Home Gaming Apex Legends devs apologise for Iron Crown snafu, then spark forum war by calling players “ass-hats”

Apex Legends devs apologise for Iron Crown snafu, then spark forum war by calling players “ass-hats”

5 min read

Apex Legends’ second season has been a huge improvement over the popular free-to-play battle royale game’s initial offering. However, as good as this season has been, it got seriously soured last week when the Iron Crown event launched. As we reported, on top of the long-awaited solo mode, this event gives us some of the game’s best-looking cosmetics ever but then locks them inside ludicrously priced Apex packs. As things currently stand, if you wanted to make certain you got your hands on every single event-exclusive legendary item as well as the Bloodhound heirloom item, you would have to fork out a minimum $189 (which at current exchange rates is just shy of R2 900) with no guarantee of actually getting the item you want due to the randomness of loot boxes.

Since the event launched, places like the game’s official Subreddit were awash with memes and rants about this crazy pricing structure. Many have pointed fingers at the game’s publisher, EA Games, who are notorious for their microtransaction price gouging. Apex Legends developers Respawn Entertainment heard all the noise though, and late on Friday they issued a new blog post to apologise for what they did.

At launch we made a promise to players that we intend to do monetization in a way that felt fair and provided choice to players on how they spent their money and time. A core decision during development of Apex Legends was that we wanted to make a world class battle royale game – in quality, depth, progression, and important for today’s conversation – how we sell stuff. With the Iron Crown event we missed the mark when we broke our promise by making Apex Packs the only way to get what many consider to be the coolest skins we’ve released.

As the blog continues to explain, Respawn is offering a compromise to the situation by revealing by also making all the Iron Crown cosmetics purchasable in the game’s store on a rotational basis. These skins will then also sell for the regular Legendary skin price of 1800 Apex Coins. You would still need to pay for them, and they’re only marginally cheaper, but it takes loot box mechanics out of the equation so that you’re guaranteed to get the item you want.

Apex Legends is a free-to-play title, so in-game monetisation is expected as this is the only way to keep the devs in business to create new content. As Respawn themselves state though, “our goal has not been to squeeze every last dime out of our players,” but that was not the impression that Iron Crown gave. However, with this apology, the purchase changes and the promises of providing “more ways to obtain items than just buying Apex Packs,” and being “better at letting our players know what to expect from the various event structures in Apex Legends,” Respawn has seemingly started turning this fiasco around, right? Well, no.

Respawn posted the same blog post linked above to the game’s SubReddit, but things didn’t go over so well with players who were still feeling disgruntled by what had transpired. While things started off civil enough, with the devs engaging these folk by continuing to apologise and offer promises off handling events better in the future, it soon turned ugly.

The spark appears to be devs getting frustrated by players either making unreasonable demands as compensation or not having a proper understanding of the game development lifecycle, particular for a F2P game that lives and dies on its monetization. I just want to say that us gamers can be real loudmouth idiots when it comes to this stuff, screaming at devs with our entitled demands. However, usually the devs don’t scream back which is what happened here.

While several of the comments made by the dev team – particularly one unnamed Project Lead using the handle “dk05” – have now been deleted, we still have a bunch of screencaps (courtesy of Medium) showing them firing back at players with frustrated insults and name-calling.

Doubling down on the insults, on top calling players “ass-hats” for wanting a better event, the devs also ranted that most players were “freeloaders” for not spending additional money on the game and so the high prices made no difference anyway.

When a forum user responded to this claim, they were greeted with sarcasm.

In response to their claim that a dev had called them a “dick” for voicing their displeasure, another got this gem of a response with an even more “spicy” follow-up.

When players started calling out these responses and downvoting them by the thousands, the devs accused the players of basically not being able to take it like they dish it out.

