Home Gaming Counter-Strike ESL Major finals surpass League of Legends on Twitch

Counter-Strike ESL Major finals surpass League of Legends on Twitch

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If you’re an avid viewer of Twitch TV you’ll notice when browsing the games page that League of Legends is always at number one. Often during smaller international competitions for Counter-Strike, Dota 2 and other eSports the numbers barely pass the top LoL streamer playing casual games. The obvious assumption is that during a League of Legends final, such as LCS, no eSport would come close. This changed on the weekend as the ESL One Major for CS:GO took the number one spot during the simultaneous finals.

The numbers add up

According to Gamoloco, a website dedicated to monitoring Twitch viewership, a chart was released which showed the amount of people who watched respective games on the weekend. Of course the entire weekend was dominated by both ESL Cologne, and the LCS finals, but there are some interesting factors to note.


ESL Cologne began on Thursday the 20th with the group stages, which meant that even the group stages yielded higher numbers than the LCS finals on Sunday. At 9th place we see ESL Katowice, which broke similar records for CS:GO viewership, and set the bar for the weekend’s finals. Although these numbers are impressive, there are a few factors to consider.

ESL had way more matches being broadcast throughout the day, as well as their 24 hour continuous stream rebroadcasting the games. This of course brought in a lot more viewers and as the timezones changed more were tuning in and catching up. It’s also important to note the League of Legends is also simulcast to YouTube and other streaming services, as well as live television. However, even though these are just Twitch statistics, it’s still rather impressive to see other eSports rivaling the obvious number one eSport in the world.

As an avid fan of Dota 2 my hate for League of Legends has faded over the years as I began to appreciate all eSports, but good for you Counter-Strike!

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Last Updated: August 25, 2015


  1. Alien Emperor Trevor

    August 25, 2015 at 14:16

    It’s simulcast? So you get the English version on Radio 2000?


    • Hammersteyn

      August 25, 2015 at 14:18



  2. Frik van der Hewerskink

    August 25, 2015 at 14:17

    This is only on twitch though, League of Legends have a massive YouTube stream as well as an azubu stream, i think in total it would still win, I myself have moved away from twitch as the YouTube stream quality is just superior.


    • SlagywaG

      August 25, 2015 at 16:00

      CSGO also lets you spectate in-game… So you can watch it at in-game quality with the casters and everything. Which for the entire event was almost double the viewer count of twitch.


  3. MakeItLegal

    August 25, 2015 at 16:28

    nice!!!!! just started playing this game , so much to learn…graphics suck tho jesus , 2007 valve look , aka dota 2 , left 4 dead end of thinking capacity


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