Home Gaming Community post: Are annualised sequels making us bored?

Community post: Are annualised sequels making us bored?

7 min read


By Llewellyn Crossley

I realised the other day, with a great amount of shock, that I was bored with my games. All of them. Usually I’d just weather the storm until the next awesome title releases, play it and be back on track and happy with my hobby that is gaming. This time however something seems different and it worries me.

You see we all go through dips. A kind of “gamer burnout” if you will. This is pretty normal. We have our games that we enjoy and at some point they just aren’t enough anymore. We’ve played them as much as we are going to. Achieved most of the achievements and we need something new. So we will then wait for the next set of big releases and enjoy those. While we wait for the next big releases we might even take care of some of our backlog.

This is not happening for me this time. I don’t really care for my backlog as they are mostly indie games and while fun, they are ultimately not what I am looking for. I am not excited for the next set of big releases and so I am completely underwhelmed and don’t have any form of excitement in me towards gaming at all. So I sat thinking about this and wondering why and I came to the point where I am no longer excited. I came to the following conclusion: Yearly releases and constant sequels have spoiled gaming for me. Or at least the golden age of gaming (My golden age anyway) has spoiled me for the current age of gaming.


Games used to be brought out as new IP’s pretty much all the time a good few years back. You had Star Craft, Red Alert, Counterstrike, your first Call of Duty and Battlefield games, a slew of RPG’s such as Anachronox, Final Fantasy, Elder Scrolls, over the top shooters such as Duke Nukem, Heretic, Unreal and all the rest. There were space sims galore, each one different from the other (Terminal Velocity, Decent, Wing Commander, Freespace etc;). The list of games coming out were huge and each one was vastly different because gaming was in its infancy. Developers had a huge amount of free reign and new creative ideas to put out to the world. It was a true golden age. When a sequel was released it usually wasn’t the very next year or if it was, it wouldn’t get another sequel or ad-on for a long time after. Heck most of them never made it past 2 games and an expansion.

This kept us interested. You’d finish a game and wonder whether or not a follow on would arrive. Would there be a number 2 of this game? Would we get to experience more of the world we got in to in the game? You’d sit and wonder about this all the time until one day you open up your PCFormat (Why does that still hurt me?) or your NAG mag and WHAM. News about the next instalment of the game coming soon. The excitement would take over and you would go and try to find out as much news as you could about the next game as you could from wherever you could. This excitement was born from not knowing if there would be a next game or not.

This is not the case in today’s gaming. Today you are guaranteed a few things:

  1. If the game is good it will get a number 2, then a number 3 and if it’s still going then it will most definitely turn in to a yearly release title.
  2. Reboots: You will have reboots of old games or games that are currently in a yearly development cycle. This is an attempt by publishers and devs to “freshen” things up a bit.

These certainties kind of destroy the excitement for a game. When you finish it and you see the world rave about it, you don’t have to worry if there will be a next one. You know there will be. The moment the game is done one already starts hearing rumours of the next instalment. This knowledge dulls the hype in a sense. Just look at CoD and BF. Every year people are less and less excited. News breaks about the next game and everyone kind of goes “Yeah, we were expecting it. Duh”.


The games may be cool and the fans may be excited to try the games but are they excited because it’s the next instalment or simply because it’s not the same BF or CoD they’ve been playing for almost a year? Aren’t we all just excited that we will have a few new maps and maybe some new modes under a new skin? Whatever happened to games getting huge amounts of maps on release to keep people going? Or at least a huge library of maps being available at any given time all across the internet? Just look at Unreal and how many maps there were for it.

Whether user generated or official. Warcraft was the same. Those were just the multiplayer games. There was always something to add to an existing game to keep you going until the next big thing. The single player games relied on a good story to keep you interested and to keep you wanting more without knowing if you’d ever see more of it. It would be like a great book (For those that are in to reading). You get drawn in to the world and didn’t enjoy it at all when the story was finished. You wanted more story! Games from back then had that same effect.


