Home Gaming Deadpool review round-up

Deadpool review round-up

4 min read


Action games starring superheroes are, a few notable exceptions aside, generally pretty damned terrible. They either get the story wrong, or the combat wrong, have dated graphics or have terribly uninteresting gameplay. Or, as is often the case, all of the above. Deadpool, from Activision and High Moon Studios could have been different. Mostly because Deadpool, as a character, is different – giving the game designers pretty much free reign. And now it’s out – and much like the character himself, Deadpool’s videogame has opinion divided. 

  • Computer and Video Games – 5/10: It’s hard to recommend Deadpool to anyone but the staunchest of fans, and even then it would be with list of caveats. Though the depiction of the Deadpool is probably the best we’ve seen outside of the comics, and there are a few laughs here and there, as a full price game Deadpool simply doesn’t offer enough to justify its pricetag. And the gameplay that does have is of extremely dubious quality.
  • EGM 8/10: You’ll be fighting the camera sometimes as much as enemies, and the balance between guns and melee needs a bit more work, but most of the time, I was laughing too hard to care. The script is a love letter to Deadpool fans, so if you love the Merc with the Mouth, this game will hit your chimichanga-flavored sweet spot.
  • Eurogamer – 6/10: Fans of the character will be pleased with how well his off-the-wall mannerisms have been realised in game form, and there’s enough inspired wackiness to make your first play-through worthwhile, but the same lack of nuance and depth that makes Deadpool such enjoyable company also means that his game is a joke not worth hearing twice.
  • Gamesradar – 3.5/5 :High Moon Studios has created not only one of the best superhero games, but one of the funniest games you’ll ever play–period. Sure, it’s low brow and a little heavy on the dick and fart jokes, but… wait, actually, that’s not a bad thing. It’s a great thing.
  • IGN – 6/10: Behind Deadpool’s demented humor, creative script, and brilliant sight gags is a fairly conventional, generic action game. It’s not bad, but it’s not particularly good, either – and without oodles of hidden secrets or unlockables to discover, there’s really no reason to replay it once you’ve finished. Developer High Moon gets the character and brings the funny, but none of the action finesse that would make Deadpool stand out. If you’re a fan of boob jokes and dumb, repetitive, yet mildly fun gameplay, then Deadpool will offer you a weekend’s worth of silliness.
  • Joystiq – 3/5 Stars: That’s when Deadpool tears itself apart, only to come back to life for a few more gags. Better to take it as an unvarnished comedy, then, because Deadpool self-destructs when you read so deeply (and madly?) to see satire. That’s okay, bearing in mind there are better games in which you slice people up for points, and that everything Deadpool the man revels in – the bullets, the blood and the babes – are sincerely sought and embarrassingly commonplace in the marketplace to begin with.
  • OPM – 5/10: In a game as average as this humour is the X-factor. For some, Deadpool elevates it; for others, he renders it nigh-on unplayable. I call it nearer the latter and – for the sake of your taste – hope you do, too. Like the main man himself, this is utterly chaotic: funny, fun, rubbish, forgettable. Sadly, the hit rate of that first attribute is too poor to save it.
  • Polygon – 7/10: The early-game blow-up doll left me with low expectations for Deadpool. But High Moon surprised me with competent action and better-than average storytelling, and even Deadpool himself grew on me, despite his dumber-than-dirt antics. Amid some aggravating glitches, sometimes-repetitive mechanics and an unwelcome late-game difficulty spike, the game isn’t really superhero material. But like its protagonist,Deadpool is faithful to itself, which counts for a lot.
  • Videogamer – 5/10: Deadpool is a great character wrapped in a standard (and short) action experience. It can be fun in quick bursts, but the lack of a real challenge until the very end means it tires quickly. The inclusion of a wave-based challenge mode adds some replay value, but it’s a very limited add-on that fails to intrigue. By sticking to a generic formula, it undermines the way Deadpool literally tears up the script.
  • VentureBeat – 83/100: This is pretty much everything you could want from a Deadpool game. It’s funny, violent, and fast-paced. The campaign, while a bit short, is wonderfully consistent. I can’t really think of any particularly dull moments, and High Moon knows when to mix things up with some clever quirks, like suddenly turning everything into a 2D sidescroller.

That’s a whole lotta mixed nuts. the common complaint, it seems, is that while it’s genuinely funny, and can be quite fun, it also has some repetitive combat and is apparently woefully short. It seems like fun, but at full retail price, that fun had better be pretty mind-blowing seeing as its five hours long. Nolan North, as is usual, has been praised for his voice-work in bringing Deadpool and all his personalities to life.

Last Updated: June 26, 2013


  1. ElimiNathan

    June 26, 2013 at 14:32



  2. Argentil

    June 26, 2013 at 14:39

    Activision, I hate you more and more every day.

    Platinum games would make the perfect Deadpool game. Quirky, action-packed and a guaranteed lightning-fast, FUN combat system.


    • Zubayr Bhyat

      June 26, 2013 at 14:43

      Humour me, why hate Activision?


      • Argentil

        June 26, 2013 at 14:46

        They murder IPs with annual installments, and they make horribly average games. They are, by far, the most openly in-it-for-the-money publisher out there.


        • Kromas

          June 27, 2013 at 09:14

          Don’t forget about Blizzard! … Oh … wait.


      • OVG

        June 26, 2013 at 14:55

        because they milk shit. (Spiderman lol) The Walking Dead game was ACTIVISION all over. Take the IP of the award winning game of 2012 and fuck it up because they know Videogamers are stupid and will think it is made by the same people.

