Home Gaming Epic Games defends Ooblets developer following thousands of threatening emails

Epic Games defends Ooblets developer following thousands of threatening emails

3 min read

The two-person development studio caused controversy when they announced that they’d be an Epic Store Exclusive.


Inb4 “Epic Store is bad, Fortnite is bad, exclusives are bad”, I know what the general consensus towards the Epic Store is at the moment. It’s not exactly a secret that many have taken issue with Epic’s opening of their own digital storefront, which admittedly does lack some quality of life features – along with that whole offering exclusivity deals to developers to stock their store with titles you can’t access on Steam. A passionate vitriol has developed around this contentious topic and it’s unfortunately starting to turn even uglier than before. Ooblets, a life-simulator filled with bright colours and a seemingly hyper cheerful attitude is being targeted by gamers who believe they’ve been spurned after the two-person development studio Glumberland announced they’d taken a temporary exclusivity deal with Epic.


And honestly, I think it’s hard to blame them. The deal is basically providing the studio a lifeline, ensuring that no matter what their sales amount to they won’t be thrown into financial ruin. It’s also affording them the opportunity to potentially grow their development studio and build an even better game. It just makes sense to take a deal like this; game development us such an incredibly risky business and Steam is flooded with low-quality spam every day, often drowning out many higher-quality products that deserve some kind of attention. Many people took issue with this temporary exclusivity deal and reportedly started harassing the developers.


In a message to the game’s Patreon account, the developers have stated that they’ve received “thousands if not tens of thousands of hateful, threatening messages across every possible platform nonstop”. They acknowledged that they knew people would be upset with the announcement but the hatred they’ve received is truly disheartening. Epic Games released a statement regarding the harassment of Glumberland and spoke to a larger problem is general:

We at Epic Games have often shared our views about the game business and companies in it, and we support the entire game community’s right to speak freely and critically about these topics, including the topic of Epic, our products, and our store. When everyone shares their earnest views, the best ideas ultimately prevail.

The announcement of Ooblets highlighted a disturbing trend which is growing and undermining healthy public discourse, and that’s the coordinated and deliberate creation and promotion of false information, including fake screenshots, videos, and technical analysis, accompanied by harassment of partners, promotion of hateful themes, and intimidation of those with opposing views.

Epic is working together with many game developers and other partners to build what we believe will be a healthier and more competitive multi-store world for the future. We remain fully committed, and we will steadfastly support our partners throughout these challenges. Many thanks to all of you that continue to promote and advocate for healthy, truthful discussion about the games business and stand up to all manners of abuse.

I can only hope that the collective hatred thrown at the developers doesn’t have some kind of long-lasting emotional impact on them. To be publicly and privately harassed due to a decision that is by all accounts a smart move for them is nothing short of a nightmare.

Last Updated: August 6, 2019


  1. Admiral Chief Umbra

    August 6, 2019 at 15:03

    The butthurt folk should read the Critical Hit Comment Policy


  2. MaSeKind

    August 6, 2019 at 15:18

    Well if they didn’t write such a childish, sarcastic post about the whole thing in the first place they wouldn’t have been attacked. If you play with the lion’s balls you can’t complain if it bites you.

    Also I saw some of the replies this dude made to very reasonable comments and he was a real jerk. So its a case of them baiting idiots on the internet and also them being idiots themselves for doing it. Seems like these people deserve one another.


    • Original Heretic

      August 6, 2019 at 15:18

      Considering the reactions we have seen from other games that have gone exclusive to ES, I honestly doubt that their post caused the reaction.
      It didn’t help, but they very likely would have gotten hate mail anyway.


      • MaSeKind

        August 6, 2019 at 15:18

        Well most of use would probably not even have heard of them if they didn’t write that blog post. It’s not like they are on Borderlands 3 level. If they just came out and said we are going Epic because it’ll help us financially some people might have complained but not on this level.

        Did you read their post? It’s basically going come at us internet. And like I said they were idiots for writing the post the way they did. Don’t have much sympathy for people who dig their own graves


        • Original Heretic

          August 6, 2019 at 15:30

          The post really doesn’t come across as an intent to antagonise, IMO. Pretty much what Raptor said in this comment section
          But I guess people these days just look for excuses to get offended.


          • Yahtzee

            August 6, 2019 at 15:30

            You read all that?