Just look at the excitement that was Diablo 3. The game was terrible at release. The story weak, the multiplayer was lacking (Heck there wasn’t even PvP yet). Yet it sold millions. It sold well. Why? Because of the excitement of the wait. Of not knowing if Diablo 2 would ever get a true sequel. When people found out it was getting it, they freaked out. This is why it sold well. Because people needed the next game. Why? Because of the time between releases.

This magic is gone.

Yes we get a few gems. The Batman series of games (which already is starting to be overdone), the new Far Cry (This will eventually turn in to just another yearly release) and a few others. Yes, we even still get new IP’s (Destiny and such) which keep people interested. But they don’t hold the same magic.

They don’t have the same excitement after you finish it. You don’t go afterwards and say “I need the next game and I have no idea if the developers are going to make it.” And then proceed to wait in angsty anticipation for some news that there will be a next one. Mostly, I feel, this is due to game developers focusing too much on the experience of how the game plays different to others and not on separating the game with a good story.

Instead you know it will get a number 2 on the end. Or you know it’s online and will eventually be replaced by a separate game or continuous updates to the base game or simply the next instalment next year.

Naturally this is my view and everyone may not agree but I do feel that it is true and that the magic of gaming is gone. That or I am really getting too old for gaming… That thought actually scares me a bit. I’m not good at sports so I don’t know if that would be a good alternative for a hobby….

What do you think? Am I wrong? Am I just too old for gaming? Do I perhaps just not “get it” anymore?

Last Updated: August 25, 2014


  1. Craig Lotter

    August 25, 2014 at 13:36

    The argument always stands that for someone else out there, this is their first experience of any particular IP. Same argument is what holds up the endless cycle of reboots we get at movies. The only real way to solve this is to a) makes your own stuff that excites you, or b) get some game developer to fall in love with you and thus care about you and what you want.


    • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

      August 25, 2014 at 14:21

      This is naturally a part of the argument I couldn’t really argue since I am on the side of experiencing it all already. But for someone who is new, let’s say this is their first year they play CoD. They will love it. Might even get some of the older ones. Then wait in anticipation for the next one.

      BUT, how long is that cycle going to last vs the “older generation” where sequels weren’t spaced out yearly? Won’t they potentially start getting bored faster than we did?

      I can’t just go and make stuff that excites me. It’s missing the point. I know what’s going to happen then. I made it. The point about a game is to be surprised and entertained the whole way through.

      As for making a game developer fall in love with you and care for you? It would have to be a publisher since they call the shots 🙁

      But yes, your point is still valid. I’ve experienced gaming since it pretty much started so for me nothing seems new. For anyone entering the market it’s all new. Can’t deny that fact at all.


      • Mossel

        August 25, 2014 at 14:50

        I agree with this. Although I played the first CoD (and most releases afterwards), I never played multiplayer. Was against it for some obscure reason. Enter Black Ops 2, my friend convince me to at least try the mp. I end up liking it and become a major fan of CoD MP. It lasted for about a year, then Ghosts came out, I was instantly bored. Instantly I realised that this is exactly the same as the last. Now I play BF MP because it is, again, something new to me. So yes, the cycle will last for a while still, but the cycle is shorter.


  2. Rinceable

    August 25, 2014 at 13:37

    At first I thought this was written by OvG, but the correct use of grammar, the lack of ‘F**K THE WORLD expletives and general coherence reminded me it wasn’t. I have to say, I don’t think I am suffering, or have ever suffered from, gamer entropy.


    • Kensei Seraph

      August 25, 2014 at 13:38

      Could be that someone actually edited this one before it was posted.


      • Rinceable

        August 25, 2014 at 13:43

        Mmm, I don’t think there is an editor on the planet with those skills!


        • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

          August 25, 2014 at 14:26



      • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

        August 25, 2014 at 14:27

        If it was OVG that wrote it everything would be [Ed Note: We can’t post this sentence due to my eyes bleeding], [Ed Note: Seriously we had to remove this for the safety of others], [Ed Note: I think my soul is being sucked out. PLease help]


    • Viking Of Science

      August 25, 2014 at 13:38

      You’re lucky, I know those burnout feels….


    • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

      August 25, 2014 at 14:26

      Lucky man:( What is your secret?


