Home Gaming PlayStation 3's RRODing?

PlayStation 3's RRODing?

1 min read

image So have any of our PS3 friends seen this error?

“An error occurred during the start operation. 80010514”

Well if we were to believe the Xbox version of events this error code is the PS3 version of Red Ring of Doom and it is spreading like wildfire.

The PS3 fans however say it’s very rare and is a firmware problem. However after doing a quick search on the net it seems that the error is more than a firmware problem and is more prevalent than expected.

Sony themselves say they don’t know what it is… So is this something we are going to be hearing a lot more about or just some isolated problem?

One things for sure, if you get this error your PS3 is toast and you are going to have to send it in for repairs…

It does seem to be a Blu-Ray problem and no where near as prevalent as the RROD, but keep your eyes peeled, you never know we may be seeing the start of an avalanche…

Source: Xbox Version of Events

Source: Playstation Version of Events 

[Thanks to doobiwan for the heads up]

Last Updated: April 11, 2008


  1. baba

    April 11, 2008 at 08:40

    You can’t really call it RROD on PS3. What about RSOD? Red Screen of Death


  2. evilredzombie

    April 11, 2008 at 08:43

    check this http://gamerevolver.com/article-114-PS3-Error-80010514-explained.html

    ” it is occuring through the corruption of firmware. ”

    evilredzombie’s last blog post..Am I maybe the evilblackzombie?


  3. NoMaD

    April 11, 2008 at 08:57

    Taken from GameRevolver.com:

    PS3 Error 80010514 explained
    Posted by Steriotyp, Yesterday

    As our friends over at destructoid have recently reannounced, Their is a known issue with the PS3, simply known as error 800010514. Although this error occurs less frequently than a southern Alabama church revival, we felt it necessary to our loyal Sony readers to help shed some light on this issue.

    The error in question is mainly seen within the first month of use, or to put it bluntly, it has the error right out of the box, however, we have seen this occur at almost a year into service as well. Our particular error occurred shortly after installing a new game we had purchased off the PlayStation Store.

    The Error reads as follows:

    “An error occurred during the start operation. 80010514”

    Since this error occurred, we obviously contacted Sony Support. We were informed that the code is not common, and a simple reset of the system, and restoral of factory settings should do the trick. Unfortunately, after the restoral, the error still occurred. So, we dug a bit further, and this is what we found.

    The error code is actually one of two things, a) a faulty sector on the internal hard drive, or b) a faulty installation of software/firmware, both iterations actually coincide with eachother. If the hard drive suffers a faulty sector ( a section of damaged space on the drive that data may have been written to that no longer is readable), an installation may still be processed, and even work, but the error can cause some serious side effects, such as option b. If your PS3 has installed an item incorrectly, including firmware, it is in high risk of receiving this error.

    Basically, what is occuring is the corruption of game disc recognition and execution. If you will notice, in 90% of all cases, the drive will still play DVD and even Blu Ray movies with no problems. When trying to start a game however, the title, sooner or later, will receive the error.

    A couple of ways to help prevent these errors from occuring:

    1) Ensure that your internet connection is stable. If you are using a wireless connection, make sure your signal is at least a solid 80%. If not, make the proper adjustments until it is.

    2) Dust your machine regularly. Any PS3 owner will tell you that the Playstation 3 is a dust magnet. Just run a dry cloth over it every couple days, and you should be fine. This will help prevent heat issues and shorts that may occur.

    3) When installing firmware and/or software, make sure you follow the instructions. Even if you have installed 6 versions prior, each one is different, and may require additional steps. Save yourself the headache and just follow them, it only takes a minute or so longer to do it right.

    By following these simple steps, you can prolongue the life of your PS3 indefinitely. To sum things up, the error is not hardware releated. Unfortunately, it is occuring through the corruption of firmware. Restoring you PS3 will not roll back the firmware, and unfortunately will not fix the issue 9 times out of 10. If you are receiving this error, contact Sony for a replacement unit. They are very fast when it comes to servicing/replacing as we had our 60Gb (the one that is in shortage ya know) back in about 2 1/2 weeks. Not bad.


  4. doobiwan

    April 11, 2008 at 09:34

    Hopefully Sony service is jacked. All I can say is that in the day of Hi-tech consoles – don’t import, you’ll need local support.

    doobiwan’s last blog post..Evil Genius Conspiracy Theory: Why put a Blu-Ray player in a 360, when you can put a 360 in a Blu-Ray player?


  5. Fox1

    April 11, 2008 at 11:22

    What about the consoles that are out of warranty? What then?

    Sounds like the ROM chips in the console is cooked.


  6. Abe

    April 11, 2008 at 13:01

    If it tturns out to be a major problem then Im sure Sony will do swop outs over nad above the warranty!


  7. LazySAGamer

    April 11, 2008 at 13:05

    [re=11211]Abe[/re]: If this turned out to be as bad as the 360 RROD I don’t think Sony could offer the same swap out policy. Sony are not in anywhere near as good a financial situation as Microsoft and something that huge could cripple them.

    HOWEVER I highly doubt this is as bad as the RROD situation


  8. LazySAGamer

    April 11, 2008 at 13:06

    [re=11173]NoMaD[/re]: That is the article I am linking to. Like I said their explanation is vastly different to the xbox side…


  9. RE: Gamer

    April 11, 2008 at 14:31

    I’m not sure this will be near the RROD problem but there are issues with the BR drive not reading any discs on some launch consoles. Now this. It seems Sony is not the quality powerhouse it’s consumers would love it to be.

    RE: Gamer’s last blog post..Forum Round Up: Week 1


  10. David

    April 11, 2008 at 21:02

    Looks like Sony has a weakness too. I’ve never had the RROD and I have had my xbox 360 for 1 year and 5 months and still work like a charm. Looks like Xbox 360 is starting to crawl there way back to the top ahead of PS3. Xbox 360 rocks!!! no doubt but I still want a PS3.


  11. Tan365

    April 13, 2008 at 11:14

    lol … RROD is inevitable. Its desperate trying to compare this error to it.


  12. doobiwan

    April 13, 2008 at 21:01

    @Tan, you say that like it’s a bad thing. Even if every single 360 fails from RRoD at some point, so what? You get a brand spanking new one. People usually have to pay extra for that sort of service! 😉 :p

    doobiwan’s last blog post..Evil Genius Conspiracy Theory: Why put a Blu-Ray player in a 360, when you can put a 360 in a Blu-Ray player?


  13. Tan365

    April 13, 2008 at 22:34

    u are decidedly warped pal.

    I see you’ve taken up Ghost writing but i fear ur article will be taken as a joke … Is this not your work ->


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