          • Yahtzee

            August 6, 2019 at 15:30

            I should probably point out I mean the wall raptor wrote…again xD

          • Original Heretic

            August 6, 2019 at 15:44

            Of course I read it all.
            Didn’t you?
            How is one supposed to make proper, informed decisions if you don’t take in as much information as possible?

          • Yahtzee

            August 6, 2019 at 15:45

            I really did try to read it all… but I spent some of the morning discussing it with Raps, so I kinda knew he had a pre written book ready to go because we knew this article was coming sometime today 😛

          • Admiral Chief Umbra

            August 6, 2019 at 15:45

            Stop being such a DDooS

          • Admiral Chief Umbra

            August 6, 2019 at 15:45

            Stop being such a DDooS

          • Original Heretic

            August 6, 2019 at 15:45

            He writes the type of responses/posts that I would if I had the time to do so!

          • Original Heretic

            August 6, 2019 at 15:45

            He writes the type of responses/posts that I would if I had the time to do so!

          • Yahtzee

            August 6, 2019 at 15:45

            I really did try to read it all… but I spent some of the morning discussing it with Raps, so I kinda knew he had a pre written book ready to go because we knew this article was coming sometime today 😛

          • Dresden

            August 6, 2019 at 15:45

            Yes , but he’s DDOS’ing us with information.

          • Raptor Rants

            August 6, 2019 at 15:45

            Hey now! XD

          • Yahtzee

            August 6, 2019 at 15:45

            ^ this

          • Yahtzee

            August 6, 2019 at 15:45

            ^ this

          • Raptor Rants

            August 6, 2019 at 15:45

            Hey now! XD

          • Yahtzee

            August 6, 2019 at 15:45

            I would put this up for comment of the week, unless you get robbed like Admiral.

          • Yahtzee

            August 6, 2019 at 15:45

            I would put this up for comment of the week, unless you get robbed like Admiral.

          • Admiral Chief Umbra

            August 6, 2019 at 15:45

            Rapts using DDoS v7 script

          • Admiral Chief Umbra

            August 6, 2019 at 15:45

            Rapts using DDoS v7 script

  3. Jacques Van Zyl

    August 6, 2019 at 15:18

    The way Epic does business is scummy, but people going off at a small studio for choosing the best long term plan is scummier. FFS, it’s a temporary deal only.

    Or if you refuse to use anything but Steam, there’s this nifty feature that allows you to launch non-Steam games on the platform – use it!


  4. Original Heretic

    August 6, 2019 at 15:18

    It is my sincere hope that anyone and everyone who sends these game studios threatening messages and hate mail, I honestly sincerely hope that they develop rectal cramps so bad that cannot sit properly, stand properly, shit properly.
    Then they will know what true butt-hurt is.


  5. Yahtzee

    August 6, 2019 at 15:18

    Yes there is nothing wrong with an Indie dev making a deal to secure his hard work will bare fruit. Even if that means signing with Epic.

    But releasing a sarcastic and condescending statement directed at your fans was purely baiting for trouble. And now that the people took that bait and gave you trouble, you can’t go crying to the media about how entitled and ugly gamers are.


    • Gr8_Balls_o_Fire

      August 6, 2019 at 15:18

      I saw nothing wrong with their statement. I saw it as nice and light-hearted, just like the game.


      • Yahtzee

        August 6, 2019 at 15:29

        It could very well have been just that, but it was a gamble and it was ultimately what sparked this crazy thing.


        • Gr8_Balls_o_Fire

          August 6, 2019 at 15:29

          Guess people have no sense of humour these days.. Not all humour can be executed perfectly. Sometimes jokes come out badly. Especially those that are text, which is open to interpretation.


          • Original Heretic

            August 6, 2019 at 15:30

            Tone in humour is EXTREMELY important.

          • Yahtzee

            August 6, 2019 at 15:30

            Indeed, as we have seen in this comment section before just how bad a joke can turn sometimes when it’s misinterpreted.

            I spent most morning sifting through multiple articles about this and found most just leave out the whole reason why this started, it was the sarcasm in the statement. But they would rather focus on it being hate on Epic an the entitlement of gamers and that in turn just fueled the fire more. Good thing the 30-50 feral hogs took some of the fuel away this morning.

    • MaSeKind

      August 6, 2019 at 15:29

      I’ve got a suspicion they wrote it like that on purpose. Knowing it’ll kick of a huge uproar and start trending. I’m sure none of us would even have heard of them if it wasn’t for this


      • Yahtzee

        August 6, 2019 at 15:29

        I have not heard about it, I got home yesterday and fired up a Jim video and found out about all this bruhaha.