Now I have to point out that I kind of feel a pang of empathy for the Respawn dev team. As much as we gamers get upset when the uninformed media vilify us, we have to admit that sometimes we can be complete assholes, especially when it comes to making demands of the developers of our favourite games. Many of us have a giant sense of entitlement that seems to make us believe that we’re exempt from needing to engage in a mature manner. We violently scream and throw our toys out of our cots, and get downright disgusting in how we often treat these developers, forgetting that these are just ordinary people on the other end of our rants. People who are, more often than not, killing themselves to produce our entertainment.

So to that end, I can kind of understand when a few of these developers have finally had enough and decide to fire back. However, this situation was one of their making. The Apex Legends community was a reasonably positive one until they pissed people off with the exploitative mechanics of this event. You can’t try to essentially swindle people and then act surprised when they get angry at you for it. I don’t know what Respawn will need to do to win back the goodwill they’ve lost in this debacle, but they will need to do it soon.

Last Updated: August 19, 2019


  1. SagatatiaRZA

    August 19, 2019 at 09:28

    I honestly empathize with most of these responds. Like you side gamers have become so entitled and kak. But sadly in the back of this is an ugly system of monetization. That said, if you want the thing you don’t need, then you should pay for it. If you don’t need it and can’t pay for it, don’t buy it. I want a new sports car but I’m not gonna cry about the price at the dealership. Especially (or even?) if they gave me a free Fiat Kakbox with the bumper hanging in the road.


  2. Pariah

    August 19, 2019 at 09:28

    In the end we’re all human. Devs are people with emotions too. And honestly it must be really hard to be a public figure and have to not respond to a lot of the BS that gets hurled their way – whether game devs or celebrities or whatever. It’s why I’ve never wanted to be famous.

    But, they should have known better than to sound off on Reddit. Sound off with your colleagues, go start boxing and punch a boxing bag for 3 hours, but don’t sound off on Reddit. Bad idea.


  3. Original Heretic

    August 19, 2019 at 09:28

    So, basically, they apologized and apologized and apologized, promised to fix things…
    But people still kept going away them until they had enough and hit back?
    Personally, I’m okay with that.


    • Pariah

      August 19, 2019 at 09:35

      Yeah I am too. It wasn’t a good idea to do so, but you can’t blame them one bit.


      • Original Heretic

        August 19, 2019 at 09:42

        As you say below, they’re human.

        Everyone has a breaking point, and if you keep pushing at them, they will reach it.
        But yes, would have been smarter for them to just walk away at some point.


    • Magoo マグ

      August 19, 2019 at 12:17

      Nah that’s not really an accurate perspective. For one thing, they did not actually apologize. Second, their way of fixing the situation was to make skins available for direct purchase – so instead of paying $7 for a random reward, you now pay $18 (!!!) for one skin.

      There is an abundance of constructive criticism that they did not react to. For some reason they decided to hit back at the ugly 1%.

      Also, they have “apologized and promised to fix things” like 6 times already. The game is only 5 months old.


  4. Kromas

    August 19, 2019 at 09:35

    The “entitled” gamers were still upset at the fact that if you wanted the item at the end you still have to pay $135 to even be able to purchase it even with the fix. Call me entitled all you want but I am not okay with an item locked behind a $170 paywall.


    • Pariah

      August 19, 2019 at 09:35

      Cosmetic, optional item in a completely free-to-play game that’s literally what pays their salaries? Yeah, that’s being entitled.


      • Kromas

        August 19, 2019 at 09:35

        I am not against cosmetics but locking the best stuff behind $170 is a bit much. I rarely buy collectors editions for that much.


        • Pariah

          August 19, 2019 at 09:42

          Honestly being annoyed by it is fine, but the reaction to it has been far beyond what’s reasonable. Like, sure it’s expensive, but nobody complains about the $42 (or even $84) armour sets in PoE. And it’s not like you’re ONLY getting that last item, you’re getting a ton of other stuff along the way, but people are making out like they have to fork out $170 for one set, but that’s simply not the case.


