Home Gaming Mass Effect Legendary Edition: A First-Time Player’s Experience…

Mass Effect Legendary Edition: A First-Time Player’s Experience…

4 min read

I missed out on the Mass Effect games when they came out in 2007-2012, so I did not quite understand the hype when the Legendary Edition was announced. However, I decided to give it a try, and boy, am I glad I did.

Mass Effect 1

Coming straight from playing Dragon Age: Inquisition, I found the first Mass Effect game to be a recognizably Bioware creation, but it felt a little older and less polished. Those thoughts soon vanished, though, as I immersed myself in becoming the indefatigable Commander Shepard. The linear story line was a welcome reprieve from getting lost in open-world games, and I enjoyed landing on planets and driving around in the Mako. The villain was pretty cool, in that I was never quite sure if he was the real villain, or if someone (or something) else was pulling the strings. Alien companions like Urdnot Wrex and Garrus Vakarian were interesting, and the alien races had a history and culture that made me want to learn more about them. I also really enjoyed the mix of shooting and using biotic abilities to defeat enemies. By the end of the game, the Normandy felt like home, and I felt like a hero.

Mass Effect 2

What an opening! Events did not transpire in the direction I expected. This Mass Effect is action-packed. You have a whole bunch of companions to choose from (they hang out on the ship, and you decide who goes on missions with you), and each has a quest line specific to them. The characters are well-written, and lines between villains and heroes are sometimes blurred. As Commander Shepard, you have to make some difficult choices. The threat hinted at in the first game becomes much more fleshed out, creating a sense of urgency. However, I still found myself doing each and every one of the side missions, because everything was just so enjoyable. The guns, tech and biotic abilities are categorized slightly differently from ME1, but they felt great from the start.

One of the most well-known aspects of the Mass Effect games is, of course, the romancing options. While flirting dialogue can be very cringey at times, it did allow me the pure joy of seeing Commander Shepard navigating the obstacles to dating a spikey alien (#Garrus4life). This game ends with probably one of the coolest final missions in video games, ever, and it is easy to see why this is a massive fan favourite.

The one thing that I found a little meh, was having to scan the planets for resources. This did not really add to the game in any positive way. At least you only have to scan a few to have enough resources for the rest of the game – no need to scan every single solar system.

Mass Effect 3

The finale. By this time, I was massively invested in saving the galaxy. Things start going to s@#* all over, and as Commander Shepard, I raced around trying to prevent calamity. I absolutely loved how choices you made in Mass Effect 1 and 2 had real consequences here (anything from talking to a random NPC or saving a companion’s life). Your companions come and go as dictated by the story, so it feels as though you have slightly fewer options, but this is a full-out war, so sacrifices have to be made. Travelling to different systems is more stressful as well. The scanning system was adapted to randomly scanning for fuel/resources when in a star system, but since this attracted enemies and you had to come back later, I got a little frustrated and ended up downloading a cheat sheet on exactly where to scan to get all the resources, to satisfy my inner completionist.

The moment-to-moment gameplay was still super enjoyable, and I loved popping a biotic ability to float enemies into the air, then picking them off with my favourite firearm. I chose to continue the romance I started in ME2 (because Garrus), and I’m not gonna lie, there was a moment near the end of the game where I might have shed a tear or two.
I am aware that many Mass Effect fans were disappointed by the ending, but honestly, I did not mind it that much. After all the destruction wreaked on the galaxy, I felt that any ending that preserved any semblance of life, was more than could be hoped for. And a slightly anticlimactic ending did not take away from all the hours of unadulterated gaming bliss that I experienced.

Regarding the DLC missions, I rarely knew when I was playing DLC since I never played the original games. But in my books, the more Mass Effect, the better! Especially in ME3, the DLC provided a nice respite from the main story, brought in some humour, and focused the attention on some smaller plots going on behind the scenes.
Final verdict: if you played these when they came out, play them again. They still hold up. If you haven’t played them before, and you think you might enjoy being a general badass that saves an entire galaxy while making lifelong friends along the way, PLAY MASS EFFECT!