  6. Mistake Not...

    August 6, 2019 at 15:30

    So they took Epic’s deal. Fine, they were trying to secure funding so that all of their hard work wasn’t for nothing, and many people would have already been unreasonably angry over this. Their announcement came across as condescending, but let’s assume that was unintentional.

    But when many of their supporters, who actually funded the game’s development, made reasonable arguments against doing this (for example, not being able to actually buy the game from Epic), the developers decided to burn bridges and essentially mock anyone who disagrees with them. None of the Patreon pledge levels actually gives you the game, so even if you supported them throughout development, if you happen to be in a poorer country, or in a country whose currency isn’t accepted by Epic, you’re screwed and the devs don’t give a damn.

    (I’m of course not defending the threatening emails.)


    • Raptor Rants

      August 6, 2019 at 15:44

      This is the one thing that I’ve been wondering about. The funding part.

      Many folk funded it over on Patreon and have spent significant amounts on it.

      Should they get a copy of the game? Part of me says they absolutely should. Another part of me however, the part that I use when I consider what happens if I spend money with no guarentee of return, wonders why you would support the devs while there is no guarentee.

      What would happen if the game went belly up before launch? Those who backed would still lose money?

      Part of me just simply feels that the argument of “I sponsored and should get the game” simply because it’s now Epic exclusive makes no sense, because the risk was present right from the start anyway.

      Not defending devs either here. It’s still something they seriously have to consider (Especially since they are getting financial backing from Epic Now). I reckon there should be some reward for backers. But again, the inherent risk was there to start that you could have backed and lost money.


      • Mistake Not...

        August 6, 2019 at 15:45

        Yeah, fair point. Everyone backed it knowing that it didn’t include the game, so in the end they aren’t really entitled to it. Then again, everyone backed it assuming that if it does get released, it would be readily available. By taking a deal which essentially locks supporters out AFTER they’ve backed the development is a bad move.

        This deal, I think, is the kind of thing you should discuss with your supporters beforehand, because they are essentially paying your salary. You can still take the deal if it’s in your best interests, but at the very least you should try to help the people who are negatively affected by it, instead of just calling them all ‘toxic gamers’.


      • Admiral Chief Umbra

        August 6, 2019 at 15:45

        It is like gambling and moaning at the casino because you lost


        • Yahtzee

          August 6, 2019 at 15:45

          Oh…I read that with a total different meaning to the word moan… carry on


        • Yahtzee

          August 6, 2019 at 15:45

          Oh…I read that with a total different meaning to the word moan… carry on


          • Admiral Chief Umbra

            August 6, 2019 at 15:45

            Minder stoute videos vir jou!

          • Admiral Chief Umbra

            August 6, 2019 at 15:45

            Minder stoute videos vir jou!

          • Yahtzee

            August 6, 2019 at 15:45

            Internet made me this way, i apologise for nothing

          • Yahtzee

            August 6, 2019 at 15:45

            Internet made me this way, i apologise for nothing

      • Admiral Chief Umbra

        August 6, 2019 at 15:45

        It is like gambling and moaning at the casino because you lost


      • Mistake Not...

        August 6, 2019 at 15:45

        Yeah, fair point. Everyone backed it knowing that it didn’t include the game, so in the end they aren’t really entitled to it. Then again, everyone backed it assuming that if it does get released, it would be readily available. By taking a deal which essentially locks supporters out AFTER they’ve backed the development is a bad move.

        This deal, I think, is the kind of thing you should discuss with your supporters beforehand, because they are essentially paying your salary. You can still take the deal if it’s in your best interests, but at the very least you should try to help the people who are negatively affected by it, instead of just calling them all ‘toxic gamers’.


        • Raptor Rants

          August 6, 2019 at 15:45

          Absolutely, there’s no real clear cut answer here. There’s so many things to consider. But the arguments seem that it simply goes around exchange rate. The game is still available, just not in your local currency. Backing doesn’t guarentee that it will launch at a local price either. Is that really the same as locking a person out?

          HOWEVER, if there are backers that have now been actually locked out, as in the country legally doesn’t allow Epic Store purchases… Now there I think a plan needs to be made.


          • Admiral Chief Umbra

            August 6, 2019 at 15:45

            Valid point (region locking)

          • Mistake Not...

