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Too Much Gaming? Other Ways to Help Your Child Grow

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Are you concerned that your child will fall behind in class because they are gaming a little too much? Or do you believe your youngster is not utilizing their maximum efforts in school? Please read this post for helpful hints on how to help them learn faster…

Learning is a crucial skill, particularly for kids who have so much to learn in and out of the classroom. In today’s technology-driven society, with rapid information updates, youngsters must learn faster to keep up with what’s going on around them.

But here’s the thing: not every child is born a good learner. Even some of the biggest names in history, like Thomas Edison, were called “addled” by their school systems (source). But his mother helped him learn faster and smarter, and the rest is history.

You have to dedicate your time and effort to shaping your children into keen learners. This article will shed light on some of the most effective ways to help your child learn faster. So, let’s get started, shall we?

Some Ways to Help Your Child Learn Faster

The current school environment immensely resembles a pressure-cooker. Most parents are concerned that their children are “downloading” information rather than “learning.” Nevertheless, parents can enhance their child’s desire to learn faster and smarter by following these tried-and-tested techniques:

1. Introduce Your Kids to Music Lessons

Enrolling your children in music classes is an integral part of their intellectual and socio-emotional growth. Playing various musical instruments enhances children’s capabilities to concentrate, build muscle memory, and strengthen their short-term memory capacity. All of these things sum up to improving their academic achievement.

Even if your child doesn’t play an instrument, listening to music can improve their cognitive performance, says ScientificAmerican. Research published by the Florida National University shows that music enhances brain function. It puts the child in a good mood, enhancing their learning capabilities and motivating them to learn new stuff.

2. Sign Them Up for Sports

There is a widespread belief that children involved in sports and co-curricular activities are not as capable of excelling intellectually as their non-athlete counterparts. Likewise, parents hesitate in enrolling their kids on sports thinking that they are committing them to a path of distraction in their academic performance. However, the reality is on the contrary! Children exposed to increased levels of physical activity show an improved academic performance, primarily in math, reading, and memory retention.

Studies show that blood flows to their brains when children engage in any form of physical activity. This, in turn, stimulates neuronal activity and encourages cell growth. This means that simply 20 minutes of exercise before studying can assist your children in increasing their concentration and focusing on their learning.

3. Encourage Them to Engage in Extracurricular Activities

A common misconception is that engaging kids in extracurricular activities divert their minds and interest from learning. However, in reality, extracurricular activities improve youngsters’ academic performance. When youngsters are simply interested in rote learning from books, there is little room to develop their critical thinking skills. Encouraging your children to engage in extracurricular activities helps them develop essential social skills and intellectual abilities.

Children who participate in extracurricular activities have better exam results, higher standardized test scores, and attend class more attentively. Signing your kids up for summer camps, for example, can immensely boost their self-confidence and allow them to explore multiple areas of interest. There are various summer camps in Singapore like the Newtonshow Camp that enable children to apply what they have learned in classrooms to real-life situations. Thus, they aid in improving children’s academic performance and character development.

4. Make Learning Fun for Them

Studying is probably something all kids despise. You might have experienced your child struggling to sneak out under your nose to play. But what if we combine study time with their playtime? Game-based learning is an excellent approach for parents to teach new things to children in a fun and engaging way. Using games as an educational resource motivates youngsters to study, resulting in faster learning.

Any activity that captures their attention will undoubtedly get your child enthusiastic about learning. For example, if you’re teaching children how to add and subtract numbers, develop a creative circumstance in which they may use simple addition and subtraction. Likewise, some kids get bored of learning pretty quick. Incorporating games into the child’s learning process is critical for maintaining their interest in the subject.

Role-playing is another excellent method for creating a fun learning environment for children. You could be the shopkeeper, and your child could be the cashier. Your child will undoubtedly figure it out faster than if you constantly ask them what they would be left with if they had four apples and gave you two.

5. Help Them Find Their Learning Style

If you feel like your kid has a slow learning pace, it’s maybe because they aren’t in their zone. Identifying your child’s learning style is crucial for determining how they study. It allows you to acknowledge those skills and utilize them to create a suitable learning environment for your kids.