      • Alien Emperor Trevor

        August 25, 2014 at 14:28

        The attention span of a guppy.


        • Kensei Seraph

          August 25, 2014 at 14:30

          Wow, Rince has an entire 3 second attention span.
          That much better than SQUIRREL!


          • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

            August 25, 2014 at 14:31

            That’s for goldfish man! Don’t insult the gold fish… They will evolve and !@#$ things up


          • Kensei Seraph

            August 25, 2014 at 14:32

            I thought gold fish were 10 seconds?

          • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

            August 25, 2014 at 14:35

            Dude.. Just stop. The goldfish are coming for you

          • Kensei Seraph

            August 26, 2014 at 08:15

            Pfft, I just need to evade them for 10 seconds and I’m safe.

  3. Pieter Kruger

    August 25, 2014 at 13:39

    Think it’s ok for sport games, but that’s about it….


    • Mossel

      August 25, 2014 at 14:51

      I think sport games should just get some team/jersey/player updates. And only get really upgraded every 3 or so years.


  4. WarframedSquirrel

    August 25, 2014 at 13:41

    YES! Ok, I’ll actually read the article now… that was response to the title.


    • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

      August 25, 2014 at 14:26

      Lol 😛


  5. Kensei Seraph

    August 25, 2014 at 13:42

    I’m feeling a bit bored of ToME now that I’ve unlocked nearly everything (admittedly there’s still another 1000+ achievements for me to go through and there’s 2 new campaigns in the works).
    So I’ve started thinking about creating a Naga race addon for myself and which would probably renew my interest.
    While I’m at it I may as well work on a unique race related quest line.
    I’m thinking you start off as a Naga that has been taken as a slave/gladiator and begin a quest to return home.


  6. Gareth L (That eXCheez Guy)

    August 25, 2014 at 13:47

    Regarding that header: Ooh, DURACELL is gonna be pissed. 😉


  7. Ragnar The Vengeful

    August 25, 2014 at 13:48

    Good focus points. One thing though…. HL3


    • ToshZA

      August 25, 2014 at 13:49

      It’s never going to happen.


      • Kensei Seraph

        August 25, 2014 at 13:50

        Yes but it perfectly conveys the feelings of excitement and hope that Llew is speaking about.


        • ToshZA

          August 25, 2014 at 14:02

          Very true indeed.


  8. Sk3tz0

    August 25, 2014 at 13:50

    If they make it different to the previous game.. no its not making us bored.. if they just slap a shiney new paint job on it. (CoD last few years) then yea.. fk them..


  9. Travis

    August 25, 2014 at 13:51

    Im looking forward to No Mans Sky.


  10. WarframedSquirrel

    August 25, 2014 at 13:52

    I get like that sometimes, when I finish (or get bored of) a game and then look at my backlog of PC or Xbox 360 titles and go “meh” and just go and watch a series, movie or anime.

    I think the “yearly release” of titles needs to stop, it’s even getting too much with the Sports titles (even though it has been going on since the mid 90’s). These devs are trying to milk titles for all they’re worth and end up making below par games that just play and feel terrible with nothing that actually engages you.

    There aren’t many IP’s I’m actually excited for, except for The Witcher, Destiny, Borderlands and maybe FarCry. The rest have just been over worked, especially the likes of Battlefield and CoD.


  11. Jonah Cash

    August 25, 2014 at 13:55

    The Last of Us…. Having finished it yesterday I can truly say that I would want a number 2 and I don’t know if we will ever get one!!
    But I hear you, I am all out of Assassins. I can’t give a crap what the next one is called or how it looks or how it plays!! I just can’t stab anyone anymore….
    Destiny has me happy again!!
    I am a bit tired of Fifa, and after 14 I am just pissed at them…. I hate broken shit!!


    • Travis

      August 25, 2014 at 13:56

      The Last of Us, is the only reason i have ever wanted a Playstation


      • Jonah Cash

        August 25, 2014 at 13:58

        After that 13 hour roller coaster I wish everyone can play it!! It really is the best game I have played in the last 15 years!! It has gone straight to my number 2 game of all time!!