            August 6, 2019 at 15:59

            Yeah, I don’t think anyone is actually locked out. But one backer in particular who’s from Malaysia is unable to buy the game due to the exchange rate. Steam’s regional pricing would have solved this.

          • Raptor Rants

            August 6, 2019 at 15:59

            I saw the Malaysia one. And then the copy/paste response from hours later on a response to another post….

            It really sucks to hear that story. It really does, and I think it would be good on the devs to make a plan for the guy. Life sucks and a bit of love and hope goes a long way. But again, he was backing in dollars without guarantee.

            A wiser choice would have been to save those $20 and then $10 monthly payments for when the game launched and buy it and still have money left over. That would have been the wise move to make.

            I’m not saying tough luck – I’m not heartless and if I was the dev I’d have made a plan for the guy. But one really should seriously consider where and how you spend money and on what. All those dollars for the funding could have gone to getting the game and then some. Or in to the game and then still having savings left for schooling items or whatever the case may be.

  7. Llama In The Rift

    August 6, 2019 at 15:30

  8. Alien Emperor Trevor

    August 6, 2019 at 15:45

    This whole situation would make for a great episode of Jackass because everyone just comes off as stupid while hurting themselves.


  9. HvR

    August 6, 2019 at 16:13

    Feels that Bard’s article leaves out a lot of the background info….. in short Glumbersland initial announcement taking into account the tone and snubbing of their initial supporters, Epic reaction to that announcement, overreaction by people on both announcements:


  10. Juan

    August 6, 2019 at 16:56

    you forgot about the part where they announced the deal via a mocking blog post, and then in a discord discussion blamed the people who supported them from the beginning for not being happy about it


  11. Gr8_Balls_o_Fire

    August 6, 2019 at 15:18

    Ah… Modern day entitlement… So much drama, so much hate, negativity, energy spent, over a videogame. Wow


  12. Raptor Rants

    August 6, 2019 at 15:18

    Ok, elephant in the room: Never make your customers feel bad or like they are the problem (Even if they are) as they are your business’s success factor.

    That being said. If I read this, as an outsider who didn’t follow this game while being backed etc. I just see a cringeworthy sarcastic/satirical post that doesn’t aim to attack anyone. To me it seems like they are trying to lighten the mood of the announcement with comedy.

    Sure the comedy came across very poorly and was, in all honesty, done in a little bit of poor taste, but I don’t think their intent was to attack the fans at all.

    HOnestly, it would have been best had they made the announcement, let people get upset (Because upset is the standard mode of the internet anyway) and then deal with the worries and point out that the innitial buy in from Epic helps ensure the game can be fully developed etc. Without the attempt at comedy.

    Professionalism folks. Always be professional with things like this. Comedy may seem like it could lighten the mood but unless you are a) known for being comedic b) a well known comedian; you should really just stick to professional PR.

    edit: They would have received hate for going exclusive either way and it’s best to allow a space to make fans feel like you listened, considered and then responded rather than trying to get ahead of it and allow no space for a response. You play your hand too early and you will be eaten alive on the internet


    • Yahtzee

      August 6, 2019 at 15:30

      The illusive rare 8th Harry Potter book!


      • Raptor Rants

        August 6, 2019 at 15:44

        Hahaha. That’s a new one. Nice! Thanks 🙂


        • Yahtzee

          August 6, 2019 at 15:44



  13. Alien Emperor Trevor

    August 6, 2019 at 15:45

    This whole situation would make for a great episode of Jackass because everyone just comes off as stupid while hurting themselves.


    • Admiral Chief Umbra

      August 6, 2019 at 15:45



    • Admiral Chief Umbra

      August 6, 2019 at 15:45



      • Alien Emperor Trevor

        August 6, 2019 at 15:45

        *piss off


        • Admiral Chief Umbra

          August 6, 2019 at 15:45

          Is that the command to make pee stop?


        • Admiral Chief Umbra

          August 6, 2019 at 15:45

          Is that the command to make pee stop?


      • Alien Emperor Trevor

        August 6, 2019 at 15:45

        *piss off


  14. HvR

    August 6, 2019 at 16:13

    Feels that Bard’s article leaves out a lot of the background info….. in short Glumbersland initial announcement taking into account the tone and snubbing of their initial supporters, Epic reaction to that announcement, overreaction by people on both announcements:


  15. Guz

    August 6, 2019 at 16:29

    yo but people can get worked up about anything(myself included)


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