          • Kromas

            August 19, 2019 at 09:42

            Think of it this way. Their biggest competitor sells a full pass for $10 that you can get all items by just playing after that but to complete it you can pay about $30 and we are talking about a shit ton of skins dances etc etc etc. Apex doesn’t just seem greedy they are greedy. And just FYI many people just want the one thing but to get it are forced to pay $170 to get it. This is the new lootbox tactic and expect it to happen more and more as lootboxes get stopped by goverments.

          • Pariah

            August 19, 2019 at 09:58

            How much money does Epic/Fortnite have to start with though? They’re owned by Tencent, they made a SHITTON of money from their lootboxes, and have been making bank from millions of players for years. Apex devs just don’t have that sort of financial support, so they need to make up for it. Yeah it SEEMS bad, but in the end most of the money is spent by the “whales” anyway, and $170 to them is literally nothing. The end-gamer gets less out of it because it’s not free, but the price tag itself is irrelevant. So in that regard I understand to some degree, but in the end this is literally what pays their salaries.

          • Kromas

            August 19, 2019 at 09:58

            Uhm … no. Fortnite was about to go under and epic was surviving on just their engine. BR was brought out and had ZERO lootboxes from the start.

          • Pariah

            August 19, 2019 at 09:58

            They were llama pinatas and they were in Fortnite from day 1.

          • Kromas

            August 19, 2019 at 09:58

            Save the world. Not BR. And it was not making money.

          • Pariah

            August 19, 2019 at 09:58

            Yeah fair enough, but nobody really played StW besides Admiral anyway. XD

          • Kromas

            August 19, 2019 at 09:58

            Actually I still play it occasionally. I am the one who gave Admiral his account. 😛

          • Pariah

            August 19, 2019 at 09:58

            Hah! You like the under-appreciated ones don’t you? StW, F76, NMS.

          • Kromas

            August 19, 2019 at 10:06

            Underdogs usually have something special to them. As a side note I also loved Beyond good and Evil and Anachronox. Both failures financially but great games still.

          • Pariah

            August 19, 2019 at 10:06

            I never played either of those so I can’t really relate, but Beyond Good and Evil has quite the following now at least.

          • Magoo マグ

            August 19, 2019 at 12:34

            spent by the “whales” anyway, and $170 to them is literally nothing.

            Do you really believe this? That the 0.01% who can afford to spend a shocking amount of money, can support the development of a game? Whales are not the super-rich. They’re the compulsive middle-class. People with addictions and disorders who spend more on games than they do on the life around them. And you can’t expect people just to stop, or “just don’t spend money.” That’s like telling a druggy to “just stop taking drugs.”

          • Pariah

            August 19, 2019 at 13:01

            I’ve watched people drop thousands of dollars in the space of 2 days on one stream, then go to another 3 streams and do the same. There are plenty adults who can afford $170. Maybe not in SA, but in the US and elsewhere? Yeah, easy.

          • Magoo マグ

            August 19, 2019 at 13:01

            I don’t believe their are plenty enough to surpass an average $60 per person that standard full price game would make. That is, people who can justifiably afford it.

          • HvR

            August 19, 2019 at 13:35

            If you talking about “professional streamers” on Twitch that is probably not their money but money given to them to buy lootboxes and promote the game.

          • Pariah

            August 19, 2019 at 13:54

            No I mean like there’s a smaller streamer I watch – around 180 viewers. A few days ago a viewer decided to sub EVERY Twitch employee to his channel (over 1500 people, at $5 a sub), and casually dropped another $500 in bits. When Twitch staff responded, they simply said “yeah that sounds like something he’d do.” I see that viewers name in a few channels on the top of the bit leader boards, no less than 10000 bits ($100) at a time. And there are plenty who drop hundreds of dollars in bits and donations across Twitch. It’s not companies giving them money, it’s regular people. Companies give streamers money through sponsorships or bounties, which are a separate thing entirely.