        • Travis

          August 25, 2014 at 13:58

          Ok, whats your number 1.


          • Jonah Cash

            August 25, 2014 at 14:01

            Resident Evil 2…. My first game on my PS1 and also the first CD game!! I still own RE2 on two platforms and have been playing it every year from the age of 13…

    • Purple_Dragon

      August 25, 2014 at 13:59

      I was watching the gameplay for Assassins Creed Unity and it looks remarkably similar to Assassins Creed 2.


      • ToshZA

        August 25, 2014 at 14:01

        AC2, the first one, is the only one I kept when trading in my games. It was the best so far (even though I haven’t played 4)


        • Purple_Dragon

          August 25, 2014 at 14:03

          I got the anthology collection and am currently playing 2. It’s very cool, just not a fan of brown colours but I suppose it fits the game.

          Been on my backlog for a while so attempting to get through all of these before I get 4, Rogue and Unity.


        • Jonah Cash

          August 25, 2014 at 14:05

          4 is by far the best, but not the best Assassins game… It is a great pirate game!! Assassins Creed 1 was my favourite!! I hate Ezio…… Yes yes I know everyone else likes him but I absolutely hate him!!


          • ToshZA

            August 25, 2014 at 14:06

            haha well that’s a first. May I ask why you hate him?

          • Jonah Cash

            August 25, 2014 at 14:08

            His face….. Oh and his voice….oh and the way he walks….
            I just really didn’t like him…. Hy het ‘n moer my gesiggie!!!!

          • ToshZA

            August 25, 2014 at 14:28

            hahahahaha, well I can see how that can happen, yeah. He’s a bit of a douche.

      • Jonah Cash

        August 25, 2014 at 14:03

        I am done, I don’t care about it anymore!! I am one of those sad people who actually liked the Desmond story line, it kept it all together for me!! Without Desmond in the present day I don’t understand why we would animus…….I get the templars want the locations of the artifacts but how did I get there??? 4 tries to explain it, but that wasn’t enough for me!!


    • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

      August 25, 2014 at 14:17

      You see. The games you are excited about are the ones you have no idea if they will get sequels.

      If the creators of The Last of Us really want to make sure the next one is a success if they release, they should release it maybe 2 years down the line. With no hint that it will come earlier than that. The excitement will sell the game more than any hype they could build


      • Jonah Cash

        August 25, 2014 at 15:33

        I agree, and that is why GTA is such a big seller when it releases…. More than enough time to get the hype going!!


  12. Alien Emperor Trevor

    August 25, 2014 at 13:58

    But wasn’t the argument for annual sequels in the first place about gamers wanting regular updates for the couple of games they played religiously, like the CODs or BFs, etc because they got bored with the same stuff after a few months?

    I think my excitement levels have dropped as I’ve gotten older, that said I still enjoy my hobby. I got game fatigued once after I bought the AC complete pack on Steam & played AC1, 2.1, 2.2 & 6 hours into 2.3 before getting bored in 2012 & only went back to 2.3 just over a month ago & am busy with 3 now & am really enjoying it again. In between this I’ve played a tonne of other games.

    I think maybe some of the lack of excitement comes from the amount of choice we now have available – before major releases were far between & there wasn’t much of an indie scene worth mentioning, so we all played something to death before getting excited for the new game coming out. With something new coming out every month it’s hard to be excited for something new unless you’re a real fan.


    • Alien Emperor Trevor

      August 25, 2014 at 14:02

      Definitely not playing AC4 next though because I will get bored, I’ll take a break for a year or so again before raising the black flag.


    • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

      August 25, 2014 at 14:15

      Yes, but that argument was generated by “industry experts” by “examining” what gamers want. We want sequels yes. BUt we don’t want to be drowned in them either. It’s a knife edge balance and one that needs to be fixed or the industry will fall


  13. ToshZA

    August 25, 2014 at 13:59

    Honestly, I needed a bit of a change as well, and Terraria is currently keeping me occupied. I haven’t bought a sequel in quite some time (not since BL2 I think, actually) – for the same reasons. The same reason is why I’m not going to be buying BL Pre-Sequel.


