Home Gaming Rainbow Six Siege is getting a huge patch

Rainbow Six Siege is getting a huge patch

2 min read


I’ve said it many times. Ubisoft’s Rainbow Six Siege is an exhilarating, exciting and incredibly fun multiplayer shooter that’s been largely, and unfortunately overlooked because of a perceived lack of content. While it may have launched with fewer modes and operators than anyone would have liked, Ubisoft has supported the game with content, tweaks and balances since its release three months ago. It’s maturing in to an even better game – that’s still, unfortunately, largely overlooked.

It has, however, developed a pretty strong core fanbase, who continue to play the game. Today, a significant patch makes the game better for those players. At least on Pc. It’s expected to hit consoles sometime next week.

Update 2.3 is to improve upon the Ranked experience as well as the general balancing of the game, say Ubisoft. The game’s getting some major changes, including a big change to Buck and his shotgun. There have also been innumerable other weapon balances and fixes – but one of the most important changes coming is one that’ll change the game for local players. There’s a better implementation of LAG compensation.

“We’re glad to share that lag compensation has been improved in order to give the advantage to lower ping players vs. higher ping players. This means that the “peeker’s advantage” has been reduced and players who are hidden behind cover playing with a low ping will be less vulnerable to high ping players.”

It does mean that local players who’ve relied on their higher pings will possibly end up dead more than they’re used to. The patch also implements the new counter-cheating methods.

Here are the main gameplay fixes, but honestly – the patch list is longer than the list of things that are wrong with Darryn. Check it out here.

  • The incorrect amount of remaining health is displayed for the victorious Operator when a defeated player is viewing the KillCam replay. – FIXED
  • Idle players on a team will receive an idle kick from the match if the other team quits during Preparation Phase. – FIXED
  • Players are able to clip through unbreakable walls by running at a wall and lifting a gadget in front of them at the last second before hitting the wall. – FIXED
  • Thermite can’t place an Exothermic Charge on a damaged wall with a hole big enough to fit the charge. – FIXED
  • Montagne can shoot before finishing the animation for unextending the shield. – FIXED
  • Parts of Glaz’s scope will disappear while entering ADS mode. – FIXED
  • Sledge’s Breaching Hammer has a low and delayed controller rumble when used. – FIXED
  • Sometimes the drones’ black and white filter is overridden by Mute’s colored jammer effect. – FIXED
  • Players are rewarded with Renown and XP if the other team quits the session before playing at least 2 rounds. – FIXED
  • Terrorist AI end up in a loop between evade and idle reaction for every damage tick received from poison gas. – FIXED

Last Updated: March 30, 2016


  1. Hammersteyn

    March 31, 2016 at 07:49

  2. Andre Fourie

    April 1, 2016 at 09:13

    Too busy with the Division to worry about Six at the moment.


  3. Chris Thrasher

    April 8, 2016 at 02:28

    Give me offline bots for when the servers go down. Then I’ll buy.


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