Home Gaming Europe and Us.. 360 loses again

Europe and Us.. 360 loses again

29 second read

I think with some really big titles hitting all the consoles from now until Christmas this last week is the last time that we will see console sales not being driven by a title.

At the moment the Wii is still far out in front, the PS3 is making itself comfy in second and the 360 is bringing up the rear.

Wii  – 92,338
PS3 – 75,390
360 – 47,735

On the software side things are pretty much the same as well

Wii  – 485,992
PS3 – 290,337
360 – 272,805

VGChartz.com | Europe / Others Weekly Chart

Last Updated: March 5, 2008


  1. darthdad

    March 5, 2008 at 10:04



  2. doobiwan

    March 5, 2008 at 10:51


    Shock and horror, what are the chances 360 wins Japan! :p

    Oh, US stats are up, 360’s back to beating the PS3.


  3. Evilredzombie

    March 5, 2008 at 10:56

    get use to this guys…PS3 is gona rule this year.


  4. PS3>360

    March 5, 2008 at 11:21



  5. abe

    March 5, 2008 at 11:23

    Software Sales 😀


  6. Fox1

    March 5, 2008 at 11:30

    360 rules US and PS3 rules Europe.

    Strangely though, the US being a single country has more consoles than the whole of Europe. And the PS3 ain’t beating the 360 in sales by much to overtake the 360. Hold on until later this year. MS announced at GDC by the end of 2008 they would have a 1000 games in their library.


  7. darthdad

    March 5, 2008 at 11:38

    Yes, quantity beats quality every time! lol.
    Hopefully those 1000 games are all excellent.


  8. AveshR

    March 5, 2008 at 11:57

    I’m sure all game developers make try to make their games appealing to the world…. But how gamers take to those games is another story


  9. Fox1

    March 5, 2008 at 11:59

    Thats including current 360 games 😉

    I guess with so many games we will see price drops in games or maybe more Classics being released and bigger bargain bins.


  10. Kage

    March 5, 2008 at 11:59

    We will still see what happens with Japan.
    With 360 being the front runner for RPG’s at the moment and especially JRPg’s, they still stand a fighting chance.
    Would like to see what happens mid year after Last Remnant is released as it is being released on both consoles and they are planning a Japan and US simultaneous release.
    Should be interesting 😉


  11. AveshR

    March 5, 2008 at 11:59

    PS3 beating xbox360 again at console sales 😕 I think it’s due to shortage of xbox360 consoles worldwide and MS dropping the HDDVD drive


  12. Evilredzombie

    March 5, 2008 at 12:21

    So u guys are saying gamers go out to by a 360 and if there is none they buy a ps3… so if that is the case just how apealing is the 360 ?
    and of that 1000 games how many are arcade? and how many are crap titles? how many are exclusives?

    Evilredzombie’s last blog post..Asta La Vista 3rd party


  13. doobiwan

    March 5, 2008 at 12:40

    Well they don’t all have to be excellent, there just needs to be more excellent ones than on the PS3 😉

    Early days still folks, it’s only March, the years juuuust beginning to heat up. at the very least it’ll be an exciting year.


  14. Evilredzombie

    March 5, 2008 at 13:04

    ha ha ha…. yes early days.. the PS3 has only dominated the fisrt 2 months, so lets see the remaining 10.

    Evilredzombie’s last blog post..Asta La Vista 3rd party


  15. Evilredzombie

    March 5, 2008 at 13:07

    ha ha ha…. yes early days.. the PS3 has only dominated the fisrt 2 months, so lets see the remaining 10.


  16. AveshR

    March 5, 2008 at 13:13

    Wait for the exclusives to hit the shelves later in the year… 😉


  17. DarthPenguin

    March 5, 2008 at 13:20

    This year is going to be insane for both consoles. You can’t even say if you prefer a certain genre of game go for this console instead of that for this year as both consoles are getting excellent games in pretty much all genres. I think this is the first year that the PS3 will actually be a real contender to the 360, but in no ways will it be a much better alternative.