  14. Gareth L (That eXCheez Guy)

    August 25, 2014 at 14:00

    In all honesty, I’m either getting too old for games or I’m too difficult to please / impress.

    Working in a graphics-, technology- and interactive-based industry for nearly a decade, I’m not impressed by stuff that’s coming out now. We should be leagues ahead.


    • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

      August 25, 2014 at 14:12

      Yeah, I didn’t mention that in my post but there seem to be a few genre’s which are the staple diet. Shooters and MOBA. Anything that can be eSports. It’s actually kind of sad 🙁


  15. Ryanza

    August 25, 2014 at 14:03

    I hate sequels. Last gen was all about sequels. We got some good games but then they were turned into sequel shits.

    Now when you get a game like The Witcher and then the sequel is much better and the next sequel is open world, all keeping that story and decision making good, now that I like.
    Call of Duty 4 showed improvement, any Call of Duty now shows no improvement.

    We were also hit with beloved games turned into shit. Sim City, Diablo, Hitman, Thief, Resident Evil, ect.

    I am excited for 2 games, The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077. A sequel and a new IP. The rest of the gaming industry has turned into a corporate hell hole. Too many developers selling their souls to these publishing evils. That is why there is this focus on indie developers now a days. Back we need to bring back the PC market if we want originality in video games. And I’m not talking about Steam.

    We haven’t seen gaming evolve last gen. We will not see gaming evolve this gen. We might not ever see gaming evolve again. Call of Duty, Clash of Clans, Candy Crush. Thank God for CD Projekt Red that’s still thinking to keep it real.

    We need to support good developers. When they create a new IP support them. When they create a new sequel say, fuck you, i’m not buying that shit. Then when they create a new IP support them again.
    These publishes only invest in a new IP if it can become a franchise. That is our fault for keep on buying these sequel games, for not being happy with the games we have, for always wanting more of the same.
    If we only support new IP’s and never buy sequels, only then will the focus on sequels be less and not so frequent.


    • ToshZA

      August 25, 2014 at 14:06

      Well, Mass Effect and The Witcher did sequels right – they end. It’s not year after year after year.


      • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

        August 25, 2014 at 14:24

        This is also key. It has to end at some point. The older gen of games had it right. Game 1. Expansion. Game 2. Done


  16. Alien Emperor Trevor

    August 25, 2014 at 14:12

    Oh, before I forget:

    tl;dr & whatever Llew said is wrong.


    • Kensei Seraph

      August 25, 2014 at 14:17

      Games are boring ’cause they get released every year and we don’t get the excitement of waiting for a sequel to an amazing game that might never get made, like Half Life 3, because we know that if it’s good it will get a sequel.


      • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

        August 25, 2014 at 14:24

        Wait… Sequels are guaranteed…. HALF LIFE 3 CONFIRMED!!!!!


    • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

      August 25, 2014 at 14:23

      Yoh. The jimmies. They be rustled 😛


      • Alien Emperor Trevor

        August 25, 2014 at 14:24



        • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

          August 25, 2014 at 14:28



  17. Purple_Dragon

    August 25, 2014 at 14:14

    I’m not completely opposed to sequels. I do play quite a few of them.

    But I would like some new IP. Haven’t really seen anything new lately.


    • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

      August 25, 2014 at 14:23

      Oh yeah, don’t get me wrong. Sequels are important. I just wonder if they shouldn’t be more secretive and less anualised


      • Purple_Dragon

        August 25, 2014 at 14:25

        Yeah, agreed. By the time a game comes out we’ve seen half the game. It’s like the new Borderlands game, I’m avoiding the videos because I want to see all the classes and shit when I play it for the first time.

        A lot of games show too much information, fuck even get to see first 10-20 minutes of a game. Why do I want that? Would rather be excited when it comes out and see it for the first time.


        • Kensei Seraph

          August 25, 2014 at 14:29

          For games like Borderlands I’ll pay attention to general descriptions of the classes so I know which I’m most likely to enjoy and pick first.
          Other than that I avoid any potential spoilers of any kind.


        • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

          August 25, 2014 at 14:30

          Oh man that’s a whole article all on its own. Ease of access to information is another game mood killer. But at least that’s reasonably easy to avoid by, as you said, not watching every video posted about it


  18. Rags

    August 25, 2014 at 14:20

    The magic is still here, you just need to discriminate. 😀


    • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

      August 25, 2014 at 14:22

      Lol. Star Citizen sure is ambitious. But it’s still an MMO. Where is the SP love? 🙁


      • Rags

        August 25, 2014 at 14:24

        You can play it offline or on a private server too. 🙂


        • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

          August 25, 2014 at 14:39



      • Alien Emperor Trevor

        August 25, 2014 at 14:27

        There’s an entire SP campaign dude! Squadron 42 – that’s the main reason I backed it, if it was just an MMO I wouldn’t have bothered.


        • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

          August 25, 2014 at 14:28

          wait… what? It’s getting SP??????


          • Alien Emperor Trevor

            August 25, 2014 at 14:34

            It always had SP. There’s a whole SP campaign called Squadron 42, just like the old Wing Commanders, Star Citizen refers to the MMO part, which you enter once completing S42 or jump into right away for those wanting to skip it.

          • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

            August 25, 2014 at 14:35

            How did I not know this? Lol.

          • Admiral Chief Assassin

            August 25, 2014 at 14:36

            Because too busy writing community TL;DRs?

          • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

            August 25, 2014 at 14:39

            Hahahaha. Clearly

          • Alien Emperor Trevor

            August 25, 2014 at 14:46

            Well most of the publicity since the KS campaign ended is over the MMO part, funding, stretch goals & all that stuff, they’re actually keeping details of the SP campaign very much under wraps.

          • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

            August 25, 2014 at 14:48


  19. FoxOneZA

    August 25, 2014 at 14:23

    Is that Lew posing in his pink bunny Halloween outfit for the header? 😛


    • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

      August 25, 2014 at 14:29

      Ssssshhhhhhh. No one was supposed to notice


      • FoxOneZA

        August 25, 2014 at 14:38


        Seriously though, the new IP’s coming to the Xbox One this holiday really does make the console a sweet prospect but then there’s always the sheep that have invested in other systems that will defend whatever is thrown at them just because it’s new and “HD”. Yes I’m looking at KZ SF and Infamous SS.


        • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

          August 25, 2014 at 14:39

          I can’t afford an XBox or its games so… yeah…


          • FoxOneZA

            August 25, 2014 at 14:43

            Same here. I’m a huge fan of Forza fan but the console is too much for me right now. I was thinking of selling the PS3 but that wouldn’t cover half the cost.

          • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

            August 25, 2014 at 14:48

            Lol. I aint selling my PC heh. My gaming library is too large…. 1st world gamer problems huh?

  20. Admiral Chief Assassin

    August 25, 2014 at 14:30




    • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

      August 25, 2014 at 14:31

      Of course you did


    • Kensei Seraph

      August 25, 2014 at 14:31

      As I said down below:
      Games are boring ’cause they get released every year and we don’t get
      the excitement of waiting for a sequel to an amazing game that might
      never get made, like Half Life 3, because we know that if it’s good it
      will get a sequel.

      More or less.


  21. Admiral Chief Assassin

    August 25, 2014 at 14:35

    I read a post on 9gag that excites me:

    A new game, that has the following features:

    – The depth an mod ability of Skyrim
    – The continuation of the Fallout series
    – Bullet ballistics of ARMA 3 (can’t comment on this, but agree of the ballistics)
    – The world destructability of BF4
    – Compatible with Oculus rift (not sure I agree)
    – The instances and longevity of WoW
    – PvP battles on the scale of Planetside 2
    – All built on CryEngine 3


    • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

      August 25, 2014 at 14:36

      I don’t know hey. I’d rather go for a story based game even if it isn’t massive open world. I am quite happy with “corridor” style games as long as the story is amazing


    • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

      August 25, 2014 at 14:37

      Add in something about Hitman’s level design and the choice design of Dishonoured as it should have been


  22. Admiral Chief Assassin

    August 25, 2014 at 14:38

    • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

      August 25, 2014 at 14:38


      I can always count on you for randomness 🙂


      • Admiral Chief Assassin

        August 25, 2014 at 14:40



    • Viking Of Science

      August 25, 2014 at 14:53

  23. Mossel

    August 25, 2014 at 15:02

    Honestly the only games I am excited about is Witcher 3 and The Division. Although I look forward to Civilization:BE, I am not yet done with Civ5. Still too much I want to do!

