Home Entertainment Paradise PD season 3 coming March 11, here’s a new and very disturbing trailer

Paradise PD season 3 coming March 11, here’s a new and very disturbing trailer

1 min read

Animation has never been better, with the current crop of film and television projects helping to create a new golden age for the medium. And then there’s Paradise PD. For every Spider-Verse and Lego Movie, Paradise PD exists as a dark opposite that puts maximum effort into low effort humour. And I freakin’ love it.

Heck, I’m morbidly obsessed with seeing how far the series is willing to go in pursuit of the lowest-hanging fruit, and season 2 didn’t disappoint on that front. From the most disturbing toilet ritual ever animated to the no holds barred take on controversial news host Tucker Carlson that revealed him to really just be a gigantic dick troll, Paradise PD raised the bar on lowering the standards of entertainment.

As for season 3? Even if you’re working from home, here’s just a taste of what the season 3 trailer shows off in the span of 90 seconds:

  • An old man sucking on a Dildo pacifier.
  • Dusty’s grotesque skin flaps turning him into a flying squirrel.
  • Gina’s masturbation hut.
  • An anus-shaped like a face pooping out fresh pasta.
  • Near-death suffocation via ass-cheeks.
  • A bong with boobs.
  • An entire octopus squeezing its way into you know what I don’t even want to go there.

Consider yourselves warned:

Season 3 of Paradise PD kicks off on March 12 on Netflix. Once again, I cannot stress how Paradise PD is so bad that it’s genius, but seriously it genuinely is bad. But good! But also bad. Also I’ve got a certain number of words to hit on a post so that I can grab some of that sweet Google SEO action, so in the spirit of Paradise PD I’m going to fill the rest of this article out in Dobby the dolphin boy speak:

Dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby dobby.

Last Updated: February 15, 2021

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