-time and hoping for no-load-shedding.

    Hey, this review was pretty good, I also found the disclosure part useful (puts all those “played it for 20 minutes only reviews” to bed).


    • CAE9872

      November 3, 2014 at 10:56

      You will be glad to know Eskom have said they not load shedding for the moment! We shall see of course!


  14. CAE9872

    November 3, 2014 at 10:56

    Hmmm that sounds good.


  15. Sageville

    November 3, 2014 at 11:01

    So who is getting this on PS4, I need friends to play with!


    • PewPew_GameOver

      November 4, 2014 at 22:57



    • PewPew_GameOver

      November 4, 2014 at 22:58

      Add me for some COD on PS4


  16. Admiral Chief 0

    November 3, 2014 at 11:01


    Oh you!


  17. Sgt. M

    November 3, 2014 at 11:14

    FIFA15, COD AW, TLOU. I need leave, otherwise I might not get to finish all this awesome gaming coming my way. Still sad that The Crew isn’t coming to PS3. Maybe there’ll be a PS4 under the Christmas tree from Santa or maybe I’ll win one of the countless competitions out there?


  18. Thats_how_I_Troll

    November 3, 2014 at 11:31


  19. Ryanza

    November 3, 2014 at 12:15

    Oh this is the time of year that I dread here on Lazygamer. Every year Lazygamer hypes the shit out of Call of Duty and tells everyone how great it is and to go buy it. Then the dreaded review. Good marks telling you how good it is and that you should buy it. Then comes release day and everyone finds out that the Call of Duty game is shit and the same shit that has been released every year for the last how many years and it’s just shit. Shit that never changes. Then Lazygamer will start mentioning the bad stuff after release day.

    Lazygamer’s disclaimer. They really like Call of Duty. Which I don’t really buy.

    Don’t be fooled by Call of Duty hype. Wait for the proper Call of Duty hate coming, then you can decide if it’s worth spending money on it.


    • Ceyber, Hans

      November 3, 2014 at 12:25

      Frankly I find your comment rather shortsighted and too hot-tempered for any clarity. Have you even played the game yet? You do know the game is already released so there’s no embargoes or anything?

      The guys at LG have been just as skeptical as the rest of us about the game so your comment is invalid. Please stop telling people that all hype is bad. Hype is good in the right doses (I think it’s called excitement).

      Wake up and smell the DRMz!!!


      • Guild

        November 3, 2014 at 12:33

        He hasn’t played any of the games he likes to comment on and it always negative. He is the local Witcher 3 and DRM troll with nothing better to say.


        • Ryanza

          November 3, 2014 at 13:19

          When I comment I think of others like the non internet gamer. You then assume I am the non internet gamer. But there is a difference.

          The Witcher 3 will not have DRM and the non internet gamer can buy and enjoy the game.


          • Ceyber, Hans

            November 3, 2014 at 13:24

            Let’s be realistic here, a non-internet gamer? These days that’s a minority so why would any company target them?

          • Ryanza

            November 3, 2014 at 13:26

            No. See how blind you are. You think that you have internet and that means everyone has internet. There are millions of offline Xbox 360, PS3, PS4, PS2, gamers out there.

            So your argument is not true nor correct.

          • Ceyber, Hans

            November 3, 2014 at 13:32

            Where’s your proof?
            When did I say everyone has internet?

            The internet is an important part of and integral to technological and thus human development. THAT is a fact.

          • Guild

            November 3, 2014 at 13:32

            No point arguing with Ryan. I did a few days ago and he is beyond the point of ignorant.

          • Ceyber, Hans

            November 3, 2014 at 13:47

            Yeah I’ve given up. My mistake, lesson learned.

          • Guild

            November 3, 2014 at 13:50

            I still pop in the occasional comment to him but I get more success talking to a deaf person here at work. Change of topic, you on console or PC?

          • Ceyber, Hans

            November 3, 2014 at 13:58

            PC’s my baby, but share console with younger bro. PS3 at the moment but FOAR as soon as December bonus hits. You?