          • Pariah

            August 19, 2019 at 13:54

            No I mean like there’s a smaller streamer I watch – around 180 viewers. A few days ago a viewer decided to sub EVERY Twitch employee to his channel (over 1500 people, at $5 a sub), and casually dropped another $500 in bits. When Twitch staff responded, they simply said “yeah that sounds like something he’d do.” I see that viewers name in a few channels on the top of the bit leader boards, no less than 10000 bits ($100) at a time. And there are plenty who drop hundreds of dollars in bits and donations across Twitch. It’s not companies giving them money, it’s regular people. Companies give streamers money through sponsorships or bounties, which are a separate thing entirely.

          • HvR

            August 19, 2019 at 14:16

            Not according to the biggest streamer talent management company whose CEO testified in front of a FTC panel earlier this month on Lootboxes.

            Companies giving lootboxes to streamers, paying streamers to open lootboxes is fairly common practise and these are not normally made clear in the stream as being ad or promotional material. On one occasion a publisher even offered streamer better odds lootboxes.

          • Pariah

            August 19, 2019 at 14:26

            You know that’s not what I’m talking about at all, right? That falls under the sponsorship banner, and is completely unrelated to what I’m talking about…

          • Pariah

            August 19, 2019 at 13:54

            No I mean like there’s a smaller streamer I watch – around 180 viewers. A few days ago a viewer decided to sub EVERY Twitch employee to his channel (over 1500 people, at $5 a sub), and casually dropped another $500 in bits. When Twitch staff responded, they simply said “yeah that sounds like something he’d do.” I see that viewers name in a few channels on the top of the bit leader boards, no less than 10000 bits ($100) at a time. And there are plenty who drop hundreds of dollars in bits and donations across Twitch. It’s not companies giving them money, it’s regular people. Companies give streamers money through sponsorships or bounties, which are a separate thing entirely.

      • Magoo マグ

        August 19, 2019 at 12:25

        Hey hey hey. Are you going pro-lootbox now? Because last I checked, “entitlement” was just a scape-goat name-shame for predatory monetization.


      • Stoompot

        August 20, 2019 at 04:32

        No, it’s being shrewd. how much money has f2p fortnite made? Now Apex asks for $20 a skin? $160 for an axe? and this is just season 2.


  5. HvR

    August 19, 2019 at 11:10

    In truth what percentage of their user base were complete assholes? Maybe 1 out of every 1000 if it was that much?

    Now you go; you being unprofessional dickhead labelling and alienating your whole user base.

    Think dko5 should have taken a chill pill, ask the company that PR or customer service take over Reddit duties or he/she should make a career change to a less stressful job where customers do not complain. Gravedigger, Telkom service center employee in 5 years time or any South African government managerial position are all good options


  6. HvR

    August 19, 2019 at 11:10

    In truth what percentage of their user base were complete assholes? Maybe 1 out of every 1000 if it was that much?

    Now you go; you being unprofessional dickhead labelling and alienating your whole user base.

    Think dko5 should have taken a chill pill, ask the company that PR or customer service take over Reddit duties or he/she should make a career change to a less stressful job where customers do not complain. Gravedigger, Telkom service center employee in 5 years time or any South African government managerial position are all good options


  7. CrAiGiSh

    August 19, 2019 at 11:49

    Both season passes are shit … just saying.


  8. Raptor Rants

    August 19, 2019 at 12:42

    I really try to live by the rule that you do not repay evil with evil. It’s something I truly believe in.

    However I can understand when people do hit back. This was a situation where the players pushed folk to a breaking point. Honestly I think people need to start considering what they consider true value.

    The game is free to play. It’s not a bought game. You don’t buy it and then continue to buy. It’s a free service game and it has to be support somehow. Or would folk prefer unskipable adverts between each match? And branding by big names all over?

    How do you think free games are supported? People have to be paid for content. Servers need to be hosted and maintained.

    So something is introduced that’s too expensive for your wallet, how is that so wrong? Do you absolutely have to have every scrap of content in the game? A game that is free, where the only price you pay is for the skins etc you use? When did we all grow in to functioning adults that believe we are allowed to have everything that is offered by someone?

