Home Gaming Sony to blame for The Last Guardian delay, could have come to PS3

Sony to blame for The Last Guardian delay, could have come to PS3

3 min read


Some games just couldn’t have been made on PS3. Sure, it was a solid console, but it simply didn’t have the power to deliver certain games. However, The Last Guardian wasn’t one of them. So why was The Last Guardian delayed for so long? Apparently we can all blame Sony.

Game Informer landed an extensive interview with game creator Fumito Ueda wherein they asked about the delays. First up, they asked if the original delays on PS3 were based on technical issues.

There were multiple reasons. There are always delays in production, as you know. Technical being one of them, but there were many others that were out of my control as well. The good news is that we turned things around – we are in full production now for PS4. The game’s running on the system now, as you saw live, and I think we’re finally in a good spot now. Sorry I didn’t necessarily answer the question.

There seems to be a bit of a spin on that answer. Okay, so later on they asked if Ueda-san would have been happy with he game if it had released on PS3 as originally planned.

Obviously, this is all imagination at this point. I probably would have been comfortable with the end result – originally, this game was designed for PS3. Assuming that all of the game architecture and all of the game design was suited to deliver the experience I envisioned, given those assumptions I think it would have been a good product. […] The PS3 was not restricting me from doing something.

Okay, so if it wasn’t an issue of technical difficulties on PS3, what was it? Obviously the interviewer picked up on this and asked if the decision to prolong development was the creative team’s or Sony’s. The answer sort of says it all.

It was pretty much a corporate decision by Sony. And that’s where we’ll leave it. [laughs] Sorry.

Shame, I sort of feel bad for him. That game was in development hell for so long, all because of a corporate decision. At least the fans can take satisfaction from the fact that it’s because of their support and continuing hope that the game finally has emerged.

I was honestly concerned people might have forgotten or given up or whatnot, but the reaction so far has been very positive. I’m very overwhelmed, very thankful, very grateful. I also feel like those fans and their passion has helped me and the team to continue moving on, heads down, to keep pushing and working hard. That’s fueling our motivation at this point.
It’s been a rollercoaster ride, plenty of ups and downs, and to be brutally honest there were moments where I thought, “Maybe this won’t get out there.” However, to my point earlier, it was the fans, it was the people who remembered, it was the people who kept reminding me they were still looking forward to playing The Last Guardian. And that’s, again, been a continuous motivation factor. At this point, maybe the hardware’s changed, but I’m very excited to deliver this experience, The Last Guardian, to fans.

Now we just have to speculate why Sony would have delayed The Last Guardian so much. Did they think it wouldn’t be a success? Did they want to wait and build hype for the game on PS4? If so, why wait so long into the PS4 life cycle? It could have been a launch title and sold like hot cakes. Strange decisions those corporations make…

Last Updated: June 26, 2015


  1. kuuu(UMAR)rrrr

    June 26, 2015 at 15:02

    “I was honestly concerned people might have forgotten or given up or whatnot”

    Ueda-san…I would never, ever forget about this game. I cannot wait to play this <3


  2. Admiral Chief's Adventure

    June 26, 2015 at 15:15

    Hahaha meeting cancelled, HOME TIME!

    Cheerio all!


  3. Fnuik

    June 26, 2015 at 15:23

    I think it is actually very smart from Sony to wait until later into the PS4 life cycle. They obviously knew their console would sell like hotcakes from the start. So it wasn’t necessary to have this game to help them sell. Then after one or two years the sales start dropping off, release The Last Guardian, sales jump back up!


  4. oVg "I hate Portals" - Geralt

    June 26, 2015 at 15:30

    Their 1st year forecast for the PS4 was 3million units. 2 years in its reaching 20million.



    • RinceThis

      June 26, 2015 at 15:35

      What you said. They had no intention of releasing it until there was a big enough market.


  5. RinceThis

    June 26, 2015 at 15:37

    Suits wanted to make sure that when it was released on the PS4 it would be to an audience of 20 millions machines sold. DING. Done that. Release it.


    • oVg "I hate Portals" - Geralt

      June 26, 2015 at 15:54

      Ya they even admitted that they were shocked that 6million units were sold in the first year.

      I think thanks to Microsoft totally fucking up the reveal all the way to the 180 7months later contributed to the mass exudes.

      Then The Last of Us was released in August and BAMMMMMM $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


      GAMES. $$$$$$$$$$$$$

      Sony be like. SHIT we better start green lighting our trump cards.


  6. Sovereign

    June 26, 2015 at 15:39

    Somehow I’m not surprised.


  7. dimux

    June 27, 2015 at 04:24

    Your first choice lazygamer Find Here


  8. YoungRMerchant

    June 28, 2015 at 07:25

    Your first choice lazygamer Find Here


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