I am Commander Shepard, and this is my favourite store in the Citadel.

Last Updated: July 26, 2021


  1. MonsterCheddar

    July 28, 2021 at 10:04

    I just completed the first game. Still have to get to the other two.

    That being said I thought that Andromeda was a hugely underrated game, which I immensely enjoyed. In my opinion better than the first game.


    • Annalene Nell

      July 28, 2021 at 15:06

      Good to hear! I’ve been a bit hesitant to try Andromeda, since so many fans were disappointed by it. But it’s definitely on my list.


      • MonsterCheddar

        July 29, 2021 at 12:46

        You wont be disappointed.


      • Gr8_Balls_o_Fire

        July 30, 2021 at 04:07

        It’s somewhat a victim of Arkham Origins syndrome. Unnecessarily hated and hugely underrated.


    • Lu

      July 29, 2021 at 01:22

      I just got back into the ship in Andromeda, and then stopped playing. Really need to get back in it and give it a fair go.


    • Marius Nell

      July 29, 2021 at 02:11

      I finally went back and completed it a while back. while its not nearly as good as the origionals its not bad. the final mission is amazing. just a pity there are clear loose ends that was ment for the cancelled dlc.


  2. Marius Nell

    July 28, 2021 at 10:54

    It truly is one of the greatest game series out there


  3. Lu

    July 29, 2021 at 01:21

    I completed the original trilogy 4 times on my 360 back in the day. And each playthrough was different due to all the choices you can make.
    Waiting for a sale so I can pick this up and relive it.


    • BlinkFan

      July 29, 2021 at 08:06

      Check Playstation store… 22% off


  4. MechMachine

    July 30, 2021 at 01:37

    One of the most iconic series ever made, even if they messed the ending up. Fond memories to be had and remembered.


  5. Mandalorian Jim

    July 30, 2021 at 06:52

    Probably the closest we’ll ever get to a real Star Trek game, and regardless of my feelings on Mass Effect 3 and Andromeda. I can still say the PHYSICAL copy of this (Mass Effect Legendary edition) deserves to be in any gamers collection. It needs to sit proudly on the bookshelf, next to the extended edition bluray boxset of Lord of the Rings.

    The Jim has spoken!


    • MechMachine

      July 31, 2021 at 10:03

      I see you’re also writing for the site. Nice. Well done.


      • Mandalorian Jim

        August 5, 2021 at 07:43

        From time to time, I think the Kaas has been the most active, but then we’ve had some real gems like Lu and even Annalene (who actually shows immense promise as a writer). I really hope she contributes more.


      • Mandalorian Jim

        August 5, 2021 at 07:44

        But, have you thought of contributing a few pieces? I know you have some pretty cool opinions on gaming, sometimes in sharp contrast to mine, but I think it would make for a nice debate session.


  6. RideBoks

    August 4, 2021 at 07:14

    Site dead again? or just me not seeing any new articles in the last week.


    • Hammersteyn

      August 4, 2021 at 09:07

    • Krabby Paddy

      August 4, 2021 at 09:21

      Seems to be dead unfortunately.

      I guess it is time to say, “So long, and thanks for all the fish.”


      • MonsterCheddar

        August 4, 2021 at 09:37

        NEVER…not as long as this Kaas draws breath.


    • MonsterCheddar

      August 4, 2021 at 09:35

      Sorry..been sick. Will have some new crap to read again soon. LOL.


