Home Gaming E3 2016 – Desperation drives us to war in For Honor

E3 2016 – Desperation drives us to war in For Honor

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For Honor was a strictly multiplayer-only experience at E3 last year when Ubisoft revealed it. And it looked alright! Sword and axe combat, spread across three distinct factions: Vikings, Samurai and Knights. But it was missing something. A story that would expalin how Japanese swordmasters had managed to make it across the globe to strike the shields of knights, how Viking steel had managed to find itself swinging in the direction of Japanese swords.

And that’s something that For Honor will have when it releases, as Ubisoft revealed the single-player campaign mode for their tale of warriors at war. The world has been fractured, nations have been disrupted and the world has got a lot smaller as the warlord Apolleon has created a doomsday scenario forcing these cultures into a war that has lasted over a 1000 years:

And here’s some Viking action to get your bloodlust sated:

It’s looking very much like a Dynastay Warriors game so far, but with improved reflexes and visuals. For Honor will be out on February 14, because nothing is more romantic than murdering your significant other in an all-night bender of warfare.

Last Updated: June 13, 2016

One Comment

  1. Need this type of game, looking forward only cuz of Samurais but not to Uplay ugh, and no arrows to the knee by looks of it sigh


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