    Personally I think the 360 will still be a better choice for me (not in general… both very strong… no clear winner) as I still think the PS3 control is rubbish, especially for FPS games, and the 360 is getting the RPGs that I’m interested in, but its close.


  18. SlippyMadFrog

    March 5, 2008 at 14:15


    “Yes, quantity beats quality every time! lol.”
    Well, the Xbox360 have literally double the amount of games that gets 80% and above than the PS3. check it out on http://www.gamerankings.com. So I guess not all of the 1000 games will be filler 😉


  19. abe

    March 5, 2008 at 14:16

    I think by this stage both consoles have won.
    Both console will get exclusives and owners of both platforms will continue to have long lasting gaming pleasure.
    Unless your 360 RROD’s 😉


  20. SlippyMadFrog

    March 5, 2008 at 14:34

    Well, If your console RROD’s, you just get another free one 😉


  21. abe

    March 5, 2008 at 14:38

    Just been hearing a lot of horror stories lately of people struggling to change them out!


  22. SlippyMadFrog

    March 5, 2008 at 14:43

    Well, you know how it is, no news is good news. People only hear about the bad instances instead of the good. My friend got a RROD and had no problem exchanging it, so did many of the member on Xbox-360.co.za


  23. darthdad

    March 5, 2008 at 14:45

    @SlippyMadFrog, quite right. I just hope that we don’t get flooded with rubbish. When people make statements of the “we have the most so nanananna!” it reeks of desperation.


  24. Kage

    March 5, 2008 at 15:45

    Well as Doobiwan said – Early days still.
    Both consoles have exclusive titles for 2008 adn that is the reason why I think that there might never be a clear winner for this console war.


  25. Fox1

    March 5, 2008 at 15:45

    So far MS has treated us with a plethora of excellent games from launch. Even games like Kameo and Viva Pinata to PGR4 an Gears have delivered. The point in MS having a huge games library is not only to boast but to show the logic that the 360 can provide a variation amongst games and therefore to provide a wider variety.

    @Abe- There ain’t any problems in getting 360’s locally now. There was a 2 weeks drought. And MS doesn’t give us second hand consoles when they RROD unlike SK and Sony.

    PS3 still has 8 games that sold a million or more. Highest sales being Motorstorm(2.77m).

    360 has now improved to 34 games that sold a million or more. Halo 3 selling the most at 7.33m and COD4 selling 4.95m.


  26. Fox1

    March 5, 2008 at 15:46

    Todays fun fact: Duckhunt on the NES has sold a total of 28.3m


  27. doobiwan

    March 5, 2008 at 15:55

    Abe you’re absolutely right, there’s great games coming everywhere, and that’s the best news for everyone.

    Well except the Wii … 😉


  28. abe

    March 5, 2008 at 15:56

    Lets not get into sales, purely cos its a stupid argument.
    If both consoles had been launched simultaneously then there would be reason for comment but as it stands now its unfair to compare!
    I refer back to my earlier post, both consoles will have many great titles and everyone will have gaming bliss.
    The war is over and we are all winners!


  29. Fox1

    March 5, 2008 at 15:59

    It’s not MS fault that the PS3 was delayed. All consoles were announced at the same time.

    @doobi- The Wii has surprises everywhere. Just that name Wii is a surprise on is own, lol.


  30. abe

    March 5, 2008 at 16:21

    Im not saying its anyones fault, but to compare stats of this nature is stupid. These stats are largely governed by time.Most consoles only come into there own in there second year, 3rd party devs start getting things right, growing install bases, all of these things only come with age and are the main factor in things like number of title(platinum or other wise).


  31. Kage

    March 5, 2008 at 16:22

    I had a look at Wikipedia for 360 exclusive games for 2008 and it is looking VERY tasty indeed.
    The one i am particularly interrested in si the new Halo Franchise especially with Wingnut Studios being involved with Halo: Chronicles.


