Home Gaming After two more years of updates, there might be a Dead Cells 2

After two more years of updates, there might be a Dead Cells 2

2 min read

Steve Filby, head of Evil Empire, clarified in an interview that the studio will be maintaining content updates for Dead Cells for a couple of years before moving on to something new.


Have you played Dead Cells? Uh, you should probably go play Dead Cells. It’s one of the best, if not the best, games of 2018 and a real success story for early access development. An almost purely mechanics driven game, Dead Cells is a rogue-like RPG with elements of the metroidvania genre and it’s fantastic. Few games have managed to successful create such an impactful yet fluid combat system with dozens of unique weapons and potentially hundreds of synergies based on what you pick up during a run. Littered with challenging enemies and punishing bosses, Dead Cells is one of the most rewarding games to put your time into, and what helps the experience ever further is the slew of content updates coming to the title.

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In an interview with OnlySP, Steve Filby, head of Evil Empire, the team that’s constantly updating the base game, provided some clarification on where Dead Cells is heading. “As long as it’s profitable, Dead Cell is paying for the Motion Twin core team and our team, Evil Empire, who are working on Dead Cells and that’s a lot of money per year. We need to make a certain amount, so if we don’t make any more money then we’d have to stop”, said Filby. “You also don’t want to work on the game for so long that you ruin it. Sometimes you have to know when to stop. From an artistic perspective, there’s a limit to what we can do. I would say at least two more years of content for the base game.”


Having released only free DLC up until this point, Evil Empire has considered possibly releasing paid DLC in the future, but is determined to do it “in a way that the community feels good about and is happy with”. When asked about a potential sequel to Dead Cells, Filby stated, “Maybe we’ll make Dead Cells 2 or a multiplayer version of the game. Maybe we’ll do a Dead Cells version of Hollow Knight, a proper Metroidvania game”.”

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The latest free update to Dead Cells added all-new mini-bosses to the game that are designed to teach players how to effectively counter the Big Bads they will eventually come up against. Seriously, if you haven’t checked out Dead Cells, go read our review of the game and then play it. It’s well worth your time (and effort).

Last Updated: September 13, 2019

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