    My biggest gripe with yearly releases of CoD and BF is not everyone buys the new game. So you end up dividing your player base. Right now there are around 6500 players playing Black Ops 2 MP, 4300 MW3, 2900 MW2 and 2400 Ghosts on PC. That adds up to roughly 16100 players. In CS:Go there are 151k players online. One game. So just patch the game every now and then and maybe add some maps, but dont redo the whole thing.


  24. Brady miaau

    August 25, 2014 at 15:09

    No, as age creeps up on me, I feel the same way. I get bored very easily, and have extremely high standards when I play a game. I sometimes get hyped up for a game, but not too hyped.

    Arg, meh


    • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

      August 25, 2014 at 15:10

      I’m so glad I am not alone in all this


      • Brady miaau

        August 25, 2014 at 15:12

        Nah, we all get there. I mean, for crying out loud I have a child. Me?

        I still think Phineas and Ferb is one of the best / cleverest things on TV at the moment, so have not lost complete touch with reality. Of a sort


        • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

          August 25, 2014 at 15:13

          I don’t watch TV. Heh


          • Brady miaau

            August 25, 2014 at 15:16

            Seriously? Nah, formula 1, English Soccer, some cartoons, all good reasons for me to own a TV

            Wife and I enjoy watching certain things together, like Arrow or Person of Interest. Is nice to see together, we can talk about it later and is just a lot of fun. We still spend time in the garden, swimming (ok, just me) and stuff like that. Balance is crucial, in everything

          • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

            August 25, 2014 at 15:21

            Oh I own a TV. It’s just got a PC attached to it instead of an aerial

        • Jonah Cash

          August 25, 2014 at 15:37

          Phineas and Ferb is awesome!! Watched it on Sunday with my 4 year old, while the wife was starting lunch…. Happy place!!


          • Brady miaau

            August 25, 2014 at 16:25

            I cannot wait till my little girl is old enough to enjoy it

            And just to be sure, the happy place was watching awesome cartoons, not having the wife make Sunday lunch?

          • Jonah Cash

            August 25, 2014 at 16:37

            Both actually!! Hahahaha

  25. Alex Hicks

    August 25, 2014 at 15:32

    Late to the discussion, but that’s a pretty good article. I’m not 100% sure it’s the only reason for the fatigue; but it certainly is a contributing factor.

    A second factor is the world of multiplayer over the internet. I have a carefully chosen backlog of games; with a fair amount of new IP in it which isn’t exactly screaming my name. I sit down with a few hours to spare and I boot up BF4 first. I haven’t bought a single expansion; I suck at the game something awful; and the maps are repetitive, but each game is different because it’s played by a whole bunch of crazy, bizarre, non-programmable human AI.

    I’m frugal enough that I’m not going to buy BF5 immediately (hell – if it wasn’t for the special I would still be playing BF3); and that doesn’t matter – there are a multitude of servers still running BF3 today, even here is silly ol’ backwater South Africa.

    I’ll eventually get bored enough that I’ll switch to something else – but then I have a backlog of gems and wishlist games waiting.


    • Jonah Cash

      August 25, 2014 at 15:36

      I agree, it is the same for me with Fifa… I play Fifa every night for an hour or two!! Only play other games on the weekend…. I get sucked into games so through the week I can’t take the chance, I function very poorly without sleep!! For instance I played the last of us two Saturdays ago and this Saturday and Sunday and the game is finished!!


    • Sir Rants A Lot: On Pandora

      August 25, 2014 at 15:43

      I think we all have our generic go to game. My problem is that even those games are becoming a bit… Meh…


  26. WhiteRock

    August 26, 2014 at 07:22

    Do addicts get burnout?


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