    That’s like believing that car manufacturers should sell all their vehicles at the same low end price of an entry vehicle, regardless of the vehicle type.

    And what’s worse is that the team actually apologised, made changes and admitted that they made a mistake with how they handled the monitisation on this new content and put steps in place to allow the items to be obtained in line with the rest of the items. Yet still not good enough.

    And the argument of “back in the day we bought whole games” doesn’t work here because you don’t have to spend a cent to start.

    At the end of the day it’s a service. Services come in differant price brackets everywhere and while this was a terrible approach by the publishers that still doesn’t mean you are entitled to something. Complain that it’s too expensive? Sure, you are allowed. Demand that you get given compensation because you couldn’t afford it? That’s just being silly.


    • Pariah

      August 19, 2019 at 12:51

      On topic: hit it on the head.


    • Pariah

      August 19, 2019 at 12:51

      What is this? A price bracket for ants?


      • Raptor Rants

        August 19, 2019 at 13:01

        No, according to reports this was a price bracket for bill gates. 😛


        • Pariah

          August 19, 2019 at 13:01

          Services come in differant price brackets

          But also LOL


    • Yahtzee

      August 19, 2019 at 22:41

      10 hours later

      there is no escape


  9. HairyEwok

    August 19, 2019 at 09:50

    We weren’t complete asshats back then because games came out complete, didn’t cost an arm and a leg and weren’t riddled with loot boxes….. Those were the golden years of gaming… now leave me alone and let me continue blowing into my game cartridge in hopes it will work.


    • Kromas

      August 19, 2019 at 09:50

      I think No Man’s Sky did it right. They fucked up royally but 3 years and 6 considerable FREE dlc later they now have their redemption.


      • HairyEwok

        August 19, 2019 at 09:58

        True that, they dug down and delivered what the initially promised, granted it took 3 years but it is here. We all say Anthem needs to do the same thing but the difference in HelloGames isn’t pressured by corporates like Anthem is.


        • Pariah

          August 19, 2019 at 09:58

          Their NEXT update a year ago already was more than their initial promises. This update is great though, I’m loving the tech trees and base-building.


          • Kromas

            August 19, 2019 at 09:58

            Loving the VR.

          • Pariah

            August 19, 2019 at 09:58

            I am so jealous. The updated cockpits just scream VR immersion. It seems perfect for VR tbh.

          • Kromas

            August 19, 2019 at 09:58

            Sorta. You think flying a ship with a mouse is hard. I nearly broke my wrist trying not to crash the first time.

            Getting the hang of it now.

          • Pariah

            August 19, 2019 at 10:06

            To be fair I only play NMS on controller. Since day 1. I have no idea how I’d play that with mouse/kb

        • Kromas

          August 19, 2019 at 09:58

          True. I mean Fallout 76 is already well on it’s way to it’s redemption song. The difference is that they keep us updated weekly and promise a ton of things that they deliver on 80% of the time. Anthem just up and quit.


          • Pariah

            August 19, 2019 at 09:58

            Anthem is such a disappointment precisely BECAUSE they just seem to have given up. There was so much potential there.

    • Raptor Rants

      August 19, 2019 at 12:42

      I don’t think that works here. If people had to buy the game first and then got hit with this I’d agree. But the game is free to pick up and play. Not paid for.


      • HairyEwok

        August 19, 2019 at 13:27

        I think it kinda does, it’s because of game companies that F2P came to existence, gamers acknowledged it and went for it to keep playing games, if it weren’t for F2P this wouldn’t be a thing now. We would be paying once off for a game and enjoy it, or even pay for a subscription like WOW.


        • Raptor Rants

          August 19, 2019 at 13:27

          But that’s just the devs going where players bought, so isn’t this all then just self afflicted?


          • HairyEwok

            August 19, 2019 at 14:36

            Oh for sure, we’re bloody idiots for following suite on this. The consumer is just as guilty unfortunately.

