Home Gaming Exclusive: Dressed In A Bikini, Got A Free Copy Of Bulletstorm From EA

Exclusive: Dressed In A Bikini, Got A Free Copy Of Bulletstorm From EA

3 min read


So how’s about a fun feel-good local South African story to help you get through the week? Good, because I have one courtesy of a couple of local gamers on Twitter, the guy who made Bulletstorm and EA Games South Africa.

You know the story… too many games are coming out and that last bank robbery you pulled didn’t pay out like you had hoped and before you know it, you decide to rather not buy Bulletstorm.

The next thing you know, your buddies decide that you not-having the game is unacceptable, your picture is all over the internet dressed in a bikini and even the Creative Director of People Can Fly studios is tweeting about it.

Yeah this really happened. More after the jump.

Once upon a time, one of our online buddies and long time readers @Loki_ZA wasn’t going to buy Bulletstorm, but then some more of our friends / readers ( @dev_za and @veen_ ) decided that he should have the game, rather than not.

Screen shot 2011-02-23 at 2.07.28 AM.png

It all started as a joke on Twitter for the help @Loki_ZA #getbulletstorm fund and tweets started flying around saying that if everyone donates they can get him a copy. It actually started becoming a reality when a few folks were like “Yeah ok, why not” and donations started happening for real.

Then the fateful moment of LOL happened when @Krypty joked about some terms & conditions involving a bikini.

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We all had a good giggle, until something magical, nay… astonishing… happened. For a laugh our precious @Loki_ZA got home from work, kitted himself out in one of his wife’s finest (how did you not break that thing) and took a pic for the world to see. What a good sport!

When I saw it, I just couldn’t help myself and instantly got a hold of the Creative Director of Bulletstorm, Adrian Chmielarz, on Twitter and told him that he just had to give @Loki_ZA some mad props for his efforts.

We had a quick chat and he had a good giggle and he ended up retweeting Loki_ZA’s raunchy photo to the world with some words of warning “Eyes will melt!”, here’s what it all looked like:

Screen shot 2011-02-23 at 2.08.06 AM.png Is it me or is his profile picture staring down at the bikini shot?

The story’s not done yet, because after our epic (ahem) win of getting his photo plastered onto the net, I also got on the e-horn with EA Games in South Africa, explained the whole situation to them and asked if they would be so kind as to donate the man a free copy of the game for his efforts.

Being really great sports and also having a good giggle, EA Games South Africa instantly replied to us letting us know that they will be more than happy to send him a free copy.

So congrats to Loki, your body in a bikini will be forever burned into our eyeballs. We would feel bad for plastering a pic of you in a bikini all over the internet but you’re getting a free copy of Bulletstorm, so we aren’t.

Enjoy the game! Thanks again to everyone involved @dev_za and @veen_, @flmboy, @krypty , @adrianchm from PeopleCanFly and Ralph Spinks from EA Games South Africa.

Feel free to all send us pictures of yourself in a bikini, we won’t give you anything for it, but hey… you might be our next In Other News header model. Yeah, maybe not.

Last Updated: February 23, 2011

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