          • Guild

            November 3, 2014 at 14:01

            House got broken into in April. Stole my nice gaming laptop and PS3. Thankfully my wife kept my PS4 birthday present upstairs in the cupboard. I used the insurance money and buying better security. So I haven’t replaced the laptop yet.

          • Ceyber, Hans

            November 3, 2014 at 14:57

            Damn. That’s shit. On the plus side, your wife’s a legend.

            When I grab mine I’ll come find you on teh interwebz.

          • Ryanza

            November 3, 2014 at 13:47

            You take your experiences and then expect the world to match your personal experience.

            I try to argue the experiences of many and not to relate it to my personal experience.

            Like for internet Steam users who have had nothing but good experiences can fathom nor see the impact DRM has had on the PC market and to the PC gamer with no internet.

          • Ryanza

            November 3, 2014 at 13:41

            There are millions of gamers who play games with no internet. I can not prove it to you because you won’t accept it.

      • Ryanza

        November 3, 2014 at 13:15

        I will never comment positively about Call of Duty. So don’t look for clarity in my comments.

        If you want clarity then know that there are no servers in South Africa. That means that the experience will be bad or will impact the multiplayer in a negative way.

        If there was servers in South Africa then maybe I could say something positive. But as it stands there is nothing positive to say. Call of Duty is still the same old shit.


        • Ceyber, Hans

          November 3, 2014 at 13:20

          I feel sorry for you.

          With regards to your server woes; I know plenty people who have no problems with the multiplayer. Maybe your internet doesn’t like you.


          • Ryanza

            November 3, 2014 at 13:23

            I don’t need your pity. And I know what I am talking about. I look out for these problems.

          • Ceyber, Hans

            November 3, 2014 at 13:29

            Don’t mistake compassion for pity.
            Also I didn’t say you don’t know what you’re on about, I said your negativity in unwarranted in this case. I’m saying you’re a very vocal minority who I disagree with wholeheartedly on the subject of this game in particular.

          • Ryanza

            November 3, 2014 at 13:39

            Call of Duty doesn’t deserve praise. Only Call of Duty fans will praise it. I will never praise it. Well if they built a new engine I will say some good things but that will never happen.

            Every year it’s the same thing with Call of Duty. I don’t buy into the hype. Just because my comments don’t reflect your views doesn’t make my comments bad. You trying to paint my comments as bad to reflect your own views or hype or fanboyness.

            You feel sorry for me. lol. I feel sorry for what Call of Duty has done to gamers and the gaming industry.

    • Guild

      November 3, 2014 at 12:31

      What an awesome game. Definitely a step up from Ghosts. So glad I pre-ordered it and took the day off. I’m happy they finally listened to the community and took all the good things from Black Ops 2. Definitely a step in the right direction and well worth the cash so far


      • Ceyber, Hans

        November 3, 2014 at 12:42

        I see what you did there 🙂


      • Nikola

        November 3, 2014 at 12:47

        Now I also feel like getting it soo much positive feedback goddamit!!


        • Guild

          November 3, 2014 at 12:56

          If you keen on PVP budd get it. It’s the main reason I get CoD. I just love the competitive side of the game. I’ll probably play the SP of this one as well because of Kevin Spacey. I haven’t play the SP of the last 2 CoD titles. The only thing that seems to frustrate people still is campers but with so much added movement and different vertical levels now it’s easy to out play them. For me it’s an awesome game which I’ll be playing for the next year easy.


          • Nikola

            November 3, 2014 at 12:58

            Haven’t play COD since Black Ops original one lost interest but this one looks really cool might have to budget for it;)

          • Ceyber, Hans

            November 3, 2014 at 13:17

            My favorite anti-camper memory was BF4 on that Lockers map.
            Bunch of LMG noobs in corner of infirmary. My team in the corridor with the metal detectors. Threw incendiary grenade against wall where I guessed they were. Got about ten kills in just one round.

            Was braaiing campers like lamb chops. My kinda game.

          • Guild

            November 3, 2014 at 13:25

            lol that’s awesome.

            I got a bit tired of BF4. None of my mates got the DLC and everybody kept on wanting to play the 24 hour locker. I got to rank 50 odd then called it quits. I see the others went on to hit I think rank 120/130 which I know takes forever. It’s a really cool game but I prefer the quick fast paced matches.

