Home Entertainment Mega Man movie still in development; gets Batman writer

Mega Man movie still in development; gets Batman writer

1 min read

Few gaming properties are as revered as Mega Man, the popular video game character that first arrived in Nintendo games back in the 80s and has since spawned numerous sequels and features in a variety of animated TV shows. With Hollywood’s willingness to adapt popular video games into movies (regardless of how terrible they may be), it’s almost surprising that we haven’t had a proper Mega Man movie yet.

That was supposed to change back in 2015 when 20th Century Fox acquired the rights from Capcom to create the Mega Man movie for fans. That initial attempt at making the movie never quite came to fruition and once 20th Century Fox was acquired by Disney, many believed that the idea might be well and truly dead with Disney instead focusing on more established IPs from Fox.

Turns out somewhere, someone at Disney is still a Mega Man fan though as according to The Hollywood Reporter, Matt Tomlin, co-writer of the current Batman movie, has been brought in to write a script for the movie. Something which he went on to confirm via Twitter:

There are no further details or releases dates for the project just yet, but I guess for many fans, a Mega Man movie in development is probably better than none at all. Unless the CGI on this movie turns out to be like Sonic the Hedgehog (another Capcom development), in which case they are going to get themselves as far away from any potential nightmare fuel and keep the legacy of this popular character to the games it was intended.

Last Updated: January 24, 2020


  1. DapperWoef

    January 24, 2020 at 13:18

    It won’t be a proper Mega Man movie if you do not fling a control at the screen at least once.


  2. Pariah

    January 24, 2020 at 13:23

    “Dr. Wily”


  3. Pariah

    January 24, 2020 at 13:23

    Oh, you think fire is your ally? But you merely adopted the fire. I was born in it, moulded by it.


    • Yozzie

      January 24, 2020 at 13:35

      • HairyEwok

        January 24, 2020 at 14:01

        I wonder what fire tastes like, if it’s on a cake it has to be sweet right?


        • Pariah

          January 24, 2020 at 14:12

          You know there’s an easy way to find out right?

          *Disclaimer: any attempt to do so is done at your own risk, and Pariah shall not be held liable for any loss or injury incurred.


  4. Original Heretic

    January 24, 2020 at 14:41

    Plot twist: they actually got the Batman & Robin writer.


    • DapperWoef

      January 24, 2020 at 14:41

      Oh no.
      Is Uwe Boll not free this afternoon???


      • Original Heretic

        January 24, 2020 at 14:49

        Uwe Boll is always free. Even while “making” a movie, he just pretends to direct.


        • Pariah

          January 24, 2020 at 14:49

          When you can’t direct but do it anyway, is it just misdirecting?


          • Original Heretic

            January 24, 2020 at 15:28

            I’ve worked with a bad director before. I suuuuuucks. Just sat there, watching us. Didn’t give us notes on how to improve, nothing.
            It’s so frustrating when the person who is meant to bring his vision to everyone else has no vision at all.
            Everyone ends up doing their own thing and pulling the production in 100 different directions.
            Without cohesion, it all ends up being crap.

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