Home Gaming US Hardware Sales running up to Christmas

US Hardware Sales running up to Christmas

1 min read

So yesterday I posted about the worldwide sales (excluding America) which had the Wii happily sitting on top of the pile with the PS3 coming second and the 360 bringing up the rear.

Well there are no suprises in the US sales results this week so lets get straight to the hardware numbers

1. Wii  – 740,791
2. 360 – 367,304
3. PS3 – 226,263

So the Wii is outselling the 360 by 2:1 and the 360 outsold the PS3 by 1.5:1

Now to the software sales

Sitting at the top and enjoying its new found software fame is the Wii followed by the 360 with the PS3 bringing up the rear.

Wii  – 3,147,250
360 – 2,757,243
PS3 –    942,195

So what does that tell us? The Americans are not the least bit taken with the PS3’s games currently and are likely using it more as a media centre that plays games.

Also when the worldwide sales are taken into consideration we can quite clearly see that no console is going anywhere and that the 360 needs to make a greater effort in Europe (and here) and the PS3 really needs some Western blockbusters….

Video Game Chartz – Nintendo – Sony – Microsoft – American Weekly Chart

Last Updated: December 28, 2007


  1. shane

    December 28, 2007 at 09:45

    Xbox cant complain if PS3 starts to dominate in SA, we have been begging for live here and have been ignored. They are wasting a golden oppurtunity to cement there market dominance.


  2. Max0991

    December 28, 2007 at 14:04

    One thing why doesn’t the worldwide sales include the US??
    So then actual worldwide sales
    360- 961,824
    PS3- 845,651


    So 360 second in the US and PS3 second the rest of the world with nintendo making the most money everywhere.


  3. LazySAGamer

    December 28, 2007 at 14:16

    @Max, because the US is a world to itself 😉

    Seriously I have no idea that is just the way they reported it. This is turning out to be a nice war and I am looking forward to see who blinks first in the new year


  4. sabagamma

    December 28, 2007 at 20:17

    Would games ever become part of a price war? I mean would or could Sony ever sell games at reduced rates to stimulate their console sales? Or is that impossible because they do not own the games and don’t have control over their prices?


  5. LazySAGamer

    December 28, 2007 at 23:03

    @sabagamma, it’s not impossible by any means and Sony and Microsoft could quite feasibly charge lower licensing fees which in turn could drop the price…

    However I wouldn’t expect it to happen anytime soon, though I have seen that many of the PS3 games are slightly more expensive than their PS3 counterparts which can be put down directly to the extra cost of the Blu-Ray disc.


  6. doobiwan

    December 31, 2007 at 15:12

    Sabba – yes they do, it happened last gen. obviously not with the brand ne releases, but Cube and Xbox games dropped in price pretty quickly after launch.


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