  10. Yahtzee

    August 19, 2019 at 10:06

    Read up to the point the “entitled” gamer news buzzword was mentioned. Moving along then. There is no more credit worthy info to read after this since the media hivemind set in.


  11. th3SiCn3ss

    August 19, 2019 at 10:22

    People are aholes, end of story. Always complaining b*tching, moaning, if shit doesn’t go their way, all hell breaks loose not to mention that everything has to be free. I believe the DEVS have full right to retaliate if they were attacked personally & if those sh*ts couldn’t take it, shame, goes to show what type of person they are. I’ve been playing APEX since launch & it’s fking great. Yeah the cosmetic stuff looks nice but FFS, they don’t up your game. I haven’t bought the BP for season 2 as I don’t need to, it changes absolutely f*all regarding game play. If you want it, buy it, good for you on supporting a great free game. If you don’t have the cash, tough shit… no one’s forcing you to do anything…


    • Stoompot

      August 20, 2019 at 04:31

      ow, way too edgy


  12. Gavin Mannion

    August 19, 2019 at 10:29

    I just want to know which PR manager was ignored when they said “I don’t think it’s a good idea to let developers interact with players on social media”

    Gamers can be, and often are, entitled brats and the more entitled they are the more likely they will be on reddit and twitter abusing the people who make the games.

    Social media is a disaster


    • HvR

      August 19, 2019 at 10:51

      We actually do it as well and for the most part it is boring uneventful experience; although probably one big difference is we deal with other developers using our free products.

      In truth maybe 1% of the people you deal with are complete aholes; that is life. You just take a deep breath, swear at him and his grandmother’s p….. under your breath and either type a professional response back or pass the ticket to customer support with all the info.


    • HvR

      August 19, 2019 at 10:51

      We actually do it as well and for the most part it is boring uneventful experience; although probably one big difference is we deal with other developers using our free products.

      In truth maybe 1% of the people you deal with are complete aholes; that is life. You just take a deep breath, swear at him and his grandmother’s p….. under your breath and either type a professional response back or pass the ticket to customer support with all the info.


  13. Viper_ZA

    August 19, 2019 at 11:18

    Fortnite is kak, social media just blows everything out of proportion. The guy will probably get fired.


  14. Guz

    August 19, 2019 at 11:59

  15. Dr Webster Flexington

    August 19, 2019 at 20:36

    Let’s not forget that this wasn’t just a random overworked dev (who lost his mind during a crunch), this was a respawn community manager who decided to behave in the most unprofessional way possible.

    You just don’t have the right to do that. You don’t behave in that way, and you certainly don’t kick the hornet’s nest that is your customer base. Sure, the game is free-to-play, but that in itself isn’t a defence. No one asked them to make the game free-to-play, they obviously decided that that’s the route they want to take (and take advantage of the microtransaction model). That’s definitely not on the gamers, and if their customers are getting upset, the right thing to do, was to “shut the fuck” up, take it on the chin, listen, take notes and take the criticism to the devs (like a good little community manager).

    When people talk about peak entitlement, this guy or gal is the purest example of an entitled ass-hat.


    • Dr Webster Flexington

      August 19, 2019 at 20:54

      Also, I should have added, the guy isn’t just any respawn community manager, he’s freaking Drew McCoy the project lead, the same sod who signed the apology letter to begin with.


  16. Stoompot

    August 20, 2019 at 04:24

    It’s amazing how expensive a “f2p” game can get. f2p is a mobile businesses model hiding behind the “it’s free” excuse and claiming spending is optional whilst doing their damndest to manipulate people into spending $20 which can be used to buy a proper full game on sale instead. Do you need that cosmetic? no, but damn does it look cool and you’ll fell cool knowing others will see it.

    Respawn had a bad day, but they should now better than to call someone who’s either 12 or drunk an asshat or a dick. Use the pr team next time or ignore the hate.


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