          • Ceyber, Hans

            November 3, 2014 at 13:55

            Yeah I gave up on it too, although my reason was a 40gig+ re-install after my hard drive crashed. No thanks. Back to COD it seems…

            Now that I think about it I can’t wait to pyawn some “you’re hacking!” cry babies again.

          • Guild

            November 3, 2014 at 14:07

            You know you are doing the job right when you get hatemail and accused of being a hacker.

          • hairyknees

            November 3, 2014 at 13:20

            Honestly, not a single camper was spotted in my time playing. Maps don’t really have corners, game is too quick to stay in the same spot 🙂

          • Guild

            November 3, 2014 at 13:30

            You’d be surprised how many guys do it or tempt to. It’s like they have a broken analog stick. I see in AW there are people still trying but they are being outplayed thanks to the new mechanics added but lets see how it plays out over the next few days

          • Ceyber, Hans

            November 3, 2014 at 13:58

            This is good news indeed.

          • Hammersteyn

            November 3, 2014 at 14:38

            So the maps are round?

          • Guild

            November 3, 2014 at 14:58

            More oval in shape

          • Hammersteyn

            November 3, 2014 at 15:04


          • RinceThis

            November 3, 2014 at 14:14

            Piti ur so crapz at CoD! Me mom iz betterz thna u! *RUNS

          • Guild

            November 3, 2014 at 14:22

            lol you better run budd. Those girly legs won’t be getting you too far though

          • RinceThis

            November 3, 2014 at 14:38

            I have an esoskelaton rig now! Duh!

          • Guild

            November 3, 2014 at 14:42

            Goddamn double jumping bastard

      • Ryanza

        November 3, 2014 at 13:11

        For a South African console player where there are no servers in South Africa means that the experience they will have with Call of Duty AW will be, lag, gameplay frame slow downs (where the host just runs around shooting people that can’t move), and gameplay breaks where everyone is booted to back to lobby.

        So I know what the experiences will be. They have not changed shit over the years. The more shit they add the worse the experience has gotten over the years.

        So I don’t need to play the game to know what that experience will be like.


        • Guild

          November 3, 2014 at 13:18

          I haven’t experienced that in any of my multiplayer games I’ve played on my ps3 and ps4. Never experienced it with MW3, Black Ops 2, Ghosts, BF4, Destiny, GTA V and so far AW is holding up with no problems.

          But hey, you are the expert apparently. You can tell what a game is like without ever playing it.


          • Ryanza

            November 3, 2014 at 13:22

            AH yes. Your personal experience accounts for all. Everybody experiences what you experience.

            From that comment I can see you don’t know what I am talking about and I don’t think you know what you are talking about.

          • Guild

            November 3, 2014 at 13:43

            Because we all live in mud huts and use string and styrofoam cups to communicate here in the deep dark pits of Africa. I think you need to reevaluate your internet if you are still lagging and getting framerate issues.

          • Ryanza

            November 3, 2014 at 13:55

            See you did it again. Turned it to a personal attack on my internet. I am the problem. Everybody else has the problem. You don’t have the problems.

            All over the world there are infrastructures and settlements where they can’t get internet lines.

            And you want me to believe that DRM is the best solution to those kinds of non internet gamers. Just because your internet is perfect. Just because you have the best internet options.


            Is this the South Africa you trying to ignore.

          • Guild

            November 3, 2014 at 13:58

            Hey, check it out you can see my house

          • Ryanza

            November 3, 2014 at 14:00

            What I expected. It’s all about you. Never about the millions who don’t have access to internet.

          • Guest

            November 3, 2014 at 14:03

            Without the internet you’d never be the troll you are today. You’d never have the voice you so actively employ.

            Ironic no?

          • Ryanza

            November 3, 2014 at 14:06

            Funny how the 2 of you are trolling my comment.

            It’s not about me. It’s about the millions of people who don’t get they say on the internet. The millions of people who can’t buy PC games. ect.

            But always relate everything to me.