      • Hammersteyn

        August 4, 2021 at 09:38

        Guess it’s nice to have the one active writer back, glad you’re on the mend. Did it coincide with the opening of the liquor stores? 😋


        • MonsterCheddar

          August 4, 2021 at 09:39

          Geez… I wish it was that. Still not 100% and a lot to catch up on at work, but I will make time for an article or two. 😉


        • Mandalorian Jim

          August 5, 2021 at 07:41

          I’m still waiting for the Hammersteyn piece on “How I survived my days in Destiny”


          • Hammersteyn

            August 5, 2021 at 10:02

            Sigh, it was fun. but the group stopped doing raids and that’s where to good stuff is. Also when they segregated to loot between PvE and PvP I got irritated. Not all of us has the PvP skill or broadband available to succeed against other players.

      • Hammersteyn

        August 4, 2021 at 09:38

        Guess it’s nice to have the one active writer back, glad you’re on the mend. Did it coincide with the opening of the liquor stores? 😋


    • RinceThis

      August 4, 2021 at 10:05

      It’s almost like it takes commitment and dedication to run a site and not a bag full of anti-woke salty tears https://media.giphy.com/media/VM01S5yIaKCgqg1bSF/giphy.gif


      • MonsterCheddar

        August 5, 2021 at 02:35

        You still there sulking in the corner? Wow.


        • Paraiyar

          August 5, 2021 at 07:30

          This is what happens when children don’t get attention, MonsterCheddar. They grow up to be manchildren. Btw, is Not-Gavin male or female? I’ve been assuming he’s a guy, but he writes like a woman. Can you provide me evidence that he actually wrote for this site, because I’ve been searching for articles by Rincethis and there’s nothing.


          • RinceThis

            August 7, 2021 at 05:50

            how does a woman write? Legit question? Or is your experience only based on the love notes your mother sends you on Valentine’s Day?

          • Paraiyar

            August 7, 2021 at 15:50

            This is why I can’t tell, are you male or female. You write like a 13 year old teenage girl. Everything about how you come across to me can be best described as “immature teenager”.. If you’re male and over the age of 18, there’s definitely something not right with you. Have you had yourself evaluated? Or are you just lonely? Because, it seems like you’re so starved for attention, you’re here desperate to get anyone to notice and interact with you. MonsterCheddar interacts with you. I do. But that’s it, and I only do it because I’m still not sure what you are. Are you a sockpuppet of Gavin? Are you a bored teenage girl? Are you in love with MonsterCheddar and Jimbo? And if you were a writer here, why don’t people care enough to interact with you? Did you burn bridges? What did you do? Or was the socking puppeting for Gavin the straw that broke the camels back? Is that why people don’t like you?

          • RinceThis

            January 24, 2022 at 07:25

            I’ve noted that you are OBSESSED with teenage girls. Are you sick in the head mate? Or just need some love? And people seem to care enough to interact with me BECAUSE YOU ARE YOU LOLZ

        • RinceThis

          August 5, 2021 at 07:40

          Someone gotta keep you on your toes. I know, I should probably create 15 different accounts like some others eh?


          • MonsterCheddar

            August 5, 2021 at 08:30

            Rince, I would rather you keep your one account and comment as much as you like.
            I really don’t mind if you disagree with me, I actually welcome views to the contrary, because I’m not always right. You are also welcome to your opinion, I’m not going to fight you there or block you or shit like that.
            I really welcome debate.
            You might even find yourself agreeing with me in some cases. Imagine that.
            I’m not the enemy, mate. I’m just trying to keep CH going for a while. It will probably not be forever, because I have doubts about the sustainability from the owner’s side, but that’s another kettle of fish.
            So please. Have a go, comment, debate as much as you want, you will never be blocked here because anyone disagrees with your opinion.
            You can even insult me as much you want, its fine. I already took a lot of flak because of my kak writing etc, so I don’t mind.
            I’m going to keep doing this for as long as I can, because a very dear friend of mine and his merry band of banditos put their lives into this site for years, and I won’t just let it die. Not fucking yet, anyway.

          • Paraiyar

            August 7, 2021 at 15:55

            If you guys start blocking people’s access to disqus then I’m out of here. I don’t mind individuals blocking each other, but when the site blocks or bans you for what you wrote or if you disagree then we’re just back where we started. I think allowing this Rince girl to moan and whine is a good idea. I think she’s funny and probably in need of professional help but let her write. I’d like to read her stuff even if it’s copied from the Mary Sue and woke trash.

