Home Gaming Rage is prettier on PS3

Rage is prettier on PS3

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Three important things to notice about this screenshot.

1. It’s gross and horrifying
2. It’s made by John Carmack’s company (Id Software)
3. It’s going to look worse (better) on the PS3

However all three of those things are overshadowed by our last article where John Carmack himself said that the 360 is the better platform to develop on. So why now is he coming out and saying that his new title RAGE is going to look better on the PS3.

This is purely down to the fact that the uncompressed graphics for the game are over a terabyte and since it needs to be compressed down to two DVD’s they have had to use a different type of compression ratio which just isn’t as good as the PS3’s option. Since the PS3 has all that storage space to play with.

However what’s possibly the most surprising aspect of the entire story is that it is being featured on TeamXbox.com. I have to say it is nice to see a fanboy site posting bad news about its console of choice, there are some other sites that can learn from this.

Source: Teamxbox.com

Last Updated: August 4, 2008


  1. scotty777

    August 4, 2008 at 09:40

    that is good to see… Now we can blame those dam lazy developers for not using the ps3 to it’s potential.
    I wonder if the xbox will soon be getting gimped versions of game 😯 like the psp is getting


  2. Lupus

    August 4, 2008 at 09:56

    2 terrabytes of uncompressed textures? Wow times have changed. Also not to sure we are really going to notice much gimping between the PS3 version and the Xbox version, as you now going to have texture popping happening as the slow ass BR player


  3. ocelot

    August 4, 2008 at 10:05

    Thats what installs are for.


  4. Mac

    August 4, 2008 at 10:23

    “I have to say it is nice to see a fanboy site posting bad news about its console of choice, there are some other sites that can learn from this”

    All I have to say is for this site is “Hello Mr Pot, we have a Mr Black Kettle on line two”


  5. scotty777

    August 4, 2008 at 10:42



  6. LazySAGamer

    August 4, 2008 at 11:37

    I am glad to see that the amount of people accusing us of being 360 fanboys is dropping.

    We hate on all platforms evenly 😉


  7. SlippyMadFrog

    August 4, 2008 at 11:45

    I hate ID software!!!!!!!
    1. They are PS3 fanboys!
    2. They are just being lazy!

    teh Xbox360 is teh best evar!!! no matter how the games look!!


  8. kabraal

    August 4, 2008 at 12:33

    Looks like BD does infact have a significant role to play in console then?

    Now image a 360 with a BD drive 😉


  9. Nick

    August 4, 2008 at 12:42

    Hang on, someone earlier mentioned something about texture pop-up. Then there was a reply about installs. What kind of install size will we be looking at for a game like this?


  10. Milesh Bhana ZA

    August 4, 2008 at 12:58

    well i would assume that the 2TB of textures would have to be compressed to fit on a Blu-Ray disc anyway, so obviously not a 2TB install. I don’t even think install would be a good idea (20GB of compressed textures? I think clever hard drive streaming would be the way forward here. )

    Milesh Bhana ZA’s last blog post..Recycle, recycle, recycle.


  11. Vamp

    August 4, 2008 at 14:03

    Luckily it won’t matter to me as it’ll most likely eat up
    15gigs on my pc anyway (like Gears). But ja, can’t imagine what they are planning to do. And then the 360’s install has to be optional as well.


  12. doobiwan

    August 4, 2008 at 21:33

    If you read the actual interview the whole thing is just a negotiation ploy. They’re not even talking taking up a whole BD. id can fit the data on 3 DVD’s but don’t want to pay MS the royalty charges to do so. Totally fair tactic really.


  13. Milesh Bhana

    August 5, 2008 at 00:06

    so…wait, MS are charging them more royalties for a 3 DVD game? Hence the game gets gimped to 2 DVDs.

    Beautiful business model you got there. Idiots.

    Milesh Bhana’s last blog post..Condemned: Criminal Origins [360]


  14. doobiwan

    August 5, 2008 at 06:56

    I imagine it was possibly a ploy to “encourage” developers to keep 360 games on one disc instead of taking the easy route and just spamming discs.

    But now we get to technology like Rage with dynamic textures and it doesn’t work so well. I wouldn’t really worry about it, MS are pretty flexible, especially if it’s their rep on the line. XBSP, 350Mb XBLA games these all came about due to pressure/requests from developers.


  15. Milesh Bhana ZA

    August 5, 2008 at 08:48

    “I imagine it was possibly a ploy to “encourage” developers to keep 360 games on one disc instead of taking the easy route and just spamming discs.”

    But with choosing DVD over some newer format, they were aware that it was only a matter of time before Blu-Ray would matter in the context of games. Which is why this strategy doesn’t make sense.

    Milesh Bhana ZA’s last blog post..Condemned: Criminal Origins [360]


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