There are various learning styles, including auditory, visual, logical, verbal and kinesthetic. For example, some children learn by listening. You could repeat 2’s table to them a couple of times, and they would learn by heart. Alternatively, some children learn by seeing – such children learn fast by looking at diagrams, drawings and other visual aid. Similarly, children who have a verbal learning style are comfortable speaking and writing what they learn. Another category is of children who have a kinesthetic learning approach. You can identify these kids as “hands-on learners” since they engage with physical objects when learning. You might see such children playing with their toys or shaking their legs when knowing.

None of these learning styles is right or wrong. The right learning style varies from child to child. It is beneficial for young children to try several learning techniques to identify their favourable learning approach.

6. Teach Them Memory Retention Strategies

If your child forgets all they have learned when giving an exam, this one is for you! It is undeniable that some students experience exam stress, which causes them to forget what they have learned or memorized about the subject. Essentially, this issue may be avoided by teaching children some simple learning and memorization tricks.

Using mnemonics is one of these tricks. Teach your children that the first letter of each word represents a notion. For example, teaching them the simple sentence “My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Noodles” is extremely helpful in making them remember the planets.

Another simple memory technique is to incorporate rhythm into their memorization. Children would remember their lessons better if you included musical rhymes or tunes. By doing so, you are enhancing their ability to retain long-term information in this manner. Just don’t get too worked up over it, or they would get overwhelmed.

7. Make Sure They Have the Right Company

The group of friends your child has can directly impact their academic success. Developing friendships is an integral part of growing up and making meaningful connections for children. Studying with friends might reinforce your child’s learning attitudes and comprehension skills. Moreover, they might get encouraged to start acquiring new skills and concepts, whether introducing themselves to new methods of learning or techniques to increase confidence.

Researches show that hanging out with high-achieving students helps average performing pupils improve their academic performance. When surrounded by ambitious kids, children are motivated to work harder and study more to reach their educational goals.

8. Give Them a Margin for Mistakes

Most students avoid trying something new when studying because they are concerned about failing, and as a result, they are hesitant of taking risks and try new things. Essentially, this lack of confidence is a roadblock that prevents the child from progressing and improving.

Your children would be more willing to join and actively try new things if you introduce mistakes as opportunities to learn. When they make a mistake, educate them calmly and provide feedback since this learning experience will impact their minds. Allowing children to learn from their mistakes helps create resilience and is critical to raising a confident, capable, happy, and successful adult. When you give your kids the opportunity to struggle and occasionally fail, they can develop critical social and emotional skills.

9. Encourage Reading

Some would claim that reading is the secret to achieving success in life. We would most certainly say that reading is, at the very least, a condition for academic success. Children who develop a passion for reading develop a passion for learning. Alternatively, children who struggle to read struggle to learn.

Reading helps youngsters build a richer vocabulary, but it also teaches their brains to understand concepts. Students who read well have a better ability to learn in all disciplines, from language arts to technical ones like math and science. Making reading enjoyable rather than irritating is essential for developing effective readers.

If your youngster believes that reading is uninteresting or frustrating, they will stop reading, and their learning capacity will suffer. Make a family reading time where everyone reads for 20 minutes every day. Allow your children to choose their books to read, assist them in reading, and plan activities that make reading enjoyable for them.

10. Appreciate Their Little Academic Achievements

You might have noticed toddlers doing the same trick twice after receiving applause. Guess what, kids of all ages are like that! It is critical to acknowledge and celebrate your child’s accomplishments, no matter how minor they may be. This is especially critical for elementary school children, who need continual positive reinforcement to stay motivated to learn and push themselves to achieve better.

If you appreciate your kids securing good grades or doing well in a presentation, they would want to maintain their standard. If your child receives an A+ in Math, they will most likely expect a treat or reward to allow them to eat their favourite junk food.

The Endnote

While your child may not have to worry about climatic change or quantum mechanics just yet, by teaching them the proper strategies at a young age, you will better prepare them to adapt to a world that is changing quicker than ever. Even though these ten ways to help your child learn faster aren’t a one size fits all, you can implement most of them on almost all kids. For example, you can send your child to various kids’ camps in Singapore.

By implementing these suggestions, you can make your child a better and faster learner. However, if they encounter a stumbling block or cannot comprehend a particular subject, make sure you understand the issue and, if necessary, seek expert assistance. Whatever you do, don’t force them to learn faster; instead, encourage them to fall in love with learning.

Last Updated: April 12, 2022

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