Home Gaming Which controller has the best battery life?

Which controller has the best battery life?

50 second read


Here is a nice unimportant article for a Friday…

Gamepro.com has been testing the three wireless controllers to find out which one has the best battery life. As you can see from the graph above the 360 rules the roost on this one with an average battery life of 56 hours while the PS3 trails the pack with an average life of only 18 hours.

However you need to remember that all PS3 controllers can just be re-charged with a USB cable while the 360 uses disposable batteries. When upgrading your 360 controller to a rechargable battery the life span starts to decrease.

The Wii sits happily in the middle however you do have the ability to turn of rumble and audio which will substantially increase the battery life..

So there you go something for each corner to shout about…

Which controller has the best battery life? Feature on GamePro.com

Last Updated: February 1, 2008


  1. JimBob

    February 1, 2008 at 08:41

    The Xbox 360 play-and-charge kit has appalling battery life, but when I was using disposable batteries I found it very expensive because they needed to be replaced every week and a half or so.

    My Wiimote seems to be going and going on its batteries, and the Dual Shock 3 and SixAxis also last quite nicely on one charge.


  2. Fox1

    February 1, 2008 at 08:56

    Hi Lazy! My first post! Yay!:-) Anyway… back to the topic. My point being that any battery that is rechargeable will need replacement after time. Just like our very expensive cellphones and laptops still succumb to replacement. From personal experience I can tell that I get about 4 months out of a pair of Energizer 2500mAh AA batteries until they need recharging and I play on my 360 everyday.

    The sad part for PS3 will be where you have to dispose of the controller when the battery starts losing charge quick. I am sure the Lithium battery will cost not much. Oh, and Looking at those figures the PS3 has such a low battery life without rumble. I hope Sony improves on this. Strange how AA rechargeable batteries give a longer battery life than a Lithium battery… wink…wink;-)


  3. Abe

    February 1, 2008 at 09:26

    Ill take my lithium PS3 controller over having to buy extra rechargable’s anyday. anytime anyplace. Ease of use is king!


  4. Fox1

    February 1, 2008 at 09:46

    @Abev – Yes, ease of use is king. When my rechargeable batteries die, I just load the new ones and continue gaming seamlessly. They come in a pack of 4. I have being using the same set of rechargeable batteries for 1 and half years and I use them in my digital camera. Can’t fit a lithium there now, can we? Ease of use…

    And, does that graph mean that xbox360 gamers get more game time with their console because of the just reload new battery and carry on gaming system? I think so it does!


  5. Fox1

    February 1, 2008 at 09:46

    @Abe – Yes, ease of use is king. When my rechargeable batteries die, I just load the new ones and continue gaming seamlessly. They come in a pack of 4. I have being using the same set of rechargeable batteries for 1 and half years and I use them in my digital camera. Can’t fit a lithium there now, can we? Ease of use…

    And, does that graph mean that xbox360 gamers get more game time with their console because of the just reload new battery and carry on gaming system? I think so it does!


  6. doobiwan

    February 1, 2008 at 10:18

    Strokes and folks. My console sits above my TV, so I couldn’t handle having to plug the the controller in to play while charging. Rechargeable AAA’s FTW!


  7. LazySAGamer

    February 1, 2008 at 10:54

    @Doobiwan, my console is also above the TV and I agree the wires are a pain… When I need to recharge I swap battery packs with another controller and charge that while using the new battery…

    Else I end up pulling the console off the TV while jumping around and dodging bullets 😉


  8. Abe

    February 1, 2008 at 11:10

    Um Fox, My camera has its own lithium Battery.
    Having to swop and change batteries would kill me.
    One of my controls is pretty much always charging so I just cycle them, and the fact that it recharges in about an hour is also a plus over conventional rechargables.
    Having to take batteries out to charge them is a schlep, like I said ease of use is king!


  9. Fox1

    February 1, 2008 at 12:55

    @Abe- I was talking about a digital photo camera. For every 4 months I charge 2 of my batteries for 12 hours. I see they also have quick charge batteries out. Wouldn’t too regular charging damage a lithium battery? You know, like what the cellphone and rechargeable lantern manual says? Well my point being… Why doesn’t Sony manufacture the PS3 with a battery of a longer lifespan. Their MP3 player comes with batteries of 48 hours and a 3 minute charge gives you 3 hours playback. I don’t get Sony. They should concentrate on 1 device in the market, especially the PS3 since its costing the company the hugest losses.

    And its not that hard to remove the xbox360 controllers batteries. It takes approx. 5sec


  10. Abe

    February 1, 2008 at 13:27

    I was also talking about a digital photo camera!
    When the Battery is fully charged it stops automatically so no chance of over charging. On average my control lasts be about two weeks and my machine is on for atleast five hours aday, so I guess that 18hrs isnt so accurate.
    But anyway this is a stupid fookin argument.
    Peace out!


  11. LazySAGamer

    February 1, 2008 at 13:54

    @Abe, Gamepro are quite a respectable outfit (so was Gamespot) so I doubt they would fudge the figures here.

    I do agree though that this argument is bizarre… entertaining but bizarre


  12. Milesh Bhana ZA

    February 1, 2008 at 13:58

    abev, hope you’re watching, i’m actually going to say a Pro PS3 thing here… 🙂

    i actually see no problem with the PS3 having an embedded battery. Yes, you’ll have to throw away the controller when that battery finally dies, but how long will that take ? If it’s 3 years of frequent play then it’s fine. In three years if you’re playing lots, the buttons will have worn out anyway. As long as the battery lasts longer than wear and tear will break it then it’s all good.

    The Play and Charge kit on the XBOX is atrocious. I’ve had mine for a year and i’m needing to charge mine every 2-3 days. I was doing better with my crappy rechargeables (cost me R50 and also lasts around 8 hours).


  13. Fox1

    February 1, 2008 at 16:16

    @Milesh- Just get good rechargeables for your xbox. At R50 you can get anything from 600mAh to 1300mAh. You need atleast R100 for 4 Eco-friendly 2500mAh Uni-Ross batteries that last for about two years. Says on the package. I heard that they are better that the Energizer variants.

    You know, Sony has had a history with batteries.

    Gamespot is accurate of the 360 controller. Imagine the amount of force feedback they endured… brrrrr….grrrr….


  14. TinFish

    February 1, 2008 at 16:25

    hmm… My digital camera has a lithium battery and it’s still going stron 3.5 years later 😉

    but I think I need an upgrade… (camera, not the battery)

    IMHO could the probly with the sony be that it does not switch off? (or so I’ve heard) or did the testers play non stop untill it died?


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