Home Gaming Kratos nearly had an Amazonian daughter years before Atreus

Kratos nearly had an Amazonian daughter years before Atreus

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The God of War we all played in 2018 was vastly different to any other entry in the series that we’d seen. A switch-up of the camera, a refinement of the combat and an emphasis on more grounded and emotional storytelling, God of War’s true success came from the remarkably tangible relationship felt between Kratos and his son, Atreus. It became arguably the most important part of the entire experience but before Atreus even learned to nock an arrow, Kratos almost had a daughter. To celebrate Sony Santa Monica’s 20th birthday, the developers have been revealing plenty of previously unseen concept art and a few pieces show a decidedly pissed off Amazonian who may have inherited her father’s anger management problems.


Erik San Juan, concept artist over at Sony Santa Monica, revealed that Kratos was initially meant to have a playable Amazonian daughter back in God of War: Ascension. In the official blog post, San Juan notes that, “With the mysterious fate of Kratos at the end of God of War 3, we knew we wanted to give him a successor — a new hero who would go looking for him.

Not unlike the most recent entry in the series, we imagined that he had a hidden daughter and began sketching ideas of what she would look like. Other ideas we tossed around were using Artemis as the focus with similar rage and vengeance as Kratos — even concepting her to be a Centaur with magical powers!


Yet as the story shifted to become more of a prequel, Kratos’ badass Amazonian daughter was unfortunately cut from the project, but her design did make it into the final game. “Once we knew we were bringing back Kratos in a Prequel these designs would later evolve into the Amazonian Warrior that we see in Ascension”, says San Juan.

Personally, I would totally down for Wonder Woman be related to Kratos but I guess I’ll have to settle for a little twerp with a bow and arrow.

Last Updated: December 20, 2019

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