  32. Kage

    March 5, 2008 at 16:45

    Ok, doubleposting here but just saw on N4G/Techradar.com that MS is cutting the rate of the 360 on 14 March to be cheaper than Wii.
    So if the “winner” is decided by sales then just maybe this might be a factor.


  33. doobiwan

    March 5, 2008 at 16:50

    As we’ve seen, price cuts often cause spikes but they’re not always sustainable improvements in sales. What will prove very interesting is that it’ll be the first time the Wii is challenge on price. I doubt it’ll make much of a dent, but come year end and the release of the Gametrak fusion/freedom, you never know.


  34. Fox1

    March 5, 2008 at 18:06

    @Kage- Well spotted 😀

    Consumers always want something thats cheaper and similar to something that’s more expensive.


  35. scotty777

    March 5, 2008 at 18:34

    hmmm… if microsoft price cut, then sony will price cut.


  36. doobiwan

    March 5, 2008 at 18:50

    Scotty, I don’t think so. It’s possible, but Sony are still bleeding bigtime, especially on the 40Gb. They also still have majority mindshare in Europe and Japan, and they only just cut a few months ago.

    My evil theory is that they’ll sweet $400 for most of the year, spending the time cost reducing and save up for a big cut towards September/October. In the mean time they’ll focus on things like the MGS/DS3 bundle, and pushing their exclusives.


  37. Fox1

    March 5, 2008 at 19:36

    Sony sold it’s European headquarters in Berlin but will carry on renting. So they sold the Cell processor technology and plants to Toshiba and now their European headquarters.

    There’s nothing to justify a PS3 price cut because they are not turning out a hardware profit and Sony itself is selling divisions due to losses.

    The R5000 price of the 40gb won’t do any good either.


  38. doobiwan

    March 6, 2008 at 00:06

    Well, one things for sure. This is definitely the most exciting console generation ever!


  39. DarthPenguin

    March 6, 2008 at 08:33

    I agree with doobiwan. We are in for a treat regardless of what console you want… and its hard to choose a console. Competition has never been this intense in the gaming market, and with so many outstanding dev studios out there that are able to produce quality games, this generation is by far the most exciting!


  40. Kage

    March 6, 2008 at 10:42

    I agree with Doobiwan and DarthPenguin.
    It is going to be exciting times ahead and this might be the one year – budget permitting of course – where I get a 2nd console. 😀


  41. abe

    March 6, 2008 at 11:02

    I think that sony could very possibly bring a price cut too.
    The gaming dept has been making a profit since last year and they have managed to bring hardware costs way down.
    With this in mind Sony knows how close they are to trumping the xbox and I highly doubt they would let MS pull away again!


  42. Kage

    March 6, 2008 at 12:25

    Ok, just had a thought, looking at the current trend of MS and the 360 game titles it seems that the 360 is gunning for the Japanese market, looking at N4G article:
    “Xbox 360 Scores Two Major Exlusive Titles in Japan ; Ketsui and DDP Daioujo”

    If they clinch this market before FFXIII they are pretty much made with a stable client base in one of the most difficult markets.

    Just my thoughts.


  43. doobiwan

    March 6, 2008 at 12:47

    Abe, while it’s entirely possible, I still doubt it. Those profits were from the PSP and PS2, which is a declining market. They need to get PS3 profitable and that won’t happen if it continues to soak up loses, which would happen if they cut prices now.


  44. DarthPenguin

    March 6, 2008 at 14:58

    And Abe… just to add… this price cut for the 360 is due to cheaper manufacturing costs on the 360… and in a way is a response to the PS3 price cut. I doubt the PS3 will ever contend with the 360 as far as price goes.

    And MS might still have the step up on Sony as far as the games department goes, but give it a few months and the PS3 will be pretty much even, but I highly doubt the PS3 will come anywhere near trumping the 360.

    And like doobiwan said… the PS3 isn’t profitable yet… the 360 has been since the launch of Halo3.


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