            But, I’m still not convinced she actually wrote for this site, or that she’s not a sockpuppet of Gavin. I don’t think she’s even a guy.

            Change my mind!

          • Mandalorian Jim

            August 8, 2021 at 04:59

            I agree with you, but it’s still disappointing to see someone with so much talent, wasting his time by being so bitter and resentful.

            I can understand someone like Umar batting hard for the old gang, but Rincey eagerly and happily slagged them whenever he could, while playing nice guy behind their backs. His attempt to now act as some moral authority and their defender rings hollow. It’s why I don’t particularly have any interest in his views because they’re not even genuine.

            But, yeah… it’s very disappointing to see him like this, a bitter, resentful and hateful creature.

          • Mandalorian Jim

            August 8, 2021 at 05:06

            And, he could still redeem himself. That’s the hilarious part of all of this. It almost makes me wish his whatsapp friends would just sit him down and say “Dude, stop ✋”.

          • MonsterCheddar

            August 5, 2021 at 08:33

            Also…go read my stuff on Masters of the Universe. Maybe that will show you how my mind works with all my salty tears and all.

          • Mandalorian Jim

            August 8, 2021 at 05:00

            You just want people to read your chicken scratch, I’m on to you sir. 😏

        • RinceThis

          January 24, 2022 at 07:26

          How is that sulking going now bud? The new site everything you hoped for? LOL


      • Paraiyar

        August 5, 2021 at 07:28

        People have told me you’re not Gavin, but I’m just going to call you Not-Gavin because it’s almost like he has his hand up your anal cavity and he’s moving your mouth. I think at this point you’re just coming of as a really sad individual.

        Nothing on this site has been anti-woke. There’s no mention of politics. I don’t know what you’re trying to get at, but all it shows is that you’re a fool, trying hard to be edgy and the sad thing is, you fail at trolling.

        That’s the really sad thing about you, Not-Gavin. You’re like a fly on a turd. I don’t think any one cares what you have to say any more. I still don’t believe it when people say you used to write for this site. I wish someone could post some evidence, because my impression of you is that you’re a dumb manchild who is desperate for any attention. I think you’re block by most here.

        It’s very sad, maybe grow up, Not-Gavin?


        • RinceThis

          August 5, 2021 at 07:45

          Fail at trolling, you just wrote 3 paragraphs at me and I wasn’t even speaking to you. HAHAHAHAHA! I frigging WIN at it mate. And it’s OFF. Coming OFF. As for being blocked? I hope so. It would show the utter hypocrisy of the morons who once shouted at the last team who blocked people for being toxic arseholes. Now those same man-babies are blocking those who are being ‘meanies’. THAT. IS. HYSTERICAL.


          • Paraiyar

            August 7, 2021 at 15:57

            And this is why I think you’re a teenage girl. Just re-read what you wrote. This is the kind of stuff you get on Tumblr.

          • RinceThis

            January 24, 2022 at 07:23

            It was aimed at your level, I’m good like that.

        • Mandalorian Jim

          August 8, 2021 at 05:03

    • Mandalorian Jim

      August 5, 2021 at 07:41

      Yeah, I’d write more but my schedule has been very busy, there’s so much that has happened with the whole Blizzard-Activision lawsuit and meltdown. I would tackle it, but that’s the thing with not being a fulltime writer….

      We’re basically hoping the community contributes and keeps the site alive by publishing their own stories (a bit like how Lu wrote that amazing piece on table top gaming, and how Annalene wrote this pretty cool little piece on Mass Effect).


      • RideBoks

        August 6, 2021 at 09:12

        No worries, was just checking as it has happened before that new articles weren’t loading on the main page. I hope more do, long form writing definitely not in my skill set 🙂


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