Home Final Fantasy XI boss takes 18 hours to complete

Final Fantasy XI boss takes 18 hours to complete

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Final Fantasy insanity

Honestly I am generally happy if it takes me less than 18 hours to complete an entire game from beginning to end. So when someone mentions that it will take 18 hours to kill a single character in a game I just stare in disbelief and walk away.

But a group of people named “Beyond Limition” has taken on the challenge and killed the Absolute Virtue boss after an idiotic 18 hour battle.

However not to be outdone by some group of brats the developers have decided to release some new DLC with an even tougher boss called Pandemonium Warden.

Beyond Limitation took on the challenge and after 18 hours of solid battling actually called it quits since some of them were passing out, others were vomiting and were starting to actually worry about their health.

Honestly in my humble opinion an 18 hour boss fight is stupid and the developers should have rather rewarded the group who beat it with a free game or at least a beer. Releasing a harder boss just doesn’t make sense me to…

Oh before I forget the game in question was Final Fantasy XI

Source: Destructoid

Last Updated: August 13, 2008


  1. Vamp

    August 13, 2008 at 12:41

    And then gamers wonder why people say that they have no social life?


  2. Bboy

    August 13, 2008 at 13:09

    Lol, reminds me of Southpark’s guitar queero episode when they finally unlock ‘super-stardom’… the game usually says “CONGRATULATIONS, YOU ARE ROCK STARS”, but this time round it just told em “CONGRATULATIONS, YOU ARE… FAGS”.


  3. iviarki

    August 13, 2008 at 13:11

    Phew, I read the title and misread that the whole game is only 18 hours. I got dissapointed that the game is only 18 hours long. But then i read the article and i’ll have to agree with Destructoid that fighting one boss for 18 hours is a little bit overkill. Hell, i think that fighting the same boss for an hour is overkill and i’m a FF Fanboy. If i know Final fantasy though, this boss will not have to be killed to complete the story line. He is most likely a side quest, or ultimate boss.


  4. SlippyMadFrog

    August 13, 2008 at 13:23

    That was crazy funny 😀


  5. koldFU5iON

    August 13, 2008 at 13:30

    I thought the objective of any game was that it was beatable that’s what encourages people to keep playing if it takes me longer than 30min to kill a boss in a single go (i.e. no restarts) i’ll find another game cause ultimately I’m probably not enjoying myself.


  6. Vamp

    August 13, 2008 at 13:45

    The World of Warcraft one was just as funny. And very relevant to this piece actually 🙂


  7. Syph1n

    August 13, 2008 at 14:01

    You gotta admit though. Thats value for money.. 🙂 Damn japaneese people… How many of them want to die from playing games? 😉


  8. Milesh Bhana

    August 13, 2008 at 16:40

    It’s almost …typical. I watched the entire Ruoroni (sp?) Kenshin series recently. Kenshin eventually gets to the main enemy and the fight between them takes SIX EPISODES.

    Milesh Bhana’s last blog post..Budgetgamer’s Guide to Audio – Part 1


  9. PillsburyDeeBoy

    August 13, 2008 at 20:28

    It’s the Chinese who die, btw…


  10. PillsburyDeeBoy

    August 13, 2008 at 20:29

    Sounds like Dragon Ball Z to me 🙂 . If you kept going back, it meant they were winning.


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