Home Gaming Pokémon Bank update details begin trickling out

Pokémon Bank update details begin trickling out

1 min read


While Pokémon Sun and Moon may have had a bad habit of holding your hand until it turned blue with a story that seldom gave you the level of freedom to explore as other games in the series, once the credits rolled it was business as usual. Pokémon to catch! A championship to defend! The battle buffet! Catching ‘em all has always been the real meat and potatoes of Pokémon, with the introduction of Pokémon Bank several years ago making the process not just easier than ever before, but also more secure.

Thanks to the cloud-sharing storage facility, players now had access to an online pocket where they could keep up to 3000 of their favourite pocket monsters in one convenient location, transferring them between games such as Omega Ruby or X and Y. But for the Sun and Moon chapters? That’s still to be decided when exactly access to the Bank will be allowed for the latest games.

Nintendo has been teasing the end of January for the latest Pokémon Bank update, but have kept mum on any other details so far. Until today, as Nintendo Hong King detailed a few of the changes on the way. Via Serebii, here’s the gist of some of what you can expect to see soon, especially if you’ve been jamming Virtual Console releases of Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow:

  • Transferred Generation One Pokémon will have at least three max IVs
  • Natures will be random
  • Hidden abilities may pop up randomly on certain Pokémon
  • Generation One Pokémon will have a unique GameBoy mark
  • Your national Pokedex will synch up with any games registered on Pokémon Bank
  • This means that you won’t have to deposit Pokémon directly into your bank for them to be registered in the national Pokedex
  • Battle Points can still be sent
  • Stat-tracking such as Pokémon captured and eggs hatched will also be available

Not bad, but I’m hoping to see better tools for arranging and sorting my massive menagerie out when the update eventually launches this month.

Last Updated: January 24, 2017

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