        Fire everybody starting with Guitar Hero while they run over to MTV to get the fudge away from Bobby. Fire Jason West by locking him out of his office, fire fire fire fire.

        Cancel Brutal Legend halfway and leave it in limbo… I can go on and on.

        Milk milk milk milk and more milk. Cut and paste cut and paste

        Yet all the zombie COD players still buy COD for full price every 6 months and they make more than 1billion dollars in profit every game.

        ACTIVISION is one of my pet peeves. It is thanks to EA the worst milk pie in America beating the bank of America, that Activision is not getting as much hate as it used to.


  3. Sir Rants-a-Lot Llew

    June 26, 2013 at 14:46

    Pffff. Deadpool doesn’t care about game ratings!


    • Argentil

      June 26, 2013 at 14:46

      Atta boy.


  4. TechniKyle

    June 26, 2013 at 14:46

    I don’t think I’ll mention anything about Deadpool’s really big bulge.


    • TechniKyle

      June 26, 2013 at 14:47

      P.S. wasn’t preving, it just sort of stood out…


      • Happy Hamster

        June 26, 2013 at 14:50

        In your face


        • TechniKyle

          June 26, 2013 at 14:51

          From out my monitor! :O


    • Argentil

      June 26, 2013 at 14:47

      Thanks for pointing that out. I would have missed it. -_-


      • TechniKyle

        June 26, 2013 at 14:48

        How did you know? I said I wasn’t going to mention it. 😛


    • Umar Kiiroi Senk?

      June 26, 2013 at 14:53

      And his holding a wolverine figurine ….. hmmm something fishy is going on


  5. RinceTheWhiskyWithIce

    June 26, 2013 at 14:57

    5 hours long? I kindda understand some of the arguments from the CoD people, they at least have a massive MP element to the game. Does Deadpool? I’m sorry, I am very reluctant to spend full price on a game that is only 5 hours long, not unless it has the best story and visuals that would knock your eyes out of the back of your head.!


  6. ElNicko

    June 26, 2013 at 14:59

    5 Hours ?? I’m sorry , but not gonna waste my time on this if that’s how long it takes to clock this game. had some hope for this game , and was really considering getting it for the weekend as a birthday present to myself – well guess that’s not happening anymore.


    • RinceTheWhiskyWithIce

      June 26, 2013 at 15:01

      Damn bro, sorry to hear let down for Bday already! 🙁 Happy Birthday for when it is though!


      • ElNicko

        June 26, 2013 at 15:02

        thanks man , bday is on Saturday , will be a messy affair.
        guess it wont be starring the merc with the mouth.


        • RinceTheWhiskyWithIce

          June 26, 2013 at 15:03

          I’d offer you some of my won whisky from last week, but I fear I drank it all 🙁


          • ElNicko

            June 26, 2013 at 15:03

            Why is All the Whiskey Gone !!??!!

          • RinceTheWhiskyWithIce

            June 26, 2013 at 15:05

            I, I, I… I, 0-O It was Erwin, HE drank it all! Yes, that’s it! HE did!

          • ElNicko

            June 26, 2013 at 15:09

            EEEERRRRRWWWWWIIIINNNNN !!!! (said in a William Shatner voice)

          • Captain Minion TallTwit

            June 26, 2013 at 15:32


          • Trevor Davies

            June 26, 2013 at 19:46

            Best legal show EVARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

  7. Macethy

    June 26, 2013 at 15:02

    I told you all this game wouldn’t be good…


  8. Ultimo_Cleric N7

    June 26, 2013 at 15:20

    Oh dear -_-


  9. Slade Boender

    June 26, 2013 at 15:52

    Ok I wasnt expecting another Batman, but damn, those scores are so varied. Hard to actually give any sort of substantial comment. Other than. Stop marking a “STORY DRIVEN” game for replayability. SP will never hold the same length as MP. Fucksake.


  10. Tarson

    June 26, 2013 at 16:45

    I went out and bought this game anyway, and yeah it’s short, but it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played. I don’t care about visuals, I just care about the fun aspect, and that’s what a beat em’ up is. And if you think the beat em’ up aspect in this game gets stale, you probably haven’t bought all upgrades for the weapons, you know, the one’s that allow you to pull more combos and do extra moves? I recommend everybody ignores the reviews and tries the game.


  11. Trevor Davies

    June 26, 2013 at 19:47

    I will still get this, sometimes silly fun is all you want.


  12. iPrimal

    June 27, 2013 at 09:24

    I just finished it. I had a good ol’ time.


  13. gamerguts

    June 27, 2013 at 12:37

    It’s awesome so far. The point of the game is to hack, slash, and joke your way through with crude humor. The story is very faithful. The fourth wall breaking is a big part of it and adds to it. The side characters are portrayed faithfully as well. BTW, it ain’t full price. $49.99. Most games are now 59.99.


  14. umbium

    July 2, 2013 at 00:15

    Gameplay isn’t bad, but it isn’t good enough, but it’s not boring at all, it’s a game like many others in this generation, but the point is that this game is a Deadpool game, and all the gags, all the jokes, all the script is surprisingly great. I have a lot of fun playing this game despite not being a fan of the character (I know who he is, and some facts, but I don’t read any comic). Yes there are a lot of tits and penis and fart jokes, but there are also a lot of jokes related with the videogames (the boockshelve gag at the begining is epic). I can’t put this game in the trash bin, sorry.

    My advice is to rent the game for a weekend, you will enjoy it a lot. But the game it’s not worth paying more than 20$ for it.


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