Home Technology The IR Tech That Attracts Investors

The IR Tech That Attracts Investors

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The past few years have been unkind to your IR strategy. You’ve witnessed major shifts in investor sentiment coupled with economic fragility and volatility in the markets during the pandemic. 

These conditions have underscored the value of strategic IR intelligence. The right data at the right time can help you identify investors, understand their behavior, and jumpstart outreach. 

However, investor data is a double-edged sword for the modern IRO. While you’ve never had more data at your fingertips, its sheer volume may overwhelm your team. Vital IR intelligence can get buried in the avalanche of data you collect every day if you don’t have the right tech. 

Where Do You Collect Your IR Intelligence?

There’s a good chance you already collect the data you need to anticipate and influence investor behavior. For most targeting teams, IR intelligence comes from a variety of sources. 

Capital Markets Data

The black and white of your stock information, including ownership changes and valuation, is a litmus test for investor sentiment and your value on the Street.  

IR Website 

Your IR website (and ESG website, if one exists) collects invaluable information about who is engaging with your online brand and how. This information is the basis of a visitor’s digital footprint, which you can use to measure the success of your IR narrative. 

Engagement Activity 

Most IR teams work with CRM desktop software to keep track of IR communications and C-Suite interactions. 

Event Attendance and Participation

While some public companies have embraced in-person events, many others are retaining a hybrid component to their capital markets events. Webcasting technology can track how attendees participate with your online events. 

Why is This IR Intelligence Not Enough?

Between capital markets data, digital footprint data, capital markets events participation, and engagement activity, that’s a lot of information at your disposal. 

But that’s not the problem. The issue stems from tech silos. Most of these IR tools are individual programs that don’t interact with one another. 

Without software interaction, you have to integrate data by hand before you can analyze it properly. This process is tedious and rife with danger, as you risk duplicating, deleting, or outright overlooking critical information. Your team can fail to spot significant patterns in capital markets or engagements that leave you on the back foot. 

The Right Tech Consolidates Your IR Intelligence in One Place 

A reputable IR software provider can integrate engagement metrics from every point of your digital landscape. For example, the IR experts at Q4 integrate your CRM desktop tools, IR website, and virtual capital markets events with your market performance in one easy-to-use program. 

A singular IR tool is easier to navigate than multiple unconnected programs. But more importantly, all-in-one technology has the power to analyze your vast data footprint (more info here) and produce actionable insights about your shareholders, including potential investors.

The best IR technology relies on the latest AI and machine learning that identifies and flags key themes and patterns without oversight. This frees your team up for high-touch tasks involved with targeting and outreach.  

Bottom Line

The targeting process has never been harder. The volatility of the markets, changing shareholder sentiments, and the overwhelming volume of data you collect every day can obscure interested investors and delay critical outreach, says Fortune

The right IR technology helps you cut through the noise, so you can hone your data-backed targeting efforts. 

Last Updated: February 24, 2023

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