          • RinceThis

            November 3, 2014 at 14:12

            Bro, gaming is not a life-needing element, it is a choice. Some cannot afford a gaming machine, others cannot afford internet. I can’t afford paragliding, so I don’t.

          • Ryanza

            November 3, 2014 at 14:15

            What about those people who can afford a gaming machine and can afford internet lines and can’t get access to internet lines.

          • RinceThis

            November 3, 2014 at 14:20

            Then don’t play CoD? Why should @disqus_VB0THghkAC:disqus feel bad because he enjoys competitive online play?

          • Ryanza

            November 3, 2014 at 14:23

            I took it off topic. But my 1st comment had nothing to do with him. I just responded.

          • RinceThis

            November 3, 2014 at 14:11

            Actually Ironic would be you logging in under ‘guest’ to make your’ voice’ heard 🙂 Tehehe 🙂 But yes, with you there. LOL.

          • Ceyber, Hans

            November 3, 2014 at 15:00

            I didn’t mean it! LOL. Deleted by mistake and tried to re-post, Disqus be saying I made the comment already.

            By some internet magic, my comment became a guest comment.

          • RinceThis

            November 3, 2014 at 21:14

            Lol. No worries bud. Was just messing.

          • Alien Emperor Trevor

            November 3, 2014 at 14:06

            Millions can’t afford a luxury hobby like gaming because basic essentials eat up their income leaving very little disposable income.

          • Guild

            November 3, 2014 at 14:10

            Same thing I said a couple of weeks ago but Ryan still argues the point irrationally.

          • Ryanza

            November 3, 2014 at 14:13

            Oh please. Have you been to some of the locations. Houses packed full of nice things. Yes there are many in a shitty situation but those with a decent job and not having a high mortgage.

            Anyway. In the locations you will find a lot of Xbox 360’s and PS3’s. Computers too. But those computers don’t matter in the PC gaming market.

          • Gavin Mannion

            November 3, 2014 at 14:14

            now now ladies, let’s not turn this into something we will all regret

          • Ryanza

            November 3, 2014 at 14:20

            It’s a Monday. That’s all I can say.

          • Guild

            November 3, 2014 at 14:26

            But it is getting entertaining and I have a few great ones to still post but ok….I’ll stop

        • Ceyber, Hans

          November 3, 2014 at 13:22

          You’re so far up Cynical Alley I’m surprised you’re actually a gamer. As consumers we do need to be shrewd but you’re wound up way too tight friend.


  20. Mark Treloar

    November 3, 2014 at 14:02

    All of which means nothing if the matchmaking is still broken (Ghosts) and the netcode (Ghosts) is well in my opinion worse than BF4.


  21. Guest

    November 4, 2014 at 07:06

    If only it were dedicated servers


  22. Juan Garcia

    November 4, 2014 at 07:12

    If only it were dedicated servers


  23. Darkreaper10

    November 4, 2014 at 10:23

    Hows the ping guys? Is it good?


  24. Treezle

    November 4, 2014 at 12:08

    Say what you want. COD has the BEST replay value of any title. I think it’s worth every cent, and the new COD is amazing. The Exosuit has brought a new level of gameplay that was much needed.


  25. Treezle

    November 4, 2014 at 12:08

    Say what you want. COD has the BEST replay value of any title. I think it’s worth every cent, and the new COD is amazing. The Exosuit has brought a new level of gameplay that was much needed.


  26. Treezle

    November 4, 2014 at 12:08

    Say what you want. COD has the BEST replay value of any title. I think it’s worth every cent, and the new COD is amazing. The Exosuit has brought a new level of gameplay that was much needed.


  27. Numbers

    November 4, 2014 at 12:18

    9 Killer Facts About Call Of Duty


  28. fred

    November 4, 2014 at 12:53

    Ign also gave it a exollent review.


  29. Luis

    November 4, 2014 at 17:14

    I’ll just wait a couple weeks to decide if to buy it or no. MW3 & Ghost was just awful.


  30. Ryumoau

    November 29, 2014 at 07:50

    Amazing review. I’m really loving the game, even